At this moment, Kakashi immediately thought whether someone pretended to be him, sneaked into the village and did something.

This kind of thing is undoubtedly very serious, but he is not panicked, because he is indeed at home all the time, even if something happens, it is completely able to withstand the investigation.

“Always at home?”

Sarutobi Hiruzen paused for a moment with his hand holding the teacup. Kakashi looked a little surprised, feeling that Kakashi didn’t seem to be pretending to be stupid.

After being taken aback, Sarutobi Hiruzen slapped a hand seal, and an Anbu ninja quickly appeared in the office. He turned his head and looked towards the Anbu, said solemnly:

” Ask the patrol team to come over and report on the patrol situation last night.”


The Anbu ninja disappeared quickly.

After a while, several masked Anbu appeared in the office and reported.

Kakashi had a conversation with the reporting Anbu ninja from time to time. After some comparisons, it was confirmed that he did not at all leave the house last night.

After confirming that Hidden Mist’s scout was not beheaded by Kakashi, Sarutobi Hiruzen showed a confused look. He pondered carefully, and he did not remember that Hatake Sakumo taught White Light Chakra Sabre to others. who.

“Kakashi, what dísciple has Sakumo received before, and did you teach Blade Technique?”

“I don’t know.”

Kakashi shaking one’s head.

Hatake Sakumo was once the Captain of Konoha Anbu and the commander-in-chief of the frontline of Second Shinobi World War. He rarely talks about these matters with him.

Kakashi asked in confusion: “…Lord Hokage, what happened?”


Sarutobi Hiruzen muttered a moment and moved I briefly talked about the previous things.

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen’s description, Kakashi was startled at first, but soon thought of something, slightly widened his eyes and opened his mouth slightly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen noticed Kakashi’s expression and said: “What did you think of?”


Kakashi hesitated , He had guessed that Kaede probably did it, hesitated to explain.

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw Kakashi clearly knowing and so on, wrinkled and frowned, and said: “Tell me what you know carefully.”

Kakashi thought of Kaede yesterday I didn’t tell him about it, maybe he didn’t intend to let him conceal it, so he said: “If that’s the case, maybe I know who did it.”


Sarutobi Hiruzen looked towards Kakashi.

“…My elder brother Kaede.”

Kakashi replied in a low voice, silently thinking that it was none of his business.

Hearing Kakashi’s response, Sarutobi Hiruzen was suddenly taken aback, and a little surprised: “Who do you mean?”

Kakashi repeated it silently.

Hearing this answer, not only Sarutobi Hiruzen, but also an Anbu Squad Leader standing beside the office, and a Jonin who was about to report, all showed a bit of amazement.


Sarutobi Hiruzen looked surprised Kakashi, and said: “Are you sure? Kakashi, that’s Hidden Mist’s elite scout, and it’s within one minute. The battle is over.”

Since Kaede has been sold, Kakashi simply said, “Although I don’t know the specific process of the battle, he can do that. My elder brother The strength has always been all of them are stronger than mine.”

Cough! !

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn’t help but coughed and sat down.

In this case, Kakashi should be impossible to lie, because it doesn’t make sense to lie. Ask Kaede to come over for a simple verification and understood, but he needs a little time to receive this information.

Kaede… is stronger than Kakashi? !

It is normal that the elder brother is stronger than the younger brother, but it is an extraordinary thing for Kaede and Kakashi!

Kakashi is the genius that Konoha has rarely seen for many years, just like the Konoha White Fang Hatake Sakumo in his youth!

If all this is true, it means that Kaede, an eight-year-old youngster, killed an Elite Chunin from Hidden Mist Village in one minute, and the innate talent may still be above Kakashi !

Sarutobi Hiruzen picked up the tobacco pipe, took a deep breath, and exhaled the smoke, then said: “Go and ask Kaede to come over.”


An Anbu complied disappeared with a swish.



Today is the last day before the final exam.

Kaede’s class is now gathering on the training grounds, arranged as a team, in a clearing in front of everyone, two students are doing intense hand-to-hand combat.

Ding Ding dong dong!!

kunai is constantly interlacing, accompanied by crisp sounds, sparks splashing everywhere.


Uchiha Obito screamed with all his strength, the kunai in his hand slammed down and forced the opponent back with strength, and then threw it out The Kunai in his hand forced the other side to take a step back.

Then both of his hands quickly hand seal.

“Fire-Style! Great Fireball Jutsu!”

This time Ninjutsu did not fail, but was successfully released. The huge Fireball split second blasted forward, letting The student showed a look of horror, and he couldn’t avoid it.


When Chunin Teacher saw it, his silhouette flashed, and his hands quickly sealed.

“Water-Style! Water Wall!”


The water surging and collided with the Great Fireball, making a zi zi sound, covering and extinguishing the Great Fireball released by Uchiha Obito.

After extinguishing the Great Fireball, Chunin Teacher exhaled, stood up straight, and directly announced: “Uchiha Obito won.”

“Oh oh oh!!!”

Uchiha Obito exclaimed in excitement.

At last there was no shame this time.

When I looked back, I also saw Nohara Rin applauding him with other students. Suddenly, he was satisfied, and while returning to the crowd, he raised his chin at Kaede.

For Obito’s provocation, Kaede didn’t respond at all, but stood calmly and clapped his hands. His eyes were a bit deep, and he couldn’t see what he was thinking.

“Kaede, are you in a bad mood?”

Kurenai Yuhi had long noticed that Kaede was in a strange state today. After the applause, he couldn’t help but whispered to Kaede Asked.


Kaede shake one’s head, saying: “I’m just thinking about things…”

Just as Kaede gazed was far away, when his eyes were ecstatic , The Chunin Teacher on the field took out the list and read the name of the next pair of students.

“The next group, Hatake Kaede is facing the fire gate of Hyuga.”

Hearing this voice, the eyes of the nearby student suddenly fell on Kaede and the fire gate of Hyuga. .

Hyuga Fire Gate walked out of the crowd and said flatly: “This grouping is not bad. Let me learn about Noble Clan Hyuga’s strength, Kaede.”

The previous thing He is a little dissatisfied with Kaede, but he will not directly trouble Kaede like a child. Now that the simulation of the battle can be grouped together, it is naturally the best result.

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