Just when the atmosphere in the venue was a little depressed, a scene that suddenly appeared on a screen attracted everyone’s attention, including Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen, and they all looked over.

What appeared on the screen was the last three people team of Konoha. When they approached the position of the central tower, they encountered the scene with Hoshigaki Kisame and the others!

“You guys should have enough scrolls…”

Uchiha Hisada is the center of this Genin team. He stands at the forefront, looking calmly at Hidden Mist Village. Hoshigaki Kisame and the others, start to talk coldly.

He has already got Heaven and Earth scroll and doesn’t want to fight with Hidden Mist’s ninja hand to hand combat.

Hoshigaki Kisame slightly spread his hands and said: “Scroll this thing, it is enough.”

“Then step aside.”

Uchiha Start to talk.

Hoshigaki Kisame hey, a sharp flash in his eyes, and said: “You seem to have made a mistake…Although scroll is enough, I have no plans to let you go. Anyway, the third stage is also Sooner or later, I will hand to hand combat, so why not just let you all fall here.”

“By the way, remind you, I have got six scrolls…”

Hoshigaki Kisame’s words made Uchiha Hisada complexion slightly changed.

He turned on Sharingan without hesitation, with a tomoe slowly revolve in his eyes, holding a kunai in his hand, and staring at Hoshigaki Kisame warily.

“Do it.”

Hoshigaki Kisame started to talk cleanly and immediately started to do it.

Mist Ninja’s three people fought fiercely with Konoha’s three people. Relying on the power of Sharingan, Uchiha Kuda briefly maintained the situation, but as time passed, his Chakra was consumed more and more The bigger, Hoshigaki Kisame seems to have no consumption here!

“It seems that your Chakra is not enough. It takes a lot of Chakra to maintain that Sharingan…”

Hoshigaki Kisame grinned.

After that, he suddenly hand-seal with both hands, and a B-Rank Ninjutsu was released.

Uchiha Hisa’s face changed drastically. He didn’t expect to fight to this level. Hoshigaki Kisame could still have Chakra release B-Rank Ninjutsu. For a while, he could only dodge in a hurry, but it’s hard to dodge it in this terrain. The range of Water-Style Ninjutsu was finally hit.

“Chakra Reserves is a bit abnormal, it is indeed a different kind of physique.”

Orochimaru looked monitoring the screen, and there was a glimmer of light in the eyes.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Konoha’s many ninjas, but their expressions are a bit depressed, because with this team out, Konoha’s three people team is wiped out!

All that is left is the last single team, or only one person, Hatake Kaede.


“Is this Uchiha Clan’s Sharingan……”

Hoshigaki Kisame came to Uchiha Kuda’s side, and a slight flash of eyes flashed in his eyes Guang, slowly squatted down.

Sharingan from Uchiha Clan is still very valuable.

However, just when Hoshigaