Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 285-The Secret

The six dragon soul origins have fallen, so there is no problem with the remaining dragon soul origins.

There are mainly three dragon soul origins, Yunhao himself knows where they are, so he doesn't worry about the problem of not being able to find them. It is better to complete them as quickly as possible.

If you have to continue to conquer the world, you can't just relax.

If there is anything worth cherishing, then I am feeling for you.

"No matter what the outcome is, I will face it with you!"

Ning Feng had rehearsed these words in his mind no less than a hundred times. He didn't know how to speak, but now he still said it in person.

Hai Feifei nodded moved, suppressing the excitement in her heart, and began to mutter:

"Our mermaid people will usher in a catastrophe every fixed time, and the only thing that can avoid this catastrophe is to open the door of the holy land and get the blessing of the holy ancestor.

Each generation will choose a saint who has the blood of the saint ancestor. The saint has enough power to open the door of the holy land with her own blood, and bring the whole family into the holy land to avoid the catastrophe.

But my identity is more special than any saint. The saint ancestor blood on my body is not pure, but only I have the saint ancestor blood in the entire mermaid tribe, and at the same time, I still have a part of your human blood I only have to stay in the Holy Land for eternity and become the wheel of fate for the whole family. After the catastrophe, I cannot return to reality. At the same time, I became a saint and opened the holy land to resurrect my mother, the mermaid saint of the previous generation... .."

Hai Feifei's words are all with a calm and sad mood.

There was still a certain idea in her heart that she accepted this fate, but...the moment she saw Ning Feng, she still had a change.

This is the saint’s mission. If she cannot do it, she will endure the wrath of the saint ancestor, and will affect the lives of the whole family.

Ning Feng stared at Hai Feifei's beautiful face blankly, and said, "In this case, I will go to the Holy Land with you. I will never be separated again!"

Hai Feifei said: "Impossible, the saint can't have any emotions, so I will explain things to you clearly, Xiaofeng, I know that you are sincere to me, and you are my favorite in this life. Is the only person who has ever loved, maybe this is fate, shall we... admit fate?"

Hai Feifei was here to talk to Ning Feng, as long as he moved him, not to let him cry because of himself, and to live happily.

However, Ning Feng became serious. He resolutely said: "No, I don't believe in fate. Fate is always in my own hands. If heaven doesn't allow us to be together, then I will break through that day. I said no. Let you suffer alone, I will definitely do it!"

Hai Feifei cried and said, "Why don't you understand, Xiaofeng...I know you are fine, but..."

"Even if we can't be together for the time being, I believe there is always a way to break that stereotype, there will always be a way, Feifei, you believe me, okay?"

Ning Feng said excitedly to Hai Feifei, he really wanted to take her away now, but he didn't want Feifei to become a rebellious person from then on.

She still has her own mission, but he is more willing to face it with her.

Advance and retreat together!

"Xiaofeng, you still don't understand, it seems I shouldn't have come to tell you this..."

Hai Feifei suddenly turned around and was about to leave, not wishing to hurt each other with Ning Feng anymore.

"I don't, I said, I'm already in love, I can never let go..."

Ning Feng grabbed Hai Feifei's slender and tender hands, and the smooth skin could be broken. As soon as the arm was hard, Hai Feifei's body turned gracefully towards Ning Feng.

Hai Feifei: "..."

At this time, she was completely in a trance, and the next moment a warm feeling was transmitted to the brain through her lips.

Ning Feng couldn't control her desire anymore, hugged Hai Feifei, and kissed her deeply...

Hai Feifei's mind went blank, but she didn't have the strength to break free.

Or her instinct drove her not to break free, not to hurt the man's self-esteem.

Hai Feifei's beautiful and agile eyes slowly closed, unsuspectingly enjoying the sudden happiness as if falling in love.

The bright moonlight shone on the bodies of the two passionately kissing and embracing each other, and there was silence all around...

This picture is so beautiful and so charming, the two people are so immersed in their affectionate two-person world.

Even if the sea dies and the world is destroyed, they are not willing to separate again... Qi Qi

Harder, harder, tighter and tighter, more and more enthusiastic!

The fireworks of love erupted brilliantly, but it was such a deeply affectionate picture...

In the distance, Dai Xingyu and the others were stunned when they saw this scene because they were worried that Ning Feng would do anything out of the ordinary.

"I went, how come this picture looks so sensible..."

Dai Xingyu said trivially.

"I also think, or Xiaoxue, let's have a passionate kiss!"

Luo Xiaojie was so envious that he quickly turned to Ning Xiaoxue, striving to get an affectionate embrace.

"Fatty man, go aside, are you thinking about ass?"

Ning Xiaoxue said angrily, and gave him a harsh look.

It's not ashamed to think about these things at this time!

Even if you want to do this, you have to divide the occasion, and there is a wretched man with a spring heart next to him who makes such a rude request.

But Ning Xiaoxue's heart was still moved inexplicably...

Luo Xiaojie was scolded with a bloody head, so he turned his head in frustration and looked at the two passionate people over there.

Since you can't do it, let's look at the head office. It doesn't violate the rules, which is just envy.

"Xiaofeng and Feifei can finally have a good talk together, but things are really not that simple. If only such a strong kiss is resolved, I hope Xiaofeng will succeed!"

Dai Xingyu's eyes were full of envy, and he suddenly thought of his narcissus.

Hey, I don't know when I can see her again!

"Maybe Xiaofeng has his own considerations. As his best brothers, we must support him unconditionally. Oh, I'm so envious~~~"

Luo Xiaojie's taste, his mouth is still not listening, it's really itchy.

It's so sad to see people, so why don't you give yourself more pictures like this?

Ning Xiaoxue gave Luo Xiaojie a fierce look. He didn't learn from Dai Xingyu, and was thinking about farts all day long, huh!

"Okay, okay, let's go back, don't disturb the two-person world of others!"

Ning Xiaoxue suggested that Dai Xingyu and Luo Xiaojie also left with reluctance.

Ning Feng and Hai Feifei opened their eyes at the same time, and they looked at each other's eyes.


Quickly let go, both of them turned their faces embarrassedly.

"Feifei... yes... sorry..."

Ning Feng said like a little silly, but forgot how masculine he was just now, and forcibly kissed the other person.

It was really too sudden just now, and it was already...

Now that I think about it, I still have to thank Xiao Feng. Not so, and I will leave because of a momentary anxiety.

Now the mood has improved a little, but it is a little hard to speak, I don't know how to speak.

Nothing is impossible, because Yun Hao will always create possibility in the impossible.

"I believe you, Hao, I will always be with you!" Qian Renxue said.


Needless to say, both can know what the other is thinking.

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