Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 180 - The Battle of the Sky

Yun Hao is not someone who doesn't trust Lou Gao's recommendation, but there are indeed some processes they can't complete.

Lou Gao knew very well himself, he believed in Yun Hao.

Being able to design such a precise, complex and practical fixed installation soul guide fully demonstrated his ability.

I have seen more advanced artwork for the soul guide, but I couldn't recognize it without Yun Hao explaining it.

"The fixed Soul Guidance Device is a secret of the Spirit Hall. You'd better keep your mouth under control. Although I know that you have already chosen the Hall of Souls, I still have to say the same." Yun Hao is very Said seriously.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry, our mouth is very strict, and we will never use it out to talk nonsense."

"Please rest assured, His Majesty the Pope and His Royal Highness the Son!"

Lou Gao and others gave their promises.

Yun Hao didn't embarrass them anymore, it was important to do business.

In order to speed up the progress, Bibi Dong deliberately set aside a huge space for Yun Hao.

In addition to those from the Blacksmiths Association, the elite blacksmiths of Wuhun Hall also joined them.

Some of them were selected from the army to help with some rough work and carry some heavier materials.

Under Yun Hao's meticulous arrangement, all this was proceeding in an orderly manner.

The production process of the basic fixed-mounted soul guide is simple and quick in comparison. Under Yun Hao's guidance, it took three months to build a large number of sophisticated basic fixed-mounted soul guides.

There are five thousand of each, which Bibi Dong has put into the arsenal for future use in the Great War.

This problem was solved, and Yun Hao also started to build some relatively high-level fixed-mounted soul guides.

However, the Heaven Dou Empire at this time was not peaceful at all.

The Emperor Xue Ye of the Tiandou Empire suddenly died suddenly, but the succession to the throne fell into the hands of the prince Xue Qinghe of the Empire.

However, Prince Xue Xing urged his officials to resolutely oppose the succession by Xue Qinghe.

At the critical moment, the four princes who had been secretly assisting Xue Qinghe suddenly lost their whereabouts.

Qian Renxue's plan was severely affected as a result.

In front of the hall.

Prince Xue Xing came fiercely and urged the princes and officials to oppose Xue Qinghe's succession.

"Everyone, the throne of our Heaven Dou Empire must not fall into this person's hands"

Today includes Ning Fengzhi, the lord of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Sect, as well as the small soul master families that support the Heaven Dou imperial family, including two town titled Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Sect, Chenxin Sword Douluo and Gu Rong Bone Douluo!

"I am the prince of the Tiandou Empire, I should succeed in order. Uncle, are you going to rebel?" Xue Qinghe stood above the hall, staring sharply at the Prince Xuexing below.

"Huh! Prince?" Prince Xue Xing seemed to have thought of something, "If you are the prince, Xue Beng should be here at this time, dare you ask the Xue Beng people?"

"The fourth brother usually stays with you, uncle. You should ask yourself about this?"

"Oh, yes, in fact Xue Beng has been detained by the Spirit Hall last time when he went to envoy, so the so-called Fourth Prince Xue Beng who came back is a fake."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Xueqinghan is panicked, but the surface is still very calm

He never thought that Prince Xue Xing would know this.

The key he said how did you know?

"Are you puzzled, why would I know?"

"What does this have to do with me, I am a prince, do I need your royal family's approval to succeed?"

"Prince Xuexing, what do you mean by this?"

"Yes, His Royal Highness is the eldest son, why are you opposed to his succession?"

Some people started talking, some people doubted.

But today's protagonist is still Xue Qinghe, and Prince Xue Xing has invited all the members of the Qibao Glazed Glass Sect, and he must have come prepared.

"At this point, let me tell you the truth. This so-called prince is not actually the prince himself, but the spy who is lurking in the Spirit Hall of my Heaven Dou!" Prince Xue Xing pointed to Xue Qinghe and said loudly.

"what did you say?"

"Impossible, who else would he be if he is not his Royal Highness?"

"Yes, there is something wrong with your words"

"Whether it is your Royal Highness, please let me test it out."

When Prince Xue Xing stepped forward, purple arcs suddenly appeared on his body.

The next second, a foreign object condensed by purple electric light appeared on the main hall.

It was a guy who looked a lot like a mink and looked very spiritual.

At the same time, Prince Xue Xing appeared with nine best spirit ring combinations.


"Prince Xue Xing, you guy is hidden deep enough, you are actually a soul master, and you are still a titled Douluo?"

"I heard that there is a strong man hidden in the royal house before, but I didn't expect it to be you?"

"What martial soul is this?"

For a while, the whole hall began to agitate.

Xue Qinghe's eyes widened when he saw that Wuhun.

He forced himself to remain calm, and he had reached this point, and he could not reveal anything.

Unless he really grasps his own handle, he is just testing.

"My martial soul is purple electric colored glaze, with strong perception ability, you may not know what this martial soul means, but I want to tell you, even if you pretend to resemble you, the smell on your body cannot be imitated. Because you don't have the breath of a prince at all!"

Prince Xue Xing was actually a nine-ring titled Douluo.

There are three titled Douluo above this hall, and gathering three titled Douluo at once will definitely not give Xue Qinghe a chance.

"It seems that Xue Beng has been dealt with by them," Xue Qinghe secretly said in his heart.

But today, you must get rid of the predicament first, and absolutely cannot fall into their hands. Otherwise, the Heaven Dou Empire will have the conditions and qualifications to negotiate.

"It turns out that this person has been lurking in the empire, and the Spirit Hall is really vicious."

"Zidian Liuli, I didn't expect the Heaven Dou imperial family, and such a peculiar Martial Spirit, we really miscalculated"

At this time, Xue Qinghe did not perform anymore.

He completely tore the human skin mask open, revealing the beautiful face inside, so many men were crazy about it, and many eyes fell directly on her.

"You may not have heard of the Purple Lightning Glazed Glass Sect, because this is a very old clan and is inseparable from my Heavenly Dou royal family, but now I don't need to tell you in detail, you first care about your situation!" Xue Xing As if holding the winning ticket, her eyes were full of joking at Qian Renxue.

"Oh, situation?" Qian Renxue smiled, "I have been able to hide in your Heaven Dou for so many years, so naturally there is a way to leave. Do you think that only three Title Douluo can keep me?"

"I knew you would be against your Majesty, I should expose you sooner, and it won't lead to the bleak ending now."

Xue Xing was very guilty.

"Only you know what you are thinking, but now I should tell you that Heaven Dou will be conquered by my Spirit Hall sooner or later!"

"Joke, no matter how strong your Spirit Hall is, can you still dare to fight the world?"

"Well, you are right, because the Spirit Hall has such strength!"

"Not out yet!!!"

Qian Renxue gave an order, and the three figures passed through the hall like lightning and came to Qian Renxue.

"Little Lord!"

Two of the three wore black battle robes, and one wore a golden battle robes. He was the Demon Bear Douluo who intercepted Sword Douluo Chenxin.

"It's you?" Chen Xin's face immediately became hideous when she saw Demon Bear Douluo's first glance.

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