Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 186-Soul Core Sharing Sacred Soul Core

Qian Daoliu is the most powerful person in the entire Wuhun Hall, and Qian Renxue respects him.

In addition to her grandfather, it is also the most powerful existence in the Wuhun Palace.

Therefore, Qian Renxue has taken Qian Daoliu as her goal since she was a child, and she must be as strong as her grandfather someday.

And Qian Renxue believed her grandfather Qian Daoliu very much, and Yun Hao guessed that if she didn't say that, Qian Daoliu would definitely know about this as long as she went back this time.

But the relationship between herself and Qian Renxue is not what it used to be, as long as she reminds her, she won't say it.

"Xiaona's identity is very special. I will tell you in the future. Of course, this is also directly related to the future of Wuhun Palace."

Qian Renxue already trusts herself quite a bit, and now she will consider the interests of Wuhun Palace more clearly.

"Hmm..." Qian Renxue really thought about it as Yunhao expected, "Well then, I won't tell Grandpa for the time being, anyway, as long as everything is beneficial to the Martial Soul Palace, there is no problem!"

"If there was a chance, let you choose between Wuhundian and me, how would you choose?" Yun Hao asked this question very seriously, just to see how Qian Renxue would choose.

"I... why would you ask such a question..."

Qian Renxue was very entangled, she couldn't give a reply immediately because she had no choice at all.

Wuhundian was the place where she was born and nurtured, and Yun Hao was the man she loved the most. Choosing either party meant giving up the other, and she couldn't accept it at all.

"Hahaha, I'm making you anxious, I'm teasing you!" Yun Hao gently scratched the bridge of Qianrenxue's nose with his fingers, looking very loving.

"Huh, you are too bad, you always give me problems!"

"I didn't want to see how important I am in your heart!"


Gu Yuena forced herself into the play, and without warning, the two of them would kiss.

"That Xiaona, I'm sorry, I... I just..."

"Okay, let's talk about the business. What kind of spiritual materials you need will be picked later by yourself. Whether it can condense the soul core depends on your own!"

The soul core uses its own martial spirit energy to condense, and no one else can really help.

But Gu Yuena didn't know that Yun Hao and Qian Renxue were very special examples.

According to Yun Hao's instructions, the Tyrannosaurus entered the Star Dou Forest.

He entered the forest core area without stopping all the way, and came to the scope of the lake of life.

Today, I did not see the Titan Great Ape and the Sky Blue Bull Python, but took the Tyrannosaurus back and took Qian Renxue to the spiritual field specially planted by Gu Yuena.

Lingtian covers an area of ​​about four hundred square meters and is planted with various strange spiritual materials.

When Qian Renxue approached, she could feel the strong energy induction from the spiritual material.

"These spiritual materials are no less than 200,000 years old, which is very helpful for us to condense the soul core!"

Yun Hao explained to Qian Renxue while searching for suitable spiritual materials in the Lingtian.

Qian Renxue was also interested in these spiritual materials, but she wanted to know what mysterious identity Gu Yuena was...

"My second soul core is the sacred soul core. I think with the power of our Hao Xue, it should condense faster!"

"However, your soul core depends on the situation..."

"Holy soul core?" Qian Renxue was puzzled.

"Soul cores are also divided into levels. My first soul core is a light soul core, condensing light and enhancing light attributes, and this second sacred soul core must reach the same level as the light soul core before I can refine them. Turning into yin and yang dual nuclei, I will condense and operate my soul power dozens of times more than now!"

"so smart?"

"Of course, a soul master who can condense soul cores can definitely become a legendary character in this world!"

The luminous and sacred dual soul cores, as long as there are no accidents, Yun Hao believes that there is no problem in condensing the dual cores of Yin and Yang.

"Your soul core is of higher quality than mine. Once you reach the Yin and Yang dual core, you can catch up with my other one..." Gu Yuena was surprised that Yun Hao was the first human being to condense a soul core. , Actually the quality of the soul core would be so high, it was not like the situation where the soul core was condensed for the first time, the key was that he was still a human.

Qian Renxue still couldn't understand the hidden communication between the two.

However, Yun Hao knew very well that what Gu Yuena was talking about was the silver dragon core unique to the silver dragon king, which was the soul core second only to the god core.

Only those with the purest dragon blood can condense the dragon core owners, including the missing nine sons of the dragon.

And Dragon God possesses the strongest soul core at present, the god core!

After all the spiritual materials were found, Yun Hao was about to prepare to condense the soul core with Qian Renxue.

Yun Hao had to start condensing his sacred soul core first, and he was also supposed to give Qian Renxue a demonstration first.

This time, Haoxue's power was needed.

The two were facing each other, sitting cross-legged, holding hands crossed.

Their eyes communicate with each other at this moment.

"Xuexue, are you ready?" Yun Hao asked with a smile.

"Well, I'm ready!"

"Then I will come, use your consciousness to pay attention to the whole process of my soul core gathering!"


Slowly closing his eyes, Yun Hao and Qian Renxue each operated their soul power.

They are in touch with each other, and they have a good heart!

The energies of the Emperor Guangming and Seraphim blended with each other and turned into the power of Haoxue!

Yun Hao used his consciousness to control the Golden Emperor Fentianyan to refine the spiritual materials, suck the energy into his body, and then begin to condense the energy of the martial soul.

Qian Renxue clearly perceives every change in Yun Hao's body through spiritual sharing, including the flow and cohesion of Wuhun energy.

The martial arts of the Emperor Guangming and the martial arts of the Seraphim bloom at the same time, and the light and the sacred fireworks complement each other.

The golden thread appeared faster than before, and soon wrapped the two of them.

"What kind of strange cultivation method is this?" Gu Yuena frowned when she saw a golden egg is slowly forming.

When the golden eggs completely concealed Yun Hao and Qian Renxue, Gu Yuena felt another bright spot.

Yun Hao used Haoxue's power to help condense the sacred soul core, which was indeed faster and smoother than the first time the light soul core was condensed.

It's just... he has a new sense!

"Xuexue, do you feel it?" Yun Hao used his spiritual consciousness to communicate with Qian Renxue.

"Well, I feel it, my martial soul is undergoing strange changes..."

"It shouldn't be, the first time you condensed soul cores, did this happen?"

"what's the situation?"

"Soul core sharing!"

"Soul core sharing?"

It was another unfamiliar word, and Qian Renxue naturally didn't understand the truth.

"While I condense the sacred soul core, I can sense that your body is condensing the same soul core as mine and is completely synchronized. This is the soul core sharing..."

Yun Hao was also surprised.

Could this be because the power of Haoxue was at work, and the relationship between God Emperor of Light and Seraphim was also unusual.

If this is the case, can it be possible to refine the Yin and Yang dual core?


Vaguely, Yun Hao could hear some strange knocking sound in his ear.

It was Gu Yuena who was tapping the golden eggshell with her hand, her ears from time to time close to listen to the movement inside.

Unfortunately, there was no movement inside.

Only a steady stream of heat was radiating from the golden egg, and the light and sacred breath radiated on the surface of the golden egg.

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