obviously only wanted to silently train to the level of Jonin, but was forced to kill, disrupting the rhythm of training, which left Kaede speechless for a while.


Neither did he check Lin Qinyu Yuya’s corpse. Kaede jumped, picked up his own things, and quickly left.

The other side is the scout of Hidden Mist. What important things or information is impossible to carry on his body, and he is fighting near Konoha. The ninja of Konoha is not aware that it is impossible, and the rest is left to Konoha. ninja.

Almost shortly after Kaede left.

sou! sou!!

Several silhouettes of ninjas appeared in the previous battles, all wearing various animal masks, and they were the Anbu ninja directly belonging to Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.


One of the sense-type ninja eyes flashed, he saw Lin Qin Yu Youye’s corpse, he did not approach directly, but threw out quickly A handful of shuriken was nailed to Lin Qin Yu Youye’s corpse, confirming that the other side was dead.

Seeing this, the other two Anbu also approached from both sides.


One of them squatted down and confirmed that Lin Qin Yuyou was also dead, turned his corpse over, face up, and saw the other side’s forehead The headband of Hidden Mist Village worn.

The three Anbu ninjas glance at each other, and a surprise flashes in their eyes. The ninja who thought it was Konoha was attacked and killed. Didn’t expect it to be the ninja of the enemy village. It seems It should be a character like a scout, but I don’t know who killed it.

“…This guy should be the Elite Chunin of Hidden Mist.”

The guy who squatted down quickly checked the corpse, a strange color flashed in his eyes, turned his head and looked towards Companion, said: “From your sense to the battle here, only one minute has passed, right?!”


sense type ninja frowned Said: “The elite scout who can solve Hidden Mist Village in such a short period of time should be the Jonin in our village, but I don’t have any impression of that aura, and he left after killing the ninja of Hidden Mist? It seems not. I plan to meet us.”

The ninja who squatted down to inspect the corpse also showed muttered expression, but then he suddenly startedled, staring at Lin Qin Yu Youye’s head wound. Look, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and he said: “This wound…”

“What’s wrong?”

The two companions looked over.

Anbu ninja, who checked the corpse, hesitated for a few seconds before he was a little uncertain and said: “I have seen this kind of wound… It should be the scar left by Lord Sakumo’s Blade Technique.”



“Lord Sakumo has been… two years ago…”

The two Anbu ninjas next to him had almost the same reaction.

The ninja who inspected the corpse was also a little unbelievable. After carefully checking it a few times, he said: “Such injuries are definitely caused by Lord Sakumo’s Blade Technique, but it should not be Lord Sakumo’s handwriting, otherwise The words and the headband should be cut off.”

Hearing this judgment, several Anbu ninja looked at each other.

White Light Chakra Sabre is Hatake Clan’s secret Jutsu, just like Nara Clan’s shadow Secret Jutsu and Yamanaka Clan’s Mind Secret Jutsu. After the death of Hatake Sakumo, people who will use it can be counted on one’s fingers.

“… tidy up and report to Lord Hokage.”


Several Anbu ninja made a judgment and returned soon In the village.

The death of a scout in an enemy village is not a big deal under this tension, nor will he wake up Sarutobi Hiruzen in the middle of the night, so until the morning of the 2nd day, I came to Sarutobi in Hokage’s Office. Hiruzen only learned what happened last night.

“The elite scout of Hidden Mist Village died under White Light Chakra Sabre, and the battle lasted only one minute?”

After hearing Anbu’s report, Sarutobi Hiruzen The time is a bit surprised.

The elite scouts of Hidden Mist Village can sneak into the vicinity of Konoha, at least they must be an Elite Chunin, and to kill an Elite Chunin in one minute, at least it must be Jonin. But the problem Konoha shouldn’t have Jonin who can use White Light Chakra Sabre right now.

“Is it him?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen flashed the silhouette of Kakashi in his mind.

There was a shock in my heart for a while.

Kill a Hidden Mist scout in one minute… When has Kakashi grown to this level? He is less than eight years old now!

Although I couldn’t believe it, but after thinking about it, I couldn’t find any other qualified person. This made Sarutobi Hiruzen take a breath and said, “Where’s Kakashi? Go find him, I have. Ask him about the matter.”


Anbu complied next to him, quickly disappeared.

After a while.

Kakashi appeared outside Hokage’s Office, walked in and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen: “Lord Hokage, you are looking for me.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up and walked in front of Kakashi , Looked Kakashi smiled kindly, with admiration in his eyes, and said: “Recently, training has grown a lot. Didn’t expect you to be able to study Sakumo’s Blade Technique to this level at this age.”


Kakashi startled.

Sarutobi Hiruzen patted Kakashi’s shoulder, said: “Seeing you is like seeing Sakumo when you were young… Do you have anything to report to me?”

Kakashi is not sure Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen, he hesitated for a while, and said: “Lord Hokage, what do you mean?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen was slightly surprised, and then laughed again.

Didn’t expect the young and energetic Kakashi has also learned to hide himself. It seems that he has finally grown up. It may not be long before Kakashi can truly take on the responsibility of Jonin. If I knew that, There is no need for Minato to teach Kakashi.


Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his hand and threw a headband to Kakashi.

Kakashi stretched out his hand to catch it and saw that it was a headband from Hidden Mist Village. There were blood stains on the top of the headband and a white line in the center, which seemed to be cut by a sharp blade.

Unfathomable mystery was thrown by Sarutobi Hiruzen with a headband, Kakashi became more confused, and the whole person fell into a state of confusion, looking towards Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“…Don’t remember it yet?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

Knowing how to hide yourself is a good thing, but when he knows it, what he should do now is to report the specific situation to him, the Hokage.

Hearing what Sarutobi Hiruzen said, Kakashi’s thoughts flashed through his mind, but he couldn’t remember anything related to this headband. After hesitating for a long time, he finally couldn’t help saying: “Lord Hokage, what is this headband? It’s…”

Sarutobi Hiruzen brows slightly wrinkle, didn’t expect so Kakashi had to conceal it, so he indifferently said: “The battle last night, let me explain the specific situation.”

“Last night?”

Kakashi was taken aback, and immediately said with a serious look: “Lord Hokage, I have been at home last night and have not experienced any battle…”

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