Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 181-The Plan Fails

The enmity of that day is unforgettable.

Since they are here today, I will definitely not let them leave so easily.

"Sword Dao Chenxin, long time no see, I will escort the young master to leave today. Those who dare to stop, die!"

Demon Bear Douluo's lofty aura is the aura that the Wuhun Palace should have.

"I'm here, and I want to leave so easily, the Spirit Hall really didn't put my Heaven Dou in his eyes?" Prince Xue Xing said angrily.

"You guys, quickly mobilize the empire's forces, today I want to make them hard to escape!"

"I want to go, I'm afraid no one can keep it."

"Snake spears, porcupines, you two will contain them, I will send the young master away first!"

Devil Bear Douluo instructed the two Title Douluo beside him.

They were also ordinary elders from the Palace of the Elders, all possessing a level close to that of a Super Douluo, and they were powerful.

Apart from Jian Douluo Chenxin reached Super Douluo, Gu Rong and Prince Xue Xing did not.

Devil Bear Douluo needed to protect Qian Renxue's safety while coping with Chenxin.

The Spirit Hall also planted a lot of power inside the empire, and things were revealed. For a while, the entire Tiandou Capital City became a chaotic battlefield.

Qian Renxue's current strength was unable to participate in the title battle, and under the cover of Demon Bear Douluo, she left the hall.

Chen Xin had been putting pressure on Demon Bear Douluo, successfully covering Qian Renxue to a safe place, and then let it go.

Jian Douluo Chenxin was severely injured by the four major consecrations of the Wuhun Hall because of his old wounds, but he has not yet healed.

This time it was not only to stop the conspiracy of the Spirit Hall, but also to revenge.

The Wuhun Palace did not compromise its means for its purpose, I am afraid that the prince and the fourth prince of the empire were already dead.

The Great Xueye was also killed by Qian Renxue, using such cruel methods to successfully rule the Heaven Dou Empire.

"Seven Kills True Body!"

The Seven Kill Swords are all sharp.

The human and the sword are united, pressing against the Demon Bear Douluo with a force of overwhelming force.

Demon Bear Douluo did not flinch in the slightest, using Demon Bear's real body, abruptly resisted Chenxin's sword, but it was just some furry injuries.

"Chen Xin, your strength has regressed. It seems that you can't keep me today!"

"The Spirit Hall is despicable and shameless, what else can't you do?"

"It's not tired of deceit. If you want to complete the great cause of dominating the world as soon as possible, how can you surrender without any means?"

Demon Bear Douluo's belief is the Hall of Spirits, so the head of the Hall of Spirits is used to look, and everything is for the Hall of Spirits.

Chen Xin hated the Wuhun Temple.

His own sect was also annihilated by the Wuhun Palace, and he would never forget this hatred.

If there is no real revenge, I can't forget it.

Stimulated by Demon Bear Douluo's words, Chen Xin rushed into his heart with anger, causing old wounds, and the sword intent of the Seven Kills Sword shook.

This time, Chen Xin was not the opponent of Devil Bear Douluo.

However, on the other side, Snake Lance Douluo and Pork Dolphin Douluo faced Bone Douluo and Purple Electric Douluo not as easily as Devil Bear Douluo.

Bone Douluo's martial soul is known as the strongest defense, and its attack strength is also sufficient.

However, the martial soul Zidian Liuli, who is Prince Xue Xing, possesses extremely fast attack speed and explosive power, and Snake Lance Douluo and Siberian Dolphin Douluo have not been able to obtain the dominant power for a while.

"Purple Electric Field -"

Prince Xue Xing screamed.

The violent purple electric fire bloomed instantly, forming a special purple space.

"In my purple electric field, your body will be greatly paralyzed, and the martial arts power will be suppressed by half. See how you are still our two opponents?"

Domain abilities are not necessarily owned by Title Douluo. Among the six Title Douluo present, only Chenxin and Prince Xuexing have domain abilities, not even the Seven Devil Bears.

But Chen Xin couldn't use his seven kills domain now, because the power was no longer enough to support him to use it, and most of the power must be consumed to protect the heart, lest the old wounds affect the body.

"The Hall of Martial Soul is really shameful, since you think you are very powerful, why not fight head-on, but play this kind of indiscriminate means?" Chen Xin said unconvincedly.

"If you can avoid self-damaging power and you can control your opponent, isn't it a very meaningful thing?"

"Huh, despicable!"

"I can't talk about despicableness, but you are too stupid!"

The power of the Spirit Hall lurking in the Heaven Dou Empire is still somewhat huge.

After Qian Renxue successfully played the prince Xue Qinghe, she continued to replace many of the elites from the Wuhun Temple to enter the Heaven Dou Empire.

Suddenly taking advantage of the situation to launch a trouble now will also cause a big blow to the Heaven Dou Empire.

When everyone was fighting fiercely, Qian Renxue was not in love with the battle, but fled all the way away from Tiandou Capital.

The plan failed, which was unexpected.

Yun Hao said to her at the beginning that as long as you act cautiously and never do it in advance as a last resort, there should be no problem.

It's just that Yun Hao missed the point of Prince Xue Xing.

Few people seemed to know that Prince Xue Xing was Title Douluo.

I am afraid that in the entire imperial house, only the deceased Emperor Xueye knows...

"Damn, this Xue Xing is really difficult to deal with. He has been helping Xue Beng and Xue Qinghe fight for succession to the throne since long ago, but he didn't expect him to have such strength..."

Came to a clear river.

Qian Renxue washed her face with cold water with an annoying look.

Looking at the reflection in the water, I suddenly felt funny.

The stated plan is foolproof, but it is still a mistake.

"Even if the Heaven Dou Empire has one more Title Douluo, how can it be equal to my Spirit Hall?"

"Even though they are strong and powerful, they are still far behind the Soul Master Legion..."

There must be a battle between Wuhun Palace and Tiandou Empire, which is inevitable.

"It seems that we still have to use real strength to conquer them, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect cannot escape this disaster..."

An hour later, Demon Bear Douluo came to Qian Renxue with two Title Douluo, the Snake Spear and the Swordfish.

After all, they are three titled Douluo powerhouses, and with the power of the Spirit Hall as a cover, it is still very difficult for the opponent to keep them.

Chen Xin is already hurt, Bone Douluo and Purple Electric Douluo are not yet Devil Bear Douluo's opponents...

"Young Master, as long as you are safe and sound, I will wait for you to come and meet you in the Great Entrepreneurship. Although the plan failed, this time it still severely damaged the Heaven Dou imperial family. No matter how unconvinced, they dare not directly ask Wuhun. The palace launched an attack." Demon Bear Douluo said.

"This is not true. After all, they have long been unable to sit still. They just lack the reason to send troops. With their millions of troops, they must think that we have a great advantage. We still have to take precautions..."

"The Son of God has already prepared the weapons to deal with the empire's army. Even if the Heaven Dou Empire does come, we will not be afraid of them."

"Holy Son?" Qian Renxue's brain circuit turned for a while, "It seems that he really sat on it, did Grandpa say nothing?"

Qian Renxue had heard the news that Yun Hao was sitting on the seat of the saint son, but she was in the Tiandou imperial family and had to be cautious, so she didn't pay too much attention to this matter.

"There is no indication of the great worship, but the ability of the Saint Child is obvious to all, and it is worthy of the position of the Saint Child!" In fact, Mo Xiong Douluo admired Yun Hao at first sight, so until he led the academy to easily win After winning the championship, he chose to support his son.

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