Hokage’s Office.

Anbu, who brought Kaede over, did not enter the door. Instead, the silhouette flashed and disappeared at the door. Kaede, not surprisingly, stepped in.

As soon as I walked into the office, I saw a Jonin at the desk sorting out documents, Sarutobi Hiruzen sitting behind the desk, and Kakashi standing in front.

Detecting Kaede coming in, Kakashi did not look up, so she silently looked down at the tip-toe, looking like it had nothing to do with me.


Kaede glanced at Kakashi, walked to the desk, looked towards Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Although he now has the strength of Special-Jonin, the average Jonin may not be as good as him in terms of speed, but in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen, he can still feel the pressure. After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen at this time But Hokage is in the Peak period!

Whether it is Chakra, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, or all aspects of experience, they are all in the state of Kage Level Peak, which can be said to stand at the apex of today’s Ninja World.

Even the monster like Third Raikage that can cost ten thousand enemies, Sarutobi Hiruzen at this time also has various taboo Secret Jutsu like Dead Demon Consuming Seal to fight against.

“Don’t be nervous, I asked you to come here just to ask you something.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen directed Kaede’s kind start to talk and said: “Last night, Hidden near the village Mist Scout, did you kill it?”


Since it has been found out, instead of making meaningless cover-ups, you might as well admit it generously. , Anyway, his strength is enough to attract Sarutobi Hiruzen’s attention.

As long as he gets enough attention, he can also get the corresponding security. After all, only Danzo in Konoha is threatening him, and as long as Sarutobi Hiruzen pays attention, Danzo dare not do anything blatantly.

I heard Kaede admit that even though Sarutobi Hiruzen had roughly confirmed this, his expression still showed a little shock.

That is an elite scout of Hidden Mist after all!

Kaede at this age has the strength to kill an elite scout. His innate talent may be higher than Kakashi!

Genius beyond Kakashi!

“Tell me about the specific process.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen calmed down his thoughts and directed Kaede to start to talk.

Kaede briefly stated the specific process. In addition to concealing the ability of Time Acceleration, it includes training and combat.

“Can you beat Hidden Mist’s scout in speed?!”

After listening to Kaede’s statement, Sarutobi Hiruzen started to talk a little amazing.

The ninja who can be a scout is either skilled in speed or good at sense, but even if he is good at sense, the speed will not be bad, but Kaede can actually surpass the other side by virtue of speed. This is undoubtedly amazing to behead the other side in a very short time.

Know that Kaede is only nine years old at this moment!


Kaede nodded, said: “I have average innate talents in Ninjutsu and Chakra, but Taijutsu’s motor nerves seem to be different from ordinary people, so I am very suitable for father. The Blade Technique taught.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s eyes wandered back and forth between Kaede and Kakashi. It seems that Kaede is more like the White Fang in his youth than Kakashi!

After a short exclamation, Sarutobi Hiruzen took a cigarette and asked Kaede: “Since your strength has always been better than Kakashi, why have you stayed at the Academy? There is nothing to learn there. It’s helpful to you.”

“…I think it’s not a good thing to be too dazzling.”

Kaede responded and glanced at Kakashi. Said: “The aggressive behavior is too naive. The ninja is always in danger. It is safer to hide yourself.”

This response is basically Kaede’s own thoughts, without any lie. , Just concealed the fear of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo Konoha high level.


When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard Kaede’s answer, there was a hint of approval in his eyes, saying: “Although you are only one year older than Kakashi , But it’s a lot more stable.”

At this age, you can get rid of the’competitiveness’ and have a stable and mature mentality. No matter what the strength is, at least Kaede is mentally better than Kakashi. Better.

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of Hatake Sakumo and couldn’t help but sighed secretly.

Didn’t expect the two children left by Sakumo, both have such a high innate talent, and one is better than the other… Sakumo over there should also be very pleased.

“In your case, you can already get the Academy Graduation.”

After Sarutobi Hiruzen recovered, I looked towards Kaede.

Kaede thought: “I only have half a year to graduate from normal, and I still need to be divided into classes after graduation. Now it is very troublesome to transfer to classes after graduation.”

“Um , It’s true.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen is also slightly nodded. If Kaede graduates, it’s more troublesome to insert into the previous time student because it’s been allocated long ago, and there are still Only half a year will graduate.

Only after understood Kaede’s innate talent and strength, Sarutobi Hiruzen also wanted Kaede to become a formal ninja early graduation and participate in the formal ninja exercise.

After hesitating for a while.

Sarutobi Hiruzen made the decision.

“Since you don’t want to graduate early, please respect your opinion and follow this year’s normal graduation.”

After hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen’s words, Kaede saluted Sarutobi Hiruzen Said:

“many thanks Lord Hokage.”

“Sakumo gave birth to two good sons…”

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed again, Kaede smiled kindly and said, “In this case, you can go back first.” After Kaede nodded, he left Hokage’s Office and disappeared.

Kakashi remains in place.

Wait until Kaede leaves, Sarutobi Hiruzen take up the teacup and take a sip tea, looked towards Kakashi, and said: “didn’t expect your elder brother to be like an adult only one year older than you Think about the problem in the same way, Kakashi, you should learn more from him.”

If Kakashi can have Kaede’s stability, he won’t have to make trouble for Kakashi’s classification problem, and specially handed over this mission Namikaze Minato.

“The big brother is too steady sometimes.”

Kakashi couldn’t help but vomit when he heard Sarutobi Hiruzen’s words, saying: “…that many mocking his voice, He can treat him as if he didn’t hear it.”

“This is the difference between you and him.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen shaking one’s head, he admired Kaede more and more in his heart, saying: “Although He hasn’t graduated yet, but he already possesses the qualities of an excellent ninja. The ninja is…”

Listening to Sarutobi Hiruzen’s “teaching”, the corner of Kakashi’s mouth trembled slightly, and his eyes seemed to be spitting out .

I haven’t heard anyone praise Kaede for being calm before.

So strength is the point!

Kakashi thinks this should be the correct conclusion.


Regarding the Kaede matter, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally ordered that it should not be spread at will, and the news that Kaede killed an elite Hidden Mist scout was sealed and hidden.

The genius aptitude revealed by Kakashi is already in the dark Must Kill List of the enemy village. If Kaede is also exposed, it will also add some dangers. For Kaede and Kakashi, the “roots are red” genius ninja, Sarutobi Hiruzen is naturally the attitude of carrying out protection.

When Kaede graduates and becomes an official ninja, it is time to show the glory of the genius ninja belonging to Konoha.

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