Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 284 - The Secret

The three pinnacle god kings could not survive even five minutes in the hands of Shen Yao, who had gone violently. This was already a super power among the god-level powerhouses, but it could still only be so.

This shows how powerful Shen Yao is now, and the horror is extreme.

They never thought that they would lose to Yun Hao and Qian Renxue, who had just achieved the position of God King.

"After all, I underestimated your enemies!" Yun Hao sighed as he looked at the three god kings who were dissipating.

"It doesn't matter if you defeat us. The real powerhouse of the gods has not yet appeared, and you cannot control the gods."

However, Luo Xiaojie and Dai Xingyu are much heavier. After all, they are boys. Dai Xingyu has strong muscles and high weight, while Luo Xiaojie is too fat. The key is that it will be a little troublesome when taking him, so he is afraid of grabbing. Unable to stop him, he fell off when he suddenly let go.

Ning Feng also proceeded very carefully, but still didn't worry too much. After all, it was an assessment. As long as the speed behind them was fast enough, there was nothing to spend some time here. The most important thing was to take everyone out of here first.

Since it is an assessment, there should be Feng Xi's thoughts here. I don't know what she will do next, or that she has planned all her plans perfectly, but has just watched the changes.

Standing aside and observing is also a very good way.

That shouldn’t be right. Even though I think she’s really beautiful and charming, even if she can’t see her face, I’m attracted to her, but I’m still very reserved. How can I have this strange feeling? What?

If I hadn't really seen it, I would have never thought that this world really has such a beauty.

Of course it can be guessed that she must be very beautiful and charming, so Dai Xingyu had such an idea.

Putting those weird thoughts aside, Dai Xingyu stopped thinking about Feng Xi's affairs. He was really afraid that he would not be able to control him. He told Feng Xi the way he wanted to see her. It would be miserable then.

It's impossible to molest a demigod if you molest anyone, it's no different from looking for death.

No matter how courageous, Dai Xingyu would not dare to do such stupid things.

Walking all the way with everyone, a man dressed in white and gold lace came to face him. He was handsome and beautiful like a flower. He felt that women grew even more beautiful. This is the legendary beautiful man...

Dai Xingyu suddenly remembered that when he saw Bai Fengli on the first day, his behavior was very strange, I don't know why he always felt that he was deliberately monitoring them, and what was not known.

But Bai Fengli said that the top of the sky is Feng Xi’s place. Feng Xi’s strength is terrifying, and their three Ultimate Douluos were all trained by Feng Xi. Bai Fengli, who has lived here since childhood , Used to be full of fear here, but slowly began to rely on it, doesn't she know Feng Xi's real conspiracy?

No, if he didn't know it, it would be impossible to say that. They must all know about Feng Xi. They listened to Feng Xi's arrangements and obeyed everything about him, so they must know.

Dai Xingyu knew that breaking through from here was not a bad thing, but Feng Xi was so cunning that he would not give them a chance.

Therefore, it can only proceed quietly, and no flaws can be found. Once the flaws are exposed, they can wait for the final death.

Sometimes death is not terrible. The terrible thing is that you don’t know how you died, whether you are tortured to death, or you have to be used by the other party, and then do too many bad things, things that violate the principles of conscience. I add too much guilt.

But after all, there is a big gap between them and the gods, and they are not at the same level at all. That battle was almost devastating. Later, the gods came and sealed it, and then the catastrophic battle was put down...

Dillard only remembered these, the information left over from the ancient times was nothing more than that, there was not much record.

"Mozu? It's the first time I heard that the ambition is so big..."

Dai Xingyu was surprised.

"The Demon Race is very strong. The Dark Emperor is sealed. His two great gods, the Queen of the Abyss and the Judgment Pluto, are still determined to resurrect the Dark Emperor and launch another invasion war. What is the world worthy of their attention? Yes, no one knows, maybe...only the real god knows."

Yao said thoughtfully.

"The dark emperor was sealed and the Mozu withdrew from the Douluo Continent, where did they go?"

Ning Feng became more and more curious.

