Control the world from Douluo

Chapter 305 - Swordsmanship

With such a breath, Yun Hao has better motivation and confidence.

Originally, I just waited and watched. If I couldn't perceive it, I had to change the method.

But now that I really feel it, it's okay.

Walk around and see if the same is true elsewhere.

Once the matter was understood, Ning Feng had to prepare in advance.

Back in the Lei Sacred Hall, Ning Feng kept frowning and worried.

But seeing this, Eurasian didn't even ask, he knew he couldn't ask more.

He has no right to know the secrets of the Eternal Holy Land.

"Senior, I'm going to find them first, I have to think about the strategy first, and then I will attach the spirit ring!" Ning Feng said.

"Okay, you go!"

Ning Feng didn't stay any longer and left directly.


Outside the Thunder Soul Sea, a white figure wandered back and forth on the sea.

The woman has stayed here for a long time, as if she was looking for something.

"What's the matter, isn't the method the high priest said is wrong?" the woman muttered.

"But the way to open the door to crack the space is like this..."

"The Thunder Soul sea area is really concealed enough, it is really hard to think of putting the secret realm here."

"I don't know if Eurasian guy has opened the door to the eternal holy land. If so, we must speed up..."


Ning Feng returned to the capital of God.

Meina arranged a room for everyone to rest, and they all waited for Ning Feng to return.

Since Ning Feng wanted to obtain the spirit ring, he would definitely inevitably fight against the spirit beast.

Besides, he still has to attach a spirit ring to the second martial spirit, so why does the spirit ring have one hundred thousand years?

It's definitely not possible to rely on him alone, so the seven Shrek monsters must face it together.

Even if he worked hard, he still had to help Ning Feng obtain the seven spirit rings.

At this time, a figure appeared outside the door.

"Xiao Feng, are you back?" Ning Xiaoxue was the first to shout when she saw the figure.

Others also greeted them one after another. Seeing Ning Feng's frown, everyone thought that he must be in trouble.

"Xiao Feng, what's the matter with you, is it difficult to obtain spirit rings?" Dai Xingyu asked.

"Of course, if he hadn't helped him, he singled out a 100,000-year soul beast, or a thunder-attributed soul beast with a powerful burst of power. It would be impossible to complete the seven additional ones." Omi sat in a chair. La took a sip of hot tea and said.

"Xiaofeng, is this really the case?"


Ning Feng nodded.

"It's okay, we will all help you, what do you want us to do?"

Moreover, now the powerhouses of the Dark Empire have been eliminated one by one, and no one can survive to the end, so this battle of the Dark Empire is doomed to fail.

Everyone hurriedly pursued the Dark Empire all the way to the easternmost edge of the continent, and drove them to death.

However, the moment Sun and Earth fell into darkness, they had momentum and aura again, yes, the Dark Demon God who had never appeared has finally arrived!

Ning Feng felt the fear, how could they now compare with the true gods?

Even if there were a few Ultimate Douluo with combat effectiveness, they couldn't be the opponent of the Dark Demon God together.

After all, he had been hunted down and he had the right to know what was hidden behind it.

"In fact, even Senior O'Meara cannot guarantee to completely defeat those spirit beasts. This time, it is completely different from the Thunder Demon Emperor I met when I obtained the fifth spirit ring. Those spirit beasts all have the blood of God and are very powerful. Powerful!" Ning Feng said.

"Boy, you underestimated me, I know all the soul beasts of the phantom jungle, are you questioning my ability?" O'Meara said unwillingly.

"Senior, I know you are very powerful, but this time the soul beast is indeed very powerful, and it is not in the phantom jungle."

"Where is that?" O'Meara asked.

"Eternal Holy Land!" Ning Feng replied.

"What...? Difficult... Could it be..." O'Meara got up from her chair suddenly, her face full of consternation.


"Xiaofeng, what is the eternal holy land?" Ning Xiaoxue asked curiously.

"I can't tell you this, but when you go there, you will find that the situation is completely different from the situation in the Thunder Soul Sea!"

Ning Feng said.

"Since I can't say it, there's no way, then can we go together?"

"Of course it can, but I'm afraid it will hurt you, those soul beasts are too powerful!" Of course, Ning Feng didn't want everyone to accompany him on the adventure, this time it was really dangerous.

"It doesn't matter, even if we can't help you too much, we can help you fight a containment battle. Xiaoxue's auxiliary skills must be very helpful to you, including Xiaojie's defense skills." Dai Xingyu said.

"In the Eternal Holy Land, there are a total of nine soul beasts carrying the blood of gods. They are arranged from one to nine. The later the numbers represent the stronger, we only need to obtain seven soul rings from the beginning. The remaining two are estimated to have to wait until I reach Title Douluo to be able to obtain them."

Ning Feng explained.

"That's pretty good, I have never really fought such a powerful soul beast, think about it, I have a passion for Peng Bai, really want to go right away!" Dai Xingyu can't bear the impulse.

"Don't worry, let's first think about how to deal with them when we think about it. After all, it is a hundred thousand year soul beast..."

"We don't know those soul beasts, how do we make plans?"

"Yes, even if we are thoughtful, we don't know the condition of the soul beast!"

"I am still there!" O'Meara said suddenly.

"Let me tell you what the nine-headed soul beast is!" O'Meara said.

"God Thunder Golden Eye Python, Ten Thousand Thunder Thunder Tiger, Titan Thunder Great Ape, Shen Guang Thunder Leopard, King Kong Thunder Tiger, Eight-Armed Dark Thunder Monkey, Thunder Demon Emperor, Photoelectric Touring Horse, Ten Eye God Thunder Bird!"

O'Meara said these nine soul beasts with the blood of gods, and each soul beast just heard the name that made people feel domineering.

If it comes to strength, I am afraid it is not simple.

"From one to nine are the nine heads I call, nine heads of one hundred thousand year soul beasts with the ultimate thunder attribute and blood of the gods, but the strength is more than one hundred thousand years at all, even to the level of the ten-eyed god Thunderbird, maybe The strength has exceeded 200,000 years, but you must not forget that they have the blood of gods and the divine power flows in their bodies, so it is not so easy to defeat!"

"It's just that they have been suppressed, and there are a lot of powers that still cannot be used. This gives you a great opportunity. As long as you successfully defeat them, you can get the spirit ring!"

What O'Meara said was all the information he knew about the eternal holy place, and even the high priest did not know the others.

Although I was lucky enough to see the scene inside, it was a pity that Thor had never told them about those things, even his brother hadn't told them.

From the name, we can also roughly imagine that the power of the soul beast's possible appearance can't be underestimated, it must be very strong, so let's roughly plan it... Qian Renxue suggested.

Including all the soul beasts here, the lives bred on the abyss plane have too many auras to count. It is really not easy to find the only dragon soul aura among so many auras.

Thanks to the existence of the Golden Dragon God Wing, otherwise it would really be impossible.

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