Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 215-Fighting Tang Sect Hidden Weapon VS Wuhun Fixed Soul Guidance Device

Although the Spirit Hall has greatly surpassed the Heaven Dou Empire in spirit masters’ power, it is when the soul masters will always consume a lot of them, use their quantitative advantages to continuously consume them, and then find the most suitable time to defeat them in one fell swoop. It is the most advantageous tactic.

The Heaven Dou Empire had taken all possible problems into consideration, and it was also psychologically prepared before the war.

With the help of Zhu Qiang and Xingluo Empire, the army is strong, so why can't he destroy his Wuhun Palace?

This time everyone had a clear plan, and they didn't believe they couldn't win.

Tang San stood up at this moment, "The number of hidden weapons in Tang Sect is limited, so we must warn everyone that we can't use them at will before we are absolutely sure. After all, we want to hit the Martial Soul Palace by surprise, so we can't easily expose it. "

"In addition, my Tang family army can't lead the battle. We must find the weak points of the opponent's army before we can play, so we still have to wait and see the changes!"

Hearing Tang San's suggestion, the veterans on the battlefield were also very surprised. They could have such a mind at a young age, and they deserved to be the son of Vast Sky Douluo.

"It's a pity that I can't really join the Haotian School. I'm really sorry for not being able to convince them!" Tang Hao said.

Tang San also felt it was a pity, "The Clear Sky School only agreed to provide me with the materials for the Tang Sect to build hidden weapons, but he resolutely refused to join the battle, because they said the Clear Sky Order did not appear and the Zong Sect could not easily make such a big decision."

"Haotian Ling?"

Tang Hao said, "The Haotian Order was with my grandfather Tang Chen, and he didn't pass it to the Sect Master when he left, so there is no way.

Haotian Ling was Haotianzong's greatest secret, and was taken away by Tang Chen.

However, they would never have thought that Zhu Zhuqing was now heading to the Clear Sky School with the Haotian Order.

Tang Hao didn't even think that his grandfather had compromised with Wuhun Palace.

"Don't worry, as long as we give us enough time to find the weak link in the Spirit Hall and find opportunities to break through. With my dad and all the strong, the other party can deal with it even if they have a few more titled strong. "

After all, after all, they still can't go to the battlefield in the first time, the spirit hall is extremely meticulous, so they must not make any big mistakes that might give the spirit hall a chance.

At this point in time, neither the Heaven Dou Empire side nor the Wuhun Palace side had any actions.

On the second day, when the first rays of dawn shone on the land, the Heaven Dou Empire army sent out 100,000 to wait for it, ready to go, ready to attack.However, the Wuhun Palace only sent five thousand sacred dragon spirit master legions and fifteen thousand iron armored guards, which combined were no more than 20,000, but they had the courage and momentum to fight against a hundred thousand army.

"My sacred dragon legion is above the strength level of the soul emperor, and Tian Dou actually only sent one hundred thousand. It is too small for us, and they will know that it is amazing in a while!" said an elder of the spirit hall calmly.

Dugu Bo looked at the Tiandou army that was approaching from a distance, still feeling a little sad, "According to the plan, I will stay at Jialing Pass, and the Angel Army will be temporarily dispatched by me."

"That's fine. It's normal that you don't want to confront them head-on. Since the Pope has agreed to do so, we naturally won't have any opinions."

The three elders dispatched by the Wuhun Hall were all dressed in white clothes with gold threads woven with patterns and laces unique to the Wuhun Hall. They flew up and headed towards the sky above Jialing Pass.

The higher you stand, the farther you see!

They wanted to see which powerhouses on the Tiandou side had joined. In order to prevent them from suddenly attacking Jialing Pass, this was bound to be considered, otherwise the opponent would catch the gap and the damage would only be their own.March Chinese

The Sacred Dragon Legion and the Iron Armored Guards separated the stages, heading to the 100,000 army of Heaven Dou, with extraordinary momentum, and did not show any fear or retreat because of the inferior number of people.

