Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 304 - The Secret

There is no problem that can stop Yun Hao's footsteps, because he can always step over, so he will not give up.

Can't give up easily, everything has two sides, it is this situation that can make him stick to it.

The Dragon Soul Crystal will definitely be found!

After leaving the secret space and returning to the eternal sacred place, everyone did not stay, and directly led out of the eternal sacred place under the leadership of O'Meara.

It is good luck to be able to complete the first three levels today.

Ning Feng had never thought about it. Without O'Meara, he and his friends would still be able to pass the first three levels, and of course everyone has contributed.

Ning Feng is still very grateful to everyone for this, so for this belief, Ning Feng also needs to pass all the next four levels.

"With today's battle, I have a certain understanding of the king of the nine-headed soul beast of the blood of this god.

Each of them has its own special ability, and the power is very powerful, but the next four levels are shot by the seniors, I think it will be easier?"

O'Meara shook her head and said, "The seventh level is not easy. I can help you pass the sixth level smoothly. Even if it is the seventh level, I have to spend a lot of energy to pass."

"Isn't the strength of the soul beast king of the seventh stage too strong?" Dai Xingyu asked in surprise.

"More than that, from the seventh level to the ninth level, the soul beast king of these three levels is not lower than the limit Douluo, so I really trouble you because Xiaofeng’s fourth test only adds the first seven. This is okay. If the last two are added, I am afraid I will not be able to help pass the level. Maybe the last two levels require Xiaofeng to reach Title Douluo by himself and fight for it with his own strength."

O'Meara has also gone all the way from the divine test to the present, so he still understands some situations.

When it comes to these more sensitive places, he usually has some ideas because it is easier to produce.

This may be a kind of special resonance between god tests, but not all god tests are like this.

Those gods who have become gods will not have these complicated things at all. As long as their own strength is enough, all the rules are just a dispensable thing in front of them.

"I will definitely succeed. No matter how difficult the last two levels are, I will definitely succeed. If I don't have this confidence, then I don't need to participate in the inheritance of the gods." Ning Feng said firmly.

"Xiaofeng, we also believe that you can do it, and we will do our best to help you."

Everyone chatted and laughed, and accompanied O'Meara to leave the eternal holy land and came to the thunder hall.

Eurasian still sat crouched in front of the god of thunder, closed his eyes and rested, sensing the breath of Omela and the others, and immediately opened his eyes.

Ning Feng took everyone from Shrek and left the Thunder Sacred Hall, leaving only the two brothers, Ouya and O'Meila.

"I figured it out, I accept your choice, perhaps as you said, this is the arrangement of fate, none of us can change it." O'Meara said sadly.

He looked like he had already seen life and death, and felt that he had no fear in the face of life and death, but he would feel that it was a relief.

"Originally, the position of the high priest should be mine. If you snatch me, I will be angry, but..."

"Okay, you are all Extreme Douluo, and you are still so childish, and the matter is over, what can you and I regret?

I will leave one day, and you, as the inheritor of the gods, have more opportunities, but I have no more opportunities. Of course I did this for you, silly brother..."

Eurasian and O'Meara looked at each other, and O'Meara's tears flowed out all of a sudden, it was not like the violent Thunder Soul Sea Territory.


On the other side, Ning Feng also returned to her room alone, and the others also went back to rest separately under the arrangement of the messenger Meina.

Back in the room, Ning Feng released Xiao Lei and Hai Feifei from the Soul Guidance Device Force.

Holding Hai Feifei's body, Ning Feng cared for him in every possible way, with a pair of affectionate eyes whimpering with tears, looking at Hai Feifei, he remembered the scene that made him feel like a knife.

It would never be possible to forget that scene, because it was all because of her weakness that caused Hai Feifei to make such a willing sacrifice.

"Feifei, being with you is my happiest and happiest time. If you can feel my call, I hope you will wait for me, I will wake you up, and I will." Ning Feng is on Hai Feifei's forehead Got a kiss, then smiled.

But he immediately looked at Xiao Lei again, without noticing it, but a drop of crystal teardrops quietly flowed from the corner of Hai Feifei's eyes, dripping onto his clothes.

Perhaps this was the induction of the heart, Hai Feifei could hear Ning Feng's call from the depths of his heart, and it was unwilling to leave him like this.


Suddenly, Xiao Lei made a strange tweet, and then his body kept making strange movements.

"What's wrong with you, Xiao Lei?" Ning Feng quickly stepped forward, wanting to see what was going on.

Xiao Lei looked very painful, it seemed that something serious had happened to his body.


Xiao Lei slumped on the ground, motionless, and brilliant blue and golden light began to appear all over his body.

Its wings are becoming fuller, the blades on its wings are becoming more cold and shining, and its body is shrinking, and its eyes have changed from the original pale gold to gold.

Golden-red bone spurs grew on his head, and the whole body changes made Ning Feng suddenly feel a good premonition.

"Are you evolving, Xiaolei?" Ning Feng asked in astonishment.

Xiao Lei seemed to understand what he was saying, nodded, and then continued to suffer the pain caused by evolution.

"That's so, that's really great. I still don't understand your current situation. Why did you evolve so fast, and your cultivation age increased so quickly?" Ning Feng was also puzzled.

He had never seen a soul beast with such a magical ability, but he had seen it in Xiao Lei.

With doubts, Ning Feng went to the Thunder Sacred Hall again.

From the mouth of the high priest Ouya, he learned a great secret, Xiao Lei was actually a soul beast with the blood of God, so he could improve so quickly.

And in the eternal holy land, bathing in the energy of the eternal holy land directly broke a certain critical point and entered the state of evolution.

It's no wonder that Xiao Lei feels that his body is not adapting. It turns out that he has evolved in advance.

This is of course a good thing. Ning Feng felt very happy. In this way, Xiao Lei himself would have a strong combat effectiveness.

"Come on! Xiao Lei!"

Ning Feng waited anxiously, wanting to see how far Xiao Lei would evolve.

It wasn't too long. After two hours, Xiao Lei finally completed his evolution, and his body became only two meters long, and a long tail feather was added.

Seeing red halos appeared on Xiao Lei's body, and seeing my light alternately, Ning Feng was very excited.

"One hundred thousand years, Xiao Lei, you actually evolved into the king of one hundred thousand years of soul beasts, that's great." Ning Feng happily hugged Xiao Lei, and Xiao Lei happily rubbed his head on him. Come and go.

Ning Feng could not have imagined that Xiao Lei could evolve into the king of soul beasts of 100,000 years, and he was still carrying the blood of gods. This result really shocked him.

If Xiaolei is like this, then Xiaoyin must be like this too.

"The dragon soul crystal is really too special. It is really difficult to perceive it directly. It cannot be sensed truly, and it can only be sensed by aura."

"The effect of the divine wings is that if the dragon soul's origin does not dissipate, it can be perceived."

"It's always like this."

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