Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 251-The Star Spirit Plane

It's been a long time since I stayed with Yun Hao quietly and at ease. There were always various reasons and excuses before, just because of the worry in my heart.

But even if he is really three wives and four concubines like those emperors, his position in his heart is still the only one, the most special.

The original power of the Star Dragon King Dragon Soul poured into the Golden Dragon Wings like a flash flood, Yun Hao didn't feel any swelling, but the rising energy of the Golden Dragon Wings made him feel more and more powerful.

The Golden Dragon God Wing represents the Dragon God. Yun Hao himself represents the light of coin throwing. There is no absolute light. Yun Hao doesn't know what chemical reaction will happen when the two are combined.

Just knowing through the system that if you want to become the leader of the gods, you must first obtain the power of the dragon god. At that time, Yun Hao is the twin god king and directly promoted to the realm of the god emperor.

The ruling and destruction of the God Realm is a breakthrough that has been immersed in the God Emperor Realm. It has not been known for many years, and has never been able to break through.

So Yun Hao was able to reach the realm of the god emperor so easily, luck really wasn't covered.

Thanks to the goddess of luck in her heart, she has always been there and brought unlimited luck to herself.

When the time for the origin of the star dragon king's dragon soul to be absorbed reached an hour, the body of the star dragon king began to shake slightly.

Losing the energy of the stars, the starlight also began to dim. Only the existence of the huge crystal ball can make this place continue to shine.

No matter what, it must be absorbed, it is impossible to leave a trace.

The star energy condensed in the origin of the star dragon king dragon soul is the purest star energy. It is refined from the dragon soul of the star dragon king itself. In fact, it also represents a part of the origin of the star dragon king dragon soul in general. It needs to be fully absorbed to fully integrate the origin of the Star Dragon King Dragon Soul into the Golden Dragon Divine Wing.

During this period, Yun Hao didn't do anything, and didn't think about anything, letting the golden dragon wings absorb the energy of the stars.

The time lasted until two and a half hours before the entire star energy of the origin of the star dragon king dragon soul was absorbed.

And just as Yun Hao had noticed, it was directly dim here, and it was so dark all around, there was no sight at all.

Boom boom boom~~~~

Losing the origin of the dragon soul, the bones of the star dragon king began to fall apart and collapse, and huge voices rang in the palace one after another, one after another.

Only a few subtle stars could be seen from the dome, Yun Hao used his divine power to let the light of the Golden Dragon Divine Wing shine here.

Qian Renxue walked towards him and took his hand, and the two of them disappeared in a flash.

The Abyss City is an abyss creature, and the whole is conceived from the abyss plane.

Yun Hao and Qian Renxue reached the outside directly from above, reaching the upper end of the Abyss City.

Looking down from a high place, the entire abyss city was completely black.

Looking at the starry sky in the four directions, with the naked eye, I really can't see the edge of the Abyss City.

"Okay, the origin of the Star Dragon King and Dragon Soul has been found, we should go to the next stop." Yun Hao said.

"Next stop?"

"Well, next stop."


"The Protoss Plane!"

"The Protoss Plane?"

Because some of the places where the Dragon King fell are on other planes, this does seem like a drudgery, but Qian Renxue does not feel tired, but feels very happy and happy to be able to travel the space of stars with Yun Hao. Face, living this two-person world.

"On the plane of the stars, there was once a god king who fell, do you want to know who it is?" Yun Hao asked Qian Renxue mysteriously.

"How do I know? I have never been." Qian Renxue said helplessly.

"That is a god king who sacrificed for love, called the god of love!"


Qian Renxue's mind was blank.

I have never heard of it. This is the first time I have heard Yun Hao talk about it.

But since he is a god who sacrificed for love, he must have a sad past.

Eros was once betrayed by his beloved, and fell on the plane of the celestial spirits, and turned into a special place. It is also the most magical universe in the three cornucopias.

However, if you want to be recognized by Qiankun Wenqinggu and get its hidden secrets, you must pass the test, and only lovers can carry out the test of Qiankun Wenqinggu. If they fail the test, then both of them will be punished and become Qiankun. Ask Qinggu's victims to bury each other.

Yun Hao also thought for a long time before deciding to try.

Collecting the origin of the dragon soul this time, you can also get some new power by the way, so that in the future, there will be more favorable factors against the God of War.

The status of the gods is too high now, and there are many powerful gods in it. In fact, the twelve most powerful god kings are the most difficult to deal with, especially the three peak god kings. Hao will not try it easily.


"Hey, I have finally reached the plane of the Star Spirit, but here is also an endless place, and it is really difficult to find the origin of the dragon soul."

Yun Hao and Qian Renxue shuttled out of a space door in the sky. Seeing the green scene below, they suddenly felt relieved.

"What dragon soul origin are you looking for this time?" Qian Renxue asked.

"The origin of the dragon soul of the Emerald Dragon King is the same as the god of love. After the fall, the origin of the dragon soul was scattered here, which is the plane of the celestial spirit."

It is also the first time for Yun Hao to come here. Although he knows some stories and information, he still has some headaches because he doesn't understand this place.

The two quickly came to the ground. There were towering trees everywhere, surrounded by green grass, and the breeze was blowing, with the fragrance of fragrant grass.

"Who is the ruler of the plane here?" Qian Renxue continued to ask.

"There is no plane ruler here. This is a place abandoned by the gods. The new plane was swept away from the god realm by the turbulence of time and space. It can be regarded as a part of the god world. It is reborn under the effect of the turbulence of time and space. The planes merged, and it became the plane of the protoss."

Yun Hao explained.

It is full of life everywhere, and it is really a good place to live.

And everywhere is full of the breath of life, birds and flowers, a piece of you peaceful and peaceful.

"Doesn't that just need to find the origin of the Emerald Dragon King Dragon Soul?"

"No, I want to do something else." Yun Hao said immediately.

"whats the matter?"

"I want to find the universe and ask Qinggu first, and then get the power sealed by the god of love here, how about it?" Although Yun Hao wanted to see it, he still wanted to ask Qian Renxue's opinion.

"Um..." Qian Renxue was silent for a while, but still smiled happily, "Okay, I am willing to find it with you."

What is the power sealed by Eros?Is it related to love?

This was the first question that Qian Renxue thought of, so she wanted to see it.

Nothing happened anyway, and it wasn't like being in the Abyss.

"That's really great, Xuexue, you are so good." Yun Hao smiled happily.

"You don't have any bad thoughts again, anyway, if you dare to mess around, I will be rude to you." Qian Renxue said immediately.

"We are both husband and wife. Why do you care about so many rules? Don't you want to sleep with me, then I will go to sleep with other women..." Yun Hao turned around and left , There was a bright smile on his face.

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