The powerhouses on both sides did not make the first move, they were all watching the changes.

In this first confrontation, I obviously wanted to test my opponent and see what was special tactically.

The one who led the 100,000 Heaven Dou army was Grand Marshal Ge Long, and with the Heaven Dou army there were thousands of soul master teams. These were the soul masters who supported the Heaven Dou Empire, including the Tang Sect and the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect. Yes, the Seven Treasure Glass Sect is naturally responsible for providing strong back-up assistance and support to the army.

"No, there is only this point in the Spirit Hall, are they absolutely sure?" Tang San saw the army from the Spirit Hall, feeling a little inexplicable panic in his heart.

"What weapons are they holding in the army?" Tang Hao hesitated.

Tang San said, "Dad, is there any special discovery?"

Tang Hao said: "On those weapons, there are very strong spirit power fluctuations, which is not simple."

"Soul power fluctuations? Is it a special soul guide?"

Tang San said that he was puzzled, not only him, but the powerful men also behaved a little confused.

Accompanied by the deafening clanging sound, a large humming sounded at the same time, and tens of thousands of arrows and crossbows flew from the sky in black. It was also the first time on the battlefield that the Zhuge God Crossbow’s killing arrow was opened, and the heavenly fighting force Shocked hugely.

On the side of Wuhun Hall, the soldiers who were charging and engulfing in front were directly shot and killed by the powerful penetrating power of Zhuge Divine Crossbow.

The black crossbow arrows formed a dense phantom in the air, and the army on the horse and the ground separately used the Zhuge God Crossbow in their hands to outline a glorious death.

But the Spirit Hall was not ready to launch a blood attack, and the auxiliary healing spirit masters from the rear quickly followed up, recovering as much as possible for their soldiers.

But looking at the right time, in order to make Wuhun Palace directly suffer a major loss, Tang San ordered more than 12,000 Tang Jiajun to attack from the side.

Blocked in the forefront, the sturdy Elephant Sect and Holy Dragon Soul masters can no longer cover the rear soul masters. The agile attack type soul masters who wander on both sides are also exposed to the Tangmen Litang Hall Master Titan and In front of the Zhuge god crossbow released by the thousand Tang family soldiers led by Niu Gao, the master of Midang Hall, these were hidden weapons of the Tang Sect that the Tang Sect spent a lot of money to build.

With more than 12,000 soldiers from the Tang Family Army, everyone's Zhuge God Crossbow spewed out 16 crossbow arrows with iron spirit arrows. What a situation was that scene.The nearly 200,000 crossbow arrows were like a black cloud appearing on the ground, spreading to the front of the Holy Dragon Legion in an instant, knocking down a large area of ​​the soldiers in front of the Spirit Hall.

However, just when they believed that the victory was in their hands, the iron armored guards in front of them retreated directly, and the support from the rear of the Holy Dragon Army directly stepped forward.

One by one he took out a handful of fixed soul guides, which were Gatling machine guns, specially made by Yun Hao to deal with the Zhuge god crossbow.

"Da da da da!"

The power of the Gatling machine gun was more than dozens of times more powerful than that of the Zhuge God Crossbow. Those Tang family troops were directly swept into a sieve, even Tang Menmintang's soul masters could not escape, and they were all shot.

But this is not over yet. Behind the Dragon Soul Master Legion of the Wuhun Hall, dozens of cannons were erected, and dozens of giant artillery shells were fired, which directly caused the Tiandou party to be miserable. The corpses were flying all over the sky in just a few minutes. In time, the hundreds of thousands of troops sent by Tian Dou and Tang Sect and many other spirit masters directly killed and injured more than two-thirds.

Even the powerhouses on the Tiandou side were dumbfounded.

This is the power of the fixed installation soul guide, completely crushing the Tang Sect hidden weapon.

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