Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 209 - Swordsmanship

Yun Hao's own approach was fairly fair, he didn't make a choice for the other party, and gave him enough conditions to give him the decision-making power completely.

This is not enforced forcibly. If you still choose to stand on the opposite side of the Spirit Hall, it is naturally good. The Spirit Hall will use your strength to beat him until he is convinced.

Tang Chen is also thinking about this question, how to choose...

Just surrender to the Martial Soul Palace, everything else is as usual, and you can get great benefits.

The road to becoming a god has always been something that I have been pursuing all my life. I have to make a promise for the one I love.

But now it has failed and can no longer continue the road of inheritance.

However, there is another choice in front of myself...

"Haohao, you said... would he agree?" Hu Liena lowered her voice and asked.

"He has the right to choose whether to agree or disagree. In fact, the result is nothing to us. At most, it will be a battle!"

Wuhundian was not afraid of any opponents, so no matter what answer Tang Chen gave was not important.

The Spirit Hall now had enough power to face any force, even if they were added together, they couldn't stop the power of the Spirit Hall.

The Soul Master Legion, coupled with the fixed Soul Guidance Device, can be invincible on the battlefield, and ordinary soldiers cannot resist it.

No matter how huge the Million Lion Legion of the Heaven Dou Empire is, given enough time for the Spirit Hall, it can also be wiped out.

As for the Star Luo Empire and those small countries, don't even care, and those big sects have their own support forces, but they will also have other ideas if they weigh the pros and cons.

Tang Chen thought several times, but couldn't make up his mind.

Because he thought of Bossie, of the person he had promised.

If you easily surrender to the Wuhun Palace, will you be spurned by her, will you be scolded by cowards?

But if you don’t do this, you won’t have the chance to cross the final mark, you won’t be able to fulfill your promise, and you won’t have the face to meet her...

Before and after comparison, Tang Chen would rather fulfill his promise to her, even if he was cast aside by the world?

And sooner or later, the Wuhun Temple will fulfill its long-cherished wish to unify the mainland, and be able to cultivate such a heavenly prodigy, as well as a inheritor of the gods, and a strange young man who can't even see through himself. Whether it is his wisdom or aptitude, it is definitely Unparalleled.

Surrendering to the Wuhun Palace is not a sign of weakness. No matter how you think about it from any angle, it seems that even surrender will not suffer.

Becoming a god is something that you must accomplish, no matter how much you pay.So even if the entire Clear Sky Sect was softened to the Spirit Hall, it was nothing.

"Senior, have you thought about it?" Yun Hao asked patiently.

Tang Chen coughed lightly, "Are you sure you can help me complete the hundred-level mark, and you didn't kid me?"

He wanted to make sure, and to be completely sure that this was true, becoming a god is really important to him.

Yun Hao said firmly: "I'm sure!"

Tang Chen continued to ask: "What is the success rate?"

Yun Hao said, "Ten%, 100%!"

Tang Chen said, "So confident?"

Yun Hao said: "I am so confident!"

On Yun Hao's face, Tang Chen didn't see any artificial expressions, let alone think he was lying to convince himself.

This article is by no means simple, speaking so calmly and calmly, and well-founded, seems to be more difficult for people to understand than Qian Daoliu.

Having been trapped in the Killing Capital for so many years, the outside world has truly undergone earth-shaking changes. Such a talented back made Tang Chen sigh that he is really old.

But the determination is still there, and there is still a heart not to admit defeat.

"Senior know the god of angels, right?" Yun Hao asked.

"Of course I know that it was Qian Daoliu who was selected by the god of angels at the beginning, and the Wuhun Hall had a god inheritor."

Yun Hao looked at Qian Renxue and said, "But now, she is the inheritor of the Angel God!"

"Has Qian Daoliu failed?"

"Yes, he became the guardian of the angelic god heritage."

"Like me, none of us can really break through ourselves and complete the 100-level mark. It seems that he is not much better than me..."

"As long as I am willing, I can help her complete the examination of the Angel God in the fastest time. She is now a Level 95 Super Douluo. In my opinion, it is not that far away to break through the level 100!"

Yun Hao said vowedly.

"It's the first time I met. Someone said that becoming a god is so simple. You are really interesting."

"Senior joked, I just mastered a method that you don't know. The distance between level 95 and level 100 is only level five. I know that each level of cultivation is as difficult as reaching a titled Douluo, but I have mastered the method to make up for this limitation, so I don’t find it difficult. As long as you agree to my conditions, I can naturally help you complete it."

Tang Chen suddenly said, "Okay, I promise you, I hope you can fulfill your promise!"

Yun Hao said: "Be refreshed! The seniors are quick to talk, and the juniors admire me. I will say my words and I will definitely help you fulfill your promise."

Tang Chen finally compromised with the Wuhun Palace. This was not because of weakness and incompetence, but because he had deeper considerations.

"In fact, in a sense, Clear Sky School is also considered an ally of the Spirit Hall. Of course, the Spirit Hall will not treat its ally."

Qian Renxue and Hu Liena still hadn't reacted, they were still thinking that this thing would be done so easily, which was a bit unreal.

In their imagination, this peerless Douluo would defend his dignity to the death, even if he died in battle, he would not choose to surrender, and the Clear Sky School was destined to be wiped out by the Spirit Hall on the battlefield.

However, the fact is just the opposite, Tang Chen actually chose to compromise.

Tang Chen's eyes flashed, and he took out a small golden hammer with some patterns engraved on it, but although the small hammer was not the size of a palm, its appearance was no different from that of Clear Sky Hammer.

He handed the little golden hammer to Yun Hao and explained:

"This is the Haotian Order, only this piece, I took it away when I left the sect, and did not wear it to the sect master, thinking that one day I might go back... Now that this decision is made, then this Haotianling will be handed over to you!"

Yun Hao said: "Senior awakened from his deep sleep and saw this sky again. I think I still have my own business to do. I will wait for you in the Hall of Souls. By then, Hall of Souls will rule the mainland. Day is when you become a god!"

Tang Chen said happily: "Okay! I hope you don't break your promise, I believe your words."

Yun Hao put the Haotian order away, and Tang Chen was about to leave, but Yun Hao stopped him.

"Senior, I still have something to ask for, can I?"

Tang Chen hesitated: "What else?"

Yun Hao said: "Please also hand me the Asura Sacred Sword. You are no longer the inheritor of the Asura God. This Asura Sacred Sword should be taken over by a new inheritor."

Only with the approval of the Asura Sacred Sword, can he inherit the godship of the Asura God King. Tang Chen didn't know what Yun Hao was going to do.

Qian Renxue asked, "Hao, do you want to inherit the Asura God's position?"

Not only Qian Renxue, Hu Liena and Tang Chen were also surprised.

Tang Chen felt it even more incredible. Others are the inheritors of the gods. When they arrive at Yunhao, they still choose the gods themselves. Isn't this troublesome?

Is becoming a god really so casual?

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