Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 208-The Devil

Existence like him, it is the legend of the mainland, which is respected and believed by all soul masters. Which of the three peerless powerhouses has not experienced many trials and experiences before standing on the top of the world?

However, what Qian Renxue focused on now was not Tang Chen's identity as one of the three peerless Douluo, but what Yun Hao would do next.

It can be said to be even more difficult to convince Tang Chen.

He is the founder of Clear Sky School, and he has high hopes for Clear Sky School. It is not so easy for Clear Sky School to submit to the Spirit Hall.

Yun Hao chuckled and said, "Senior, you still remember what I said in the Slaughter City before, we came here to find a sword!"

Tang Chen quickly remembered what Yunhao said that day and said:

"What you are looking for is the Asura Sacred Sword, I don't think I guessed wrong, but..."

"But you don't know, why am I looking for the Asura Sacred Sword?"


Yun Hao continued: "Looking for a sword is naturally to find someone, and the only people in the world who can control the Asura Sacred Sword are seniors, so you understand!"

Tang Chen had failed the examination. He could not become a sage of Shura, only the remaining sacred power of Shura in his body allowed him to use the sacred sword of Shura.

And if you want to become a god, only...

"You guys are looking for me...oh no, I think you should be here instead of Wuhun Hall?" Tang Chen said.

"Destroying the Slaughter City was originally a question that the Spirit Hall was thinking about, but I am curious, how do you know that the Slaughter King is me?"

Few people in the world knew about the Asura God King assessment. Tang Chen wondered why Yun Hao and Qian Renxue knew.

Yun Hao said: "We came to see seniors, naturally there are important things, and we need to talk to you face to face, this can fully demonstrate the sincerity of my Spirit Hall."

Even if the current Sect Master of the Clear Sky Sect is Tang Xiao, the Clear Sky Sect really has the power to make decisions. Tang Chen can only convince Tang Chen that the entire Clear Sky Sect can truly surrender.

Although Tang Chen had left the Vast Sky Sect for many years, the inside of the Sect still maintained the most respectful attitude towards this Vast Sky ancestor.

The reason why Tang Chen didn't pay attention to the big and small things in the sect for so long was entirely because of personal reasons, it should be because of Bo Saixi, Yun Hao knew.

Tang Chen frowned when he heard this, as if vaguely guessed something, "The Spirit Hall is able to find me with great effort, I think it's not that simple, let's just say, is it related to my Clear Sky School?"

Except for the Zongmen, Tang Chen really couldn't think of other things that could make Wuhundian so concerned.

The training resources Wuhun Temple has everything, the Soul Master Power Wuhun Temple is second to none in the entire continent, the only thing worthy of attention for so many years is the Wuhun Temple's ambition to unify the mainland.

Yun Hao said: "Senior is worthy of being one of the three peerless Douluo. You are right. We are here to discuss whether the Clear Sky School can surrender to my Spirit Hall."


As soon as Yun Hao finished speaking, he heard Tang Chen roar in anger.

"Oh? The predecessor answered so simply, without asking me the conditions?"

Tang Chen's anger burned in his heart, "No matter what the conditions are, I will not agree to it. Even if the fellow Qian Daoliu comes, you still have to respect me a bit. You two younger generations dare to pretend that this is beyond my bottom line. Thing?"

Yun Hao was not in a hurry, and then said, "Senior, you have already lost, so am I qualified to negotiate with you on the same position?"

"Even so, it won't work. I once told Qian Daoliu that the Clear Sky School is my bottom line. Even if I can't resist the future forces of the Spirit Hall, I will never bow to the Spirit Hall even if I die!"

As expected of Haotian Douluo, the arrogance of not fearing the world was still in his bones, and Yun Hao also admired it very much.

As the most powerful existence of the Clear Sky School, his words can change many things in the sect, and Yun Hao is also waiting for those words.

But I will not give up in any case, "Senior should think about the overall situation, not for the so-called self-esteem, so that innocent people who support the Clear Sky School are also implicated."

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, how dare you!"

"Then what you said makes me have to make a choice. If the spirit hall's wishes are violated, will the spirit hall aggressively attack my Clear Sky School and those who support it tomorrow?"

"Well... Seniors joked, Wuhun Palace has never given enough opportunities and sufficient conditions!"

After several tentative questions, Yun Hao answered one by one, but Tang Chen was suddenly silent.

The young man in front of him was very unusual. He had the original ambitions of Qian Daoliu, more basic strength, and more fortitude and absolute confidence.

He didn't say it, but he could see it in his eyes.

Tang Chen was carrying the killing field, his eyes were full of murderous aura, but he still couldn't shock him...

"Although Wuhundian needs surrender, but I also feel that there will be no absolute force. This world should be ruled by a powerful party to avoid innocent casualties and the smoke of war. Can you say that Wuhundian has ambition, then Do the Heaven Dou Empire and the Xing Luo Empire have no ambitions? The ruler of one side must have ambitions. They also want to get the support of the major sects. They can’t rely on the Spirit Hall, and because of the Spirit Hall. With a big black hat on top, since the world is unfair, you can only use your strength to conquer this world. I know you really expect the Clear Sky School to be more brilliant, and you also know your other worries. I only need a word from you today. I can help you achieve it all, how?"

Yun Hao's determination and attitude that should be shown have been shown, and he has said everything that should be said. As for the conditions, it depends on whether Tang Chen has a chance to get it.

The choice is still up to him, and Yun Hao does not force him to make a choice.

Qian Renxue listened quietly and did not disturb the negotiation between Yun Hao and Tang Chen.

Hu Liena sensed that the aftermath of the battle had subsided, and just rushed over.

When she saw Tang Chen, it was difficult to connect with that Slaughter King again. This was also the first time she saw Tang Chen.

Tang Chen asked suddenly: "Propose your terms!"

Yun Hao smiled with satisfaction, and said: "The Haotian Sect is to sincerely surrender to my Soul Hall, so that he can get the highest honor and protection from the Soul Hall. The upcoming battle of the Empire, if the Haotian Sect does not If you are willing to fight, don’t stand on the opposite side of the Spirit Hall. This is our bottom line. Of course, we will not restrict your freedom and choice..."

"In addition, I can help you complete the hundred-level barrier that you have been unable to break through, and help you become a god. This is my condition and has nothing to do with Wuhun Hall!"

Tang Chen said in horror: "What, can you help me break through the hundred-level mark, are you true?"

Sure enough, when Yun Hao proposed this condition, Tang Chen was so excited.

Qian Renxue and Hu Liena saw the desire to become a god on his face, which was very strong, just as strong as Wuhundian's desire to unify the mainland.

Yun Hao replied: "I, Yun Hao, always speak for words. I really don't take the little things like becoming a god into my eyes, so now you have a choice, Senior!"

"Little things? You said being a god is actually a little thing?"

Yun Hao's words made Tang Chen a little bit unbelievable. Someone dared to say such self-righteous words to describe that becoming a god as a trivial matter, seeing him for the first time in his life.

Yun Hao didn't speak, he, like Qian Renxue and Hu Liena, was waiting for Tang Chen to make the final choice.

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