Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 214 - The Devil

The horn of the war has been sounded, and the war has begun.

Both sides did not act immediately, both were discussing how to adjust the situation.

Of course, the Hall of Souls seemed very relaxed, because they had more than one killer, and Yun Hao had made sufficient preparations and preparations for the coming of this battle, so the Hall of Souls would definitely win this battle.

Not just Tian Dou and Xing Luo, Wuhun Palace is to be the absolute ruler of this world.

Standing on the top of the tower, Dugu Bo did not decide to take action. He just stayed behind the tower. As long as someone attacked Jialing Pass, he would naturally take action. It was not very good to fight head-on. He used to be considered a guest of the Heaven Dou Empire.

There are still a few title powers on the Tiandou local side, and Dugu Bo can feel it.

The two members of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Sect, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo are all present, including Haotian Douluo Tang Hao, plus Prince Xuexing, there are a total of four titled powerhouses, sword Douluo Chenxin's cultivation base It even reached the ninety-fifth level, and Tang Hao also reached the ninety-eighth peak, confronting head-on, and to be honest, the titled powerhouse of the Spirit Hall seemed to be really unable to beat the opponent.

But the strong will always observe the form of the battle and come out last.

Under the leadership of Prince Xue Xing, the Heaven Dou army had already prepared everything in order, depending on when it would attack Jialing Pass.

Coming with the army were the Grand Marshal of the Empire, Marshal Ge Long, the city of the Nine-Fated Dragon, the first man in the empire, and the commander-in-chief of a million army.

Ge Long wears a bright silver armor from the sky and holds the three-pronged helmet in his arms. He is over fifty years old for a soul master. He is obviously quite extraordinary to reach the level of a soul master at this age. After all, Not many people can reach the Contra at a young age like Hu Liena and others, and there are only a handful of people who can reach the Super Douluo like Yun Hao and Qian Renxue at such a young age. Naturally, this is also indispensable. Yun Hao's own efforts and wisdom.

Everyone gathered in a camp to discuss the next war.

"Prince Qizou. At present, our army is marching normally. According to the report from the scout, the Wuhundian has responded and is gathering the army in front of Jialing Pass." A 50-year-old general sitting in the lower position stood up and said .While speaking, he glanced at the strong men present, and his eyes were somewhat admired.Obviously for these people, he has absolute respect in his heart.

Hearing this person's report, everyone's heart suddenly felt that Wuhundian had actually reacted, so this will be a fierce battle, so everyone must work hard to prevent a sneak attack.Although from the perspective of military power, the Tiandou Empire possesses a million troops completely above the Spirit Hall, but in terms of actual combat power, it cannot be compared with the Spirit Hall. The power of the soul master is naturally not to be ignored. .From the eyes of Prince Xue Xing looking at Ge Long, he could find that the prince relied heavily on this Marshal Ge Long.And this battle will definitely devote 100% of everyone's energy to deal with it.Jiangsu Literature Net

Tang Hao, Flanders, Yu Xiaogang, including Tang San, Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong, Oscar and others, all listened quietly to the discussions of the veterans. After all, it was necessary to discuss the experience on the battlefield. Tang San himself I also felt unable to compare with a strong like Marshal Ge Long.

"Prince Xue Xing, according to our analysis and calculations of those treasonous to the country, although the Wuhun Temple has gathered more than ten kingdoms and principalities, there are also many soul master families, including the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family and the next four capitals. The total number of soldiers who were gathered by it, but could actually be sent to the battlefield, does not exceed 600,000. This should be that they have enough confidence to contend with our army of one million. At present, our army and the Star Luo Empire army are attacking from north to south, they can Only about 300,000 troops faced us, less than one-third of our army. Before Jialing Pass, the terrain was flat, although Wuhun Hall had already seized this plain not long ago. But facing our army Attacking, they will never fight our army in the plains, they will retreat to Jialing Pass and defend with natural dangers. As long as we mobilize their soul master army to participate in the battle, although we have a million soldiers, it is difficult to break through the enemy's defensive line. It's harder, but Wuhun Palace doesn't seem to be too aggressive. We have more time to discuss tactics."

Ge Long was full of vigor and grandeur. Sitting a little further away, he could feel the temperament radiating from him. Even Haotian Douluo Tang Hao had a good impression of this person.

"Jialing Pass is located in the center of the Tianling Mountain Range. It is a battleground for military strategists. There are many men in the pass, and they are invincible. If we want to make a difference in this war, we must break this. Guan Fang is OK, but the other party knows this, so he will definitely send a strong guard. If he can't force the soul master army in the Wuhun Temple head-on, he can only find a way to attack Jialing Pass directly."

Some generals immediately analyzed and said, and everyone nodded in agreement.

The generals present have followed Marshal Ge Long for a long time on the battlefield, so the blood and momentum that soldiers should have are in their bones.

The generals all expressed their thoughts. Marshal Ge Long listened calmly and nodded in satisfaction.

After everyone had published his thoughts, he decided to talk about his thoughts, "Actually, Jialing Pass is located in the Tianling Mountains. I have considered putting out a certain amount of military power to bypass the Tianling Mountains..."

Marshal Ge Long was very calm, but his tone was very passionate and bold. "But the feasibility is very low. Not to mention that the army needs to travel for many days before it is possible to bypass the Tianling Mountains. Once we want to bypass this mountain, we It is necessary to enter the hinterland of Wuhun Hall. The terrain is mostly hills, valleys, and basins. It is very unfavorable for our army to fight. On the contrary, it will be more dangerous. Moreover, there is the possibility of being blocked by the enemy. And after Jialing Pass , On the other hand, is a long and narrow plain of Pingchuan, which can go directly into the territory of the original Barak Kingdom. It can even go straight to Huanglong. Therefore, I think it is imperative to break the Jialing Pass. Facing the strong in the Wuhun Temple You can resist Tian Dou. Only by attacking from here can we get the most benefit. It is the best policy to attack and retreat. It is the best policy. I wonder what the prince and you think?"

After hearing Marshal Ge Long's words, the important generals of the Heaven Dou Empire nodded one after another, agreeing with him.

A veteran who was about seventy years old on the right immediately stood up and said: "Marshal Ge Long said that there are plains before and after Jialing Pass. If we can attack, we will be able to fully use the power of the army. If the enemy cannot be attacked, the large plain behind is also suitable for our army to retreat. At the same time, on the plain, there are three main cities of our empire watching and helping. I dare not chase it directly. This is a very good way."

Prince Xue Xing nodded and said, "In this case, we proceeded according to the original plan. However, since we can think of attacking Jialing Pass, Wuhun Hall can naturally also be imagined. Jialing Pass has a steep terrain and is built against a mountain with high walls. One hundred meters, one hundred meters thick, facing the army of Wuhun Palace, everyone must be cautious and not find any flaws for the other party."

Marshal Ge Long went on to say: "His Royal Highness, we are going to fight the attrition war with Wuhun Palace. We are strong and powerful, and the number is several times that of them. With the hidden weapon of Tang Sect, we will definitely catch them by surprise."

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