Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 185-The Devil

But this involved another Mieluo Temple, and Yun Hao always felt that something was wrong.

The appearance of the purple electric colored glaze was also the force that Tian Dou had hidden by the Wuhun Palace, which was forced out by mistakes.

"Heaven Dou hides such a power, which fully shows that they are still ambitious..." Yun Hao said.

"But if the Spirit Hall is to be the king of this world, there will be no power to stop it, even if it is purple electric colored glaze, if you dare to stop it, you can make them completely disappear in this world!"

Demon Bear Douluo didn't have a clear and detailed statement about the purple electric colored glaze martial arts. Perhaps he himself hadn't touched the doorway and couldn't see the way of the martial arts.

Killing out at this time, how to fight Ruyi Abacus still depends on whether he has that ability.

"After I have dealt with the Clear Sky School, I can begin to conquer the two empires!"

Yun Hao is confident in his plan.

Sooner or later, Tian Dou and Xing Luo would also launch an offensive against the Spirit Hall. When the two generations of empires attacked the Spirit Hall, they would still lose a lot of power.

It is better to start first to avoid more self-damage and consumption.

Bibi Dong always believed in Yun Hao, and agreed:

"Your arrangement is that if you need the strength of the elders of the Elder Palace, you can just tell me directly."

Bibi Dong cannot mobilize the Seven Great Enshrines, but she still has the right to speak at the ordinary elder level.

Devil Bear Douluo understood Bibi Dong's meaning.

The worship elders are all headed by the big worship, even if he has chosen to support the pope, he dare not stand on the side.

Qian Daoliu's current deterrence in Wuhun Palace was still quite sufficient, and Bibi Dong didn't dare to easily provoke him.

Even if the conflicts are extremely deep, they cannot be directly moved to the table.

Of course, with Bibi Dong's words, Yun Hao felt more relieved.

At this stage, I still need to improve my cultivation as soon as possible.

After leaving the Pope's Palace, Yun Hao told Qian Renxue his thoughts.

Knowing that she can condense soul cores, Qian Renxue was still very happy.

She was looking forward to what her soul core would look like.

Resolutely agreed to go to the Star Dou Great Forest with Yun Hao and Gu Yuena, this time Yun Hao only took Gu Yuena and Qian Renxue.

Yun Hao also wanted to help Hu Liena also condense the soul core, but her situation still needs to reach the soul sage, and now she cannot condense the soul core.

When I find a way to help her improve her cultivation, it will definitely help her.

Didn't Bibi Dong also break through to the 96th level after taking the 9th grade Ganoderma lucidum!

Having reached the Super Douluo, it can also increase to a level close to two in a short period of time, and none of the fairy products collected in the eyes of the ice and fire can do it.


The huge body of Tyrannosaurus ran quickly on the ground.

With every step, the earth trembles violently.

Yun Hao, Gu Yuena, and Qian Renxue sat on top of the Tyrannosaurus Beast, very relaxed.

"Haohao, you haven't introduced this to me... are you...?" Qian Renxue looked at Gu Yuena and asked Yun Hao.

"Xuexue, her name is Gu Yuena, you can call her Xiaona, she is also a member of my spirit hall, and you should get along well in the future!"

Listening to Yun Hao's explanation, Qian Renxue took a closer look at Gu Yuena.

Gu Yuena is still very cold, she is always so quiet and has nothing to say when there is no topic she cares about.

"This time gathering the soul core, she also needs her help, so you still have to thank her!" Yun Hao added, taking a peek at Gu Yuena's reaction by the way.

These two girls are not easy to provoke, you must take care of both.

Man, difficult!

Gu Yuena knew that Yun Hao also liked the young master of the Martial Soul Palace in front of him, so she glanced at Qian Renxue and said:

"Haohao often mentions you, and I have always wanted to see you, the young master of Wuhun Palace, who is truly beautiful and beautiful!"

The words were not hostile, but Gu Yuena had such a cold personality.

Qian Renxue smiled slightly and said:

"My name is Qian Renxue, you can call me Xiaoxue, we will be friends from now on!"

She stretched out her hand and behaved very friendly.

Of course, when she heard Gu Yuena say "Hao Hao", she felt that something was wrong, but since Yun Hao and her were friends and would trust her, she would also accept this friend.

Although Gu Yuena felt a little disgusted in her heart, she still stretched out her hand in view of Yun Hao's face:

"My name is Gu Yuena, I am glad to meet you!"

"Xiao Na joined the Martial Soul Palace, is it because she likes Haohao?" Qian Renxue suddenly asked such a speechless topic.


Yun Hao was about to throw up immediately!

Xuexue, your question is too terrible, right?

Both are graceful and moonlike, Qian Renxue is noble and elegant, Gu Yuena is shy in coldness, but both are prey at the top of the pyramid among the beauties, Yun Hao suddenly feels very happy.

Gu Yuena smiled forcefully and replied:

"Haohao is a very special person, don't I have the right to appreciate and like him?"

"Of course not. Our family, Haohao, is inherently talented. There are a lot of girls who admire him!"

Qian Renxue quickly took Yun Hao's arm and said with a smile.

"This is also one of the most important things I like about him, um... I think you think so too..."

Gu Yuena also gently took Yun Hao's other arm.

Wrapped in the middle by the two goddesses so loving, Yun Hao suddenly felt that he was going to be so beautiful to fly, and he couldn't stop the car in his heart.

"Ahem... Well, Xuexue, Xiaona, you guys have to get along well in the future, don't cause me trouble!" Yun Hao forcefully kept his mind calm, and said in a decent way.

The two goddesses moved closer together.

"Haohao, don't worry, Xiaoxue and I will get along well!"

"Yes, I think Xiaona is pretty good. In the future, everyone will be a family, so we must live in harmony."

One...a family?

Yun Hao's forehead suddenly couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the two of them.

Before the change, Yun Hao would definitely have a nosebleed happily.

But now, he needs to keep his mind balanced and calm at all times, and he must not get confused.

"By the way, Haohao, why do we gather soul cores and need Xiaona to help us?" Qian Renxue asked suddenly.


Yun Hao glanced at Gu Yuena, wondering how to explain this matter.

Soon, he still had an idea.

"Xuexue, Xiaona's identity is very special. I will tell you when I have the opportunity in the future..."

"Anyway, you just need to know that there is her in the deepest part of the Star Dou Great Forest where we can freely enter and exit!"

"Is Cortana so good?"

On the surface, Qian Renxue was speculating on Gu Yuena's identity.

The Star Dou Forest is the territory of the soul beasts, and those who live in the depths of the forest are the absolute overlords among the soul beasts. Can this not stop her?

Could it be that her strength is stronger than those soul beast overlords, but there is no such young and powerful human soul master as her?

Qian Renxue had never seen Gu Yuena show her strength, let alone her martial soul Silver Dragon Spear, and even the power like the Silver Dragon King.

However, Qian Renxue still failed to guess Gu Yuena's true identity.

"Xuexue, don't tell you about Xiaona, let alone tell your grandpa. Of course, at this stage, do you understand what I'm talking about?"

Yun Hao urged.

"Why can't you tell me Grandpa?"

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