"It's somewhere in this world, but they have already taken action, indicating that the Queen of the Abyss and the Judgment Pluto have come, with the will of the Dark Emperor, they will eventually invade here again!"

Yao said.

Wars are unavoidable in every era, but catastrophic battles like this will bring devastating disasters to the world.

Although this world has formed a unique defense system for a long time, and there are constant wars between humans and soul beasts, they also have powerful combat capabilities.

The top powerhouses of each race are capable of destroying the world.

How can these powerhouses be lacking in the demons?Worry free

The family of fallen angels is the best proof that they are stronger and more terrifying than the previous angel family.

"Then if you say that, the forces behind the Heavenly Soul Sect and the Fifth Clan are the demons, they..."

Dai Xingyu's face looked worried, because he thought of the scene outside the Xingluo Empire, and he was absolutely inseparable from them...

If there are any devastating problems in the empire, he will really be a sinner of the ages.

In order to avoid the imperial power struggle, he has been willing to hide in the Heaven Dou Empire.

Even if you have a letter from your father, you can't even forget the growing empire, right?

Ning Feng carefully analyzed that he had never come into contact with the demons, and he didn't know what kind of power they had.

The only thing that can be assured is that the Sect Grand Competition, the Heavenly Soul Sect will definitely take this opportunity to engage in a wave of things.

"It seems that we must increase our strength faster in order to play a vital role in the war of catastrophe that may occur in the future, and strive for opportunities for this world!

The sudden arrival of the demons has already explained everything, and they hold the heart of victory.

"I have discussed with the major soul beast emperors a long time ago. They will always pay attention to the movements of all parties. Once they find something, we will receive it as soon as possible. This is our soul beast thinking for ourselves, you humans Now that I realize it, I think you also have your own considerations. As for cooperation, let’s do it for the time being..."

Yao said that he will no longer discuss the matter of the Demon Race, after all, he still doesn't know the situation of the other party.

The demons will not give up easily, which means they have enough confidence.

If the Dark Emperor really recovers again, the world will fall into a dark storm for a long time!

As for who can turn the tide of the battle, it still depends on the future...

It now appears that the ins and outs of the matter have been figured out, and the culprit of all is Feng Xi.

She didn't expect the Dark Empire to be released, so why wasn't she killed directly?

Was she demoted here, or did she escape the sanctions of the gods in any special way?

All this has to be waited out before I know...

Feng Xi is a lunatic. She doesn't feel anything, just a super lunatic. She doesn't care about the preciousness of any life, but tramples on her as much as she wants, as long as she is happy and it is over.

Ning Feng hates this kind of person the most, otherwise he wouldn't be so angry.

She actually did such an unnatural thing in private, and even the dark empire was released by her secretly opening the seal, this woman is really terrifying.

But Thor also said that this time the Demon God must be completely eliminated, and the dark empire cannot be given a chance to rise completely. Only when the Demon God fails can he have a chance to save this dilapidated world and drive the darkness out.

At the time, Senior Eurasian didn't tell him carefully what it was.

What can bring panic to the entire world is bound to be an extremely powerful force...

Ning Feng began to recall what happened in the Far North...

"Then do you remember the five ancient protoss that the high priest told you?"

Dillard asked.

"I only know three..." Ning Feng replied.

"The five protoss are star tribe, bone dragon tribe, angel tribe, dragon tribe and demons...

They are all descendants of gods, but the last demons are very special. They believe in the demon god Diablo the Great. It is said that Diablo Great is the supreme god. In ancient times, he led his descendants in an attempt to occupy the Douluo Continent. The descendants of the gods gathered to attack.

After leaving the Dragon Tomb, in another secret realm, Yun Hao successfully found the soul origin of the Mountain Dragon King and the Earth Dragon King.

So far, I have successfully collected the dragon soul origins of the six dragon kings, and the remaining three will be much easier.

The mountain and the soil returned to the Dragon Path, waking up from their deep sleep.

Yun Hao therefore decided to speed up his pace, striving to complete the Dragon God activation as soon as possible and obtain the qualifications to enter the Temple of Heavenly Oracle.

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