Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 252 - The Secret

"Why are you doing this?"

Annoyed by Yun Hao's cheeky, Qian Renxue hurriedly followed, hugged Yun Hao's waist, and was very reluctant to let go.

"That's right, you have to take the initiative to give your husband a hug. They are all married women, and care about those meaningless things, right..." Yun Hao stopped. Holding Qian Renxue's white and silky hands, the smile on her face has not disappeared.

The most important thing for a man to hold a woman's heart is to obey her.

Looking at the environment here, Qian Renxue felt like she had dreamed of it before, like in a dream, living in such a carefree place with her beloved.

Countless tall trees like giants are like the guardians of this place. Everywhere is full of vitality. The leaves are like pairs of warm palms, touching the world.

There is no war, and there is no so-called betrayal. Hidden in the quiet place of Xanadu, love is more like blossoming flowers of life, blooming in Qian Renxue's heart at this moment.

Uncontrollably embraced by Yun Hao in his heart, kissed by him, hugged tightly in his arms, unwilling to let go.

The spark of love blooms at this moment, the two are affectionate and sweet, and they feel that the whole world is envy and hate.

It took a long time for them to free themselves from each other's temperature effects and continue today's theme.

The special thing about the Protoss Plane is that it is more like a warm home, and every trace of energy in the air seems to tell a beautiful and moving story.

Yun Hao didn't remember to search for the origin of the Emerald Dragon King's Dragon Soul. He took Qian Renxue to find the treasured land of Fengshui for love, and asked Qiankun Qinggu.

This is not hide-and-seek, but a real place to find love.

I have been walking in the direction directly between Yun Hao and Qian Renxue, but I have seen some wonderful places, but it is not Qiankun asked Qinggu.

During the period, Yun Hao was still like the sky, looking at everything below, but he couldn't see where Qiankun Wenqing Valley was.

"I think there is still some special way, so finding it is not a way..." Yun Hao suddenly had an idea, which happened to be very different from the Abyss Plane.

"If you don't try divine sense induction, it might help." Qian Renxue suggested.

"I think so too. Maybe if we want to find the universe and ask Qinggu, we need to start from ourselves."

The two quickly released their spirits and explored here.

Unfortunately, there is no special place at all.

What will be the power of the God of Eros sealed in Qiankun Wenqing Valley?

Yun Hao also wants to know, but how can he find it?

The divine consciousness detection failed, maybe through smell, hearing, and sixth sense, we can try again.

Feel the flowers, the grass and the trees here, the flow of energy in the air, and everything here.

From it, the only thing that can be found is that the energy generally chooses a specific direction, as if it senses some special call, and then all goes there.

"How do you feel?" Qian Renxue asked.

"Maybe we feel the same, could the directional flow of energy be the answer?"

Qian Renxue and Yun Hao looked at each other, and saw the same guess as himself in his eyes.

Following this line of thought, he might be able to find the right direction. This Yun Hao naturally agrees.

Not much to say, the two quickly followed the sixth sense intuition.

Entering into a jungle, walk along the towering trees on the way without stopping.

And God seemed to know their inner request, and then they found the right direction.

Slowly, you can even smell a specific and comfortable faint fragrance, and within the range covered by the spiritual mind, you can actually feel it.Think twice

"You can't go wrong in this direction, go..."

Instead of continuing to search while sensing, but speeding up.

Walking through this dense forest, I saw a cliff.

At this time, the energy in the air can already be seen with the naked eye, and their ultimate direction is to overflow the cliff and float down.

Walking to the edge of the cliff and looking down, Yun Hao and Qian Renxue were shocked at the same time.

Although it is covered by clouds and mist, with their spiritual perception, you can also see the scene below. It is a huge lake, surrounded by mountains, and the water in the lake is crystal clear. The most peculiar thing is that the water is actually gold and silver. , There are still some golden and silver light gauze floating on the lake.

"Qing Kun asks Qinggu, it is true that Qian Kun asks Qinggu!" Yun Hao said happily.

Qiankun Wenqing Valley is a vast lake surrounded by mountains. What Yun Hao and Qian Renxue saw is the most authentic appearance of Qiankun Wenqing Valley.

In the core area of ​​the lake, in the middle of the lake, there is a round golden lake surface, and strong golden light spreads from above to the surroundings, enveloping it, as if it is exuding a warm sun.

And on the side of this golden lake, there is a silver crescent lake, nestling with the golden sun lake, looking like a perfect picture.

The entire lake is a combination of a golden sun and a silver moon, forming a strange and beautiful artistic conception.

"It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful, I've never seen such a beautiful place..." Qian Renxue sighed with emotion from the truest thoughts in her heart.

"This is the place where the god of love fell, and the lake is sealed with mysterious power. If we pass the test, we can get the power inside."

"Do you know what the test is?" Qian Renxue asked curiously.

"Of course I know that the test is our sincerity towards each other. If we pass it, I think it doesn't seem to be difficult for us, right?" Yun Hao looked at Qian Renxue's eyes with softness and love. Qian Renxue didn't avoid his gaze, she also looked at him sincerely and nodded slightly.

Qiankun asked Qinggumoto to test whether lovers are sincere to each other. This is the test question set by Eros for all lovers in the world. Once one is not sincere, then both parties will accept punishment. As for the meaning of punishment, you can only ask the lover. Yourself.


The two figures quickly passed over the cliff and came to the edge of the lake of gold and silver.

There is a strange flower growing around, the flower stems are crystal clear and bright, the petals and leaves are dazzling gold, and the stamens are also silver, and there are bursts of floral fragrance floating on it. It doesn't feel greasy at all, but it can be subconsciously felt Happiness.

This is the most true feeling in my heart, and that is the magic here.

"Are you ready?" Yun Hao asked.

"Hmm!" Qian Renxue replied softly.

"Follow my instructions and do it with me."

Yun Hao said.

The seal of Qiankun Wenqinggu is the condition to meet, which is to open the question of Eros!

But before that, the previous test must be completed, there are three levels in total.

"You go to the very center of the Silver Lake, and then you can't do anything, don't think about anything."

"it is good!"

According to Yun Hao's instructions, Qian Renxue's figure flashed to the center of the Silver Crescent Lake.

Yun Hao quickly followed and came to the center of the golden Lieyang Lake.

The two faced each other, their eyes meeting in the air.

"Follow me, pour your divine mind and power into the lake, don’t think about anything else..."

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