Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 283 - I will be the leader of the world

When Qian Renxue and Yun Hao merged their magical skills, the three great kings could not pose any threat to them, and they had to be led by the nose.

It's just that in this state, they are one to three. Although the number of people is disadvantageous, this does not mean that they cannot defeat the other party. As long as the other party does not have a special ability to eliminate the gods, then there is no problem.

"Unexpectedly the abilities of these two people are so tenacious?" Guangming was a little surprised.

"We are the three kings of the pinnacle together, so we are still at a disadvantage?"

He Yao, who was blown up by Lu Bingchen, just said goodbye casually and left.


A slightly fat hand slapped Lu Bingchen's shoulder, "I'm going, brother Dei, you are too courageous, dare to talk to the teacher like that?"

Walking up to him at this time, a relatively simple looking fat man with black glasses was his iron buddy Wang Sijie.

But Lu Bingchen didn't seem to care about Wang Sijie's words at all, he was thinking.

Wang Sijie bent down and was about to ask, Lu Bingchen stood up abruptly, "Fat man, I think I have found a different path in life, and I will definitely...toward glory!"

Lu Bingchen was very excited when he thought that he could build his perfect life with the help of the system.

Of course, you will encounter different choices in life, but every choice you make will present a different kind of wonderful life.

Lu Bingchen sat quietly in the classroom, and Liu Bixue, the head teacher, stood on the podium and talked with gusto.

Today is the last class meeting of my high school career.

Although Lu Bingchen is calm and calm on the surface, his heart is flustered, because everyone will encounter different life choices after today, and his own life seems to be a bit... "another way"!

Um, well, in fact, he is the only college entrance examination student in the class!

I took a look at the college entrance examination results in my hands:

Name: Lu Bingchen

Language: 60

Mathematics: 72

English: 59

Comprehensive Science: 169

Total score: 360

"Hee hee, failing English means I am patriotic!"

In fact, I am a scumbag, theoretically at least a great patriot!

"Ding! The system is loaded, please select the host!"

Just as his heart was dull and boring, a voice rang in his mind.

Lu Bingchen was taken aback!


"I have a hallucination?"

"Ding! Ask the host to choose!" Just when he was puzzled, the voice sounded again, and a special panel appeared in his mind.

[Option 1: Super Xueba System!

[Option 2: Super Cheat System!

[Option 3: Perfect Life System!

[Choice 4: Invincible scumbag system!

[Option 5: Give up choice!

Is it really a...system???????

Lu Bingchen revealed a big doubt.

Secretly glanced around, then pinched himself severely.


After confirming that he was not insane, nor did he have auditory hallucinations, the feeling of loss suddenly became excited.

With the system, isn’t this life just like opening and hanging, don’t all the protagonists have the system

God has eyes!God has eyes!

Without thinking about it, I immediately turned my thoughts to the system selection.

The Super Xueba system, the college entrance examination is over, this system is completely inconsistent with his current temperament.

Super Cheat System, it looks a little second, I don’t like it.

The invincible scumbag system, um... for a typical gentleman like me, choosing this kind of thing is too cheap.

The perfect life system, um... that's it!

Choose five to ignore it directly!

Lu Bingchen decisively chose the perfect life system.

Life will always encounter a variety of multiple choice questions, when you have made a choice, it means that the direction and outcome of life are different.

"Ding! The perfect life system has been selected successfully, and the system is being bound, please wait..."

"Ding! The Perfect Life system is successfully bound, please make the following choices for the host..."

[Choice 1: Become a god!up to date

[Option 2: Become a god of song!

[Option 3: Become the actor!

[Option 4: Become an e-sports male god!


[Option X: Give up choice!

"You have to have money first, then choose one!"

Lu Bingchen didn't think much about it and chose one directly.

"Ding! Congratulations on the successful host selection, the host information is being generated, please wait..."

"Ding! Host information is generated!"

Host: Lu Bingchen

Main System: Perfect Life System

Level: LV1 [Each level up can get super rewards and activate a new sub-system!

Experience value: 01000 [The corresponding experience value will be obtained every time the secondary system task is successful]

Sub system A: Shenhao system

God value: 0100

The current trigger task of the secondary system: angrily [successfully irritate others to get the superb value, every time the superb value is successfully accumulated, a monetary reward will be triggered, and the time limit is two hours]

Hidden novice spree rewards: [The host can activate after completing the first mission!

Seeing this, Lu Bingchen's heart was already surging.

"Hey..." So he started to giggle unnaturally.

He Yao, the girl at the same table, just noticed his behavior and immediately showed a look of a fool.

"Hey, Lu Bingchen, what are you giggling about?" He Yao lightly bumped Lu Bingchen with her elbow.

"Ah...?" Only then did Lu Bingchen come to his senses, and found that strange eyes were watching him around him, and even the head teacher gave him a fierce look.

He quickly sat up straight and whispered to He Yao: "It's nothing, just suddenly remembered something interesting, it's more funny..."

"..." He Yao was speechless for a while, then asked: "What is it, is it so funny?"

Lu Bingchen's brains turned quickly, and a wicked smile appeared, and he responded in a low voice: "Actually, you should lose weight. If you keep getting so fat, no man will want you in the future..."

He Yao: "(᷄ὢ᷅)(᷄ὢ᷅)(᷄ὢ᷅)!"

He Yao almost sprayed Lu Bingchen's face with blood when he heard this, and quickly turned his head angrily and ignored him again.

What's wrong with getting fatter, I am happy, fat means I have good nutrition.

It is true that He Yao is fatter, but girls hate people who say that they are fat or fat, especially Lu Bingchen's act of death.

The system prompt sounded in Lu Bingchen's mind:

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully angering He Yao, and the god value is +30!"

"Damn, how angry is she actually adding so much?" Lu Bingchen's heart was shocked. Fortunately, He Yao has a mild temper. If he encounters a grumpy temper, he will be over.

Hey, thanks to my love, a flowery face, and the recognized school grass of Sky Blue High School, how can girls be willing to beat themselves.

"Lu Bingchen!"

Just thinking about it, the head teacher Liu Bixue suddenly called his name.

He stood up confidently and instantly became the focus of the class.

"Lu Bingchen, it's a pity that you didn't pass the exam. Although you are the only student in the class who failed the exam, I understand your feelings very well. Just not being able to go to university means that you will enter society prematurely. When experiencing social beatings, you must remember to reflect on yourself at all times." Liu Bixue looked at Lu Bingchen with compassionate eyes.

Lu Bingchen didn't like this look very much, but he still smiled and replied: "The teacher is very reasonable, and I must keep it in my heart. Although I have not been able to enter the university in the three years you have carefully taught, I Thank you very much!"

With the existence of Xumi Wuxin Dafa, naturally there is no need to worry about any problems.

In the field of thunder and lightning, Ning Feng no longer compressed her nerves like she did when she first arrived. Instead, she was more relaxed and relaxed.

The physical constitution has been greatly improved, and he has completely adapted to the environment here, and he himself is like a part of thunder and lightning, and there is a magical blend with it.

"Sure enough, after turning on the real state of Thunder Alchemy, the body has improved a lot, and the ability to adapt to thunder and lightning is stronger!"

Sitting cross-legged in the center of the field of thunder and lightning, Ning Feng was about to enter the state of cultivation.


Suddenly, he seemed to feel some changes in his body, and the Thor's mark on his forehead appeared perfectly, exuding a strange blue-golden light.

The body is also constantly absorbing the power of the surrounding thunder and lightning, and its own soul power surges frantically.

This feeling is really amazing. It feels like there is a continuous wave rolling in the body, attacking every part of the body.

"this is......"

Under the lead of the Mark of Thor, the body is wrapped in a blue-gold light curtain, and the body blooms with a brilliant and dazzling light. At this moment, the entire field of thunder and lightning gathers energy, including the heavens and the earth are flowing with energy.

Inspiring the thunder of heaven and earth, coupled with the existence of infinite light, Qian Renxue and Yun Hao have superb fighting capabilities.

"I am in charge of all realms, including the God Realm, and will be under my control!" Yun Hao said while controlling Shen Yao.

"Bullish!" said evil.

"Is it a big talk? You will know soon." Yun Hao didn't make a joke, and of course he wasn't teasing them.

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