
Kaede glanced at Hyuga Fire Gate.

I was really uninterested, and didn’t even have the idea of ​​responding, but he still walked out of the crowd and came to the open space in front of Chunin Teacher.

Seeing that Kaede did not respond, Hyuga Fire Gate suddenly brows slightly wrinkle, snort, and said: “Is it a little too arrogant, Hatake Kaede, maybe you think you have the same ability as your younger brother? .”

“How come.”

Kaede shrugged.

If Kakashi had Time Acceleration, wouldn’t it have to go to heaven?

Chunin Teacher does not comment on the hostility between Hyuga Huomen and Kaede. This is the Academy after all. It is normal for students to have conflicts, and even the teacher will deliberately guide to a certain extent Conflict, to stimulate the eagerness among students.

“Kaede keep it up!”

“Keep it up, keep it up, keep it up Kaede!!!”

Just at this time, the audience Many girls on the side of Xi had already chanted, Kurenai Yuhi and Nohara Rin and the others were among them.

Although Kaede is not the first in this class, but the popularity is the highest, which is undoubtedly reflected vividly and thoroughly.

And this kind of scene naturally made the boys gnashing one’s teeth for a while, and they started to talk to the Hyuga fire door in the field.


“Fire door, let him see how you are great!”

“Fiercely beat him!”

The sound coming from behind also made Hyuga Fire Gate’s demeanor sharper.

Chunin Teacher paused for a few seconds before waving his hand.


Almost at the moment when Chunin Teacher’s voice fell, the Hyuga fire door rushed towards Kaede, Byakugan split second opened, and he took it out directly Gentle Fist Art of the family biography.

Kaede held a kunai in a blank face and waved it up and down. Each swing was exactly on the trajectory of the Hyuga fire gate, causing the Hyuga fire gate to interrupt the movement.

“This guy…”

After a brief confrontation, the fire gate of Hyuga became serious. Although it is not clear how Kaede did it, it seems to see through him. action.

However, he is not afraid. Kaede can see through his movements. He who has Byakugan can also see through Kaede’s movements. He is not afraid of Kaede using Ninjutsu in close combat.

Continue to hand over to the subordinate. As long as Kaede reveals a weak spot and is hit by his Gentle Fist Art, then Gentle Fist’s unique nature will give Kaede heavy injury.

“Worthy-of is the descendant of that person, even Hyuga Clan’s Gentle Fist can stand up to it.”

Chunin Teacher also looked aside and exclaimed.

Although Kaede and Kakashi are incomparable, they are indeed an extremely good student in the class. They can even resist Hyuga Clan’s Taijutsu in close combat. However, if this continues, the situation It must be more and more unfavorable for Kaede.

After all, Hyuga Clan’s Byakugan has the ability to observe, which ordinary eyes do not possess, and the damage that Gentle Fist Art can cause can also cause the trauma of weakening fighting strength in a single blow.

Keep it up, the sound of bulging also disappeared.

Whether it is Kurenai Yuhi or Uchiha Obito and the others, this will stare at the silhouette of Kaede and Hyuga in the fierce battle on the court.

“Is this Hyuga Clan’s Gentle Fist Art…”

Kaede resisted the attack of the Hyuga Fire Gate while carefully observing the attack on the other side. For him , Hyuga Clan’s Gentle Fist Art also has certain merits.

Although in the original work, Eight-Inner Gates, the Strong Fist method, almost turned Hyuga Clan’s Gentle Fist Art amazingly beat into scum, but in fact Gentle Fist Art training is to the extreme, so it has Not inferior to the horror style of Eight-Inner Gates, that is Kaguya Ji’s “Eighty God Air Strike”!

Complete Body Susanoo can easily blow up too!

The difference between the Strong Fist method and Gentle Fist Art is that the Strong Fist method is that Chakra breaks out within-the-body and enhances the speed of the body. The style is pure Taijutsu, and Gentle Fist Art It is to use Chakra as a’bullet’, which implies the subtle use of Chakra.

“Without Byakugan, I really can’t see through Gentle Fist Art…”

Kaede murmured in his heart. It is indeed impossible to see through Gentle Fist based on superficial observation.

Besides, Chakra is not his specialty.

If he is a physique like Uzumaki Naruto or Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, then Gentle Fist Art using Chakra will be more suitable for him than Strong Fist, but the current situation is undoubtedly Strong Fist. .

Hyuga’s fire gate continued to attack. Under Byakugan’s motion capture, Kaede was forced one by one, just like a situation in which Kaede was crushed.

“It seems that Kaede is going to lose.”

“As it should be by rights, opponent is Hyuga Clan’s genius.”

See this scene, many people began to talk quietly.

And just at this time.


A silhouette suddenly appeared on the side of the clearing, which made many people startled, and looked at them simultaneously.

The other side is wearing a cat mask and a cloak. His identity is self-evident. It is an Anbu ninja from Konoha.

The Anbu ninja glanced at the battle between Kaede and Hyuga Fire Gate in the field, ignoring other students and Chunin Teacher, and directed at Kaede said solemnly:

“Hatake Kaede, Lord Hokage will let you go there.”


Kaede waved kunai in his hand, took two steps back, looked towards the Anbu ninja, sighed in his heart, not at all, showing some unexpected look.

It’s finally here.

Once the incident last night is tracked down, it is difficult not to find him. After all, he used White Light Chakra Sabre in the end.

Before he considered whether to let Kakashi back the pot, but it doesn’t make sense to think about it carefully. On the one hand, it is easy to be dismantled, and on the other hand, it is easy to bring some danger to Kakashi.

The appearance of Anbu made Chunin Teacher and other students stunned.

“…Fire, Lord Hokage summoned Kaede?”

“What happened?”

Many people looked surprised and uncertain. towards Kaede.

Hyuga Fire Gate was also stunned. Didn’t expect this kind of thing happened when Kaede was about to be defeated. He couldn’t help but slightly frowned and said: “The battle is not over yet…”

Talk not at all, keep talking.

Hokage summons Kaede this kind of thing is undoubtedly much more important than the battle assessment, there is no way to end it, it can only be interrupted, which makes Hyuga fire door a little unhappy, after all, it will be a matter of time before he defeats Kaede. , Now suddenly became fruitless.

Chunin Teacher also knows the order of things, so he nodded and said to Kaede nodded and said: “You go to Lord Hokage first, if you come back from the battle, if there is time to continue.”


Kaede, who heard this sentence, sighed and looked towards Hyuga Huomen:

“No need.”

The voice fell, Kaede’s silhouette was abrupt Disappeared in place, and the whole person appeared quietly on the right side of the Hyuga Fire Gate.

Hyuga Fire Gate complexion changed, and he throws a punch without hesitation.

Boom! !

This fist blocked Kaede’s movement and hit Kaede’s chest, but there was no feeling of hitting the substance. The hit Kaede directly turned into white smoke and dissipated.

It’s a clone!

“That’s awful!”

Hyuga Fire Gate inwardly shouted a terrible cry. His Byakugan can actually see through clone, but because the situation was too sudden, he threw his fist sideways The action was almost subconscious, and simply didn’t expect Kaede to be able to release Clone Jutsu at that speed, and it was too late to stop when he really reacted.


Kaede’s main body appeared behind the fire gate of Hyuga.

Boom! !

A simple hand knife hit the back of the Hyuga Fire Gate, so that the Hyuga Fire Gate could no longer maintain the figure. The whole person was facing down, and with a plop, he fell straight to the ground.

“Let’s go.”

After doing this, Kaede retracted the fist and looked towards Anbu ninja.

Anbu ninja took a deep look at Kaede, then jumped, leaping towards Hokage Residence, and Kaede also jumped to keep up.

Only the stunned Chunin Teacher and many students stood there in a daze.

Slumped into silence.

Just… what happened?

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