Land of Fire.


Somewhere in a small town, in a hotel room, Danzo is sitting cross-legged on a cushion, with an unfolded Land of Fire map in front of him.

Recently, he has been hand-to-hand combat with Hidden Mist’s ninja several times. He has given a very ruthless counterattack to Hidden Mist ninja who came to test Konoha, and he has been ruthless and completely killed.

“With this situation going on, war will break out sooner or later, Sarutobi, your attitude is still too weak…At this time, preemptive talent is the most appropriate decision.”

Danzo muttered slowly while looking at the map.

Sarutobi Hiruzen’s behavior seems too conservative in his opinion, only to fight back against the temptations of other villages, but in the current situation, it is better to initiate a war and defeat a Ninja Village first.

With Konoha’s current strength, it is definitely not difficult to concentrate forces to defeat a Ninja Village, but if all Ninja Villages are jointly attacked, it will be involved in long-term combat, which is very troublesome.

In Danzo’s view, Sarutobi Hiruzen is nothing more than not dare to bear the reputation of provoking war, but this is the only way to unify Ninja World, and sacrifices must be made.


Just as Danzo was studying the map carefully and considering how to deal with Mist Ninja next, a Root ninja quietly appeared in the room.

Danzo did not look at the other side, but still looked at the map, indifferently said:

“How is the situation on the village side?”

Although he is in the Land of Fire border, but still part of the Root ninja, monitors the situation of the village in Hidden Leaf Village, and reports to him at regular intervals.

The Root ninja said in a emotionless voice: “Lord Hokage’s attitude has not changed significantly. Let Lord Danzo still keep you in the current situation… Orochimaru returned to Konoha and brought back information about Hidden Sand. Village’s information, but the specific information is unclear…”

Root ninja will state the most recently information one after another in order.

Danzo listened flatly.

After speaking for nearly half an hour, Root ninja continued:

“…Kakashi’s elder brother, Hatake Kaede, killed an elite scout from Hidden Mist. Suspected of possessing more innate talent and strength than Kakashi.”


Danzo paused, a trace of astonished flashes in his eyes.

It’s not how important this matter is. Compared with the previous one, this information is almost insignificant, but the problem is that the other previous information is in his expectation, and this one is the only one in his Unexpectedly, it was never expected.

“The news is true?”

“It is true.”

The Root ninja responded in a deep voice.

Danzo narrowed his eyes slightly, looking thoughtful and said: “White Fang’s eldest son also has such a high innate talent, and it has been hidden…”

Kaede The death of Kakashi’s father Hatake Sakumo is indeed directly related to him, but his intention is not to let Hatake Sakumo go to hell.

It was only an accident that Hatake Sakumo gave up mission for his companions, but the attitude of the villagers was indeed manipulated by him, including the companion rescued by Sakumo. He also guided him to abandon his mind. Feeling guilty, and blamed Sakumo.

The purpose of doing this is to suppress Sakumo’s prestige.

Because at that time Sakumo was almost the successor of Fourth Hokage decided by Sarutobi Hiruzen, and he was impossible to sit by and watch Hatake Sakumo succeed Fourth Hokage.

As a result, Hatake Sakumo didn’t expect that because of this incident, he fell into doubt about himself, and finally committed suicide… This was not his intention, after all, how could Sakumo not be with him? And, after all, it is a powerful fighting strength of Konoha.

If he comes to the Fourth Hokage, Sakumo can be a very useful tool.

Contemplation for a moment.

Danzo said to the Root ninja: “…continue to report.”

Although Kaede’s incident reminded him of some problems, he is now in the Land of Fire border, to deal with Hidden Mist Village, and he doesn’t have the mind to manage this kind of thing, he has to wait for him to return to the village.

The Root ninja nodded continued to report.


Konoha mountainside.

Two months have passed since the elite scouts killed Hidden Mist.

In the past two months, Kaede still went to the Academy as normal, but because of the previous scene of killing the fire gate of Hyuga, all students looked at him with a little awe. As for Kurenai Yuhi, etc. The young girls admired him even more and couldn’t help themselves.

Together with the Hyuga Fire Gate, it can be easily defeated. Kaede’s strength may already have Chunin’s level. Even if it is not as good as Kakashi, it will definitely not be too far behind. It is not as rumored at all!

Such admiration that these precocious young girls have begun to do some’excessive’ things, which makes Kaede somewhat helpless, and even because they are too young, they often didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Two months.

His training results are also extremely significant.

Because of the ability of Time Acceleration, his actual age is just over nine years old, but his physical age is gradually approaching eleven years old. Both Taijutsu and Chakra have steadily improved from just reaching Elite Chunin. The standard has been raised to an outstanding level in Elite Chunin.

Apart from this, White Light Chakra Sabre failed to train into Second-Stage, but the first two doors of Eight-Inner Gates have been able to open!

Although the first two of the Eight-Inner Gates do not have an explosive improvement, it is still a real strength improvement for Kaede.

Ha! what! ! !

In an empty place in the woods, Kaede is constantly doing exercises.

“The third-gate is still a little…”

After a few violent gasp for breath, Kaede stopped training and sensed within-the-body third-gate The shackles were still not loose enough to allow easy breakthrough standards murmured.

For Eight-Inner Gates, the third-gate is a qualitative change.

The function of the first gate is to give full play to the physical strength of the body. The improvement is not bad but not large enough. The effect of the second gate is also related to recovery, squeezing the physical energy to quickly resist physical fatigue. , Only to the third-gate, is the real explosion.

“If you can open the third-gate, in the third-gate state, with White Light Chakra Sabre and ninja sword White Fang, even if you don’t use Time Acceleration, I should have the strength of Special-Jonin. “

Kaede murmured in his heart.

After training Eight-Inner Gates, his strength is difficult to measure with a simple rank standard, because below his speed, as long as it is an enemy who cannot react, it is very It’s hard to hold two moves in front of him.

Only Uchiha Clan with Sharingan and Hyuga Clan with Byakugan can barely qualify for resistance, but they are only qualified for resistance, because seeing clearly does not mean keeping up!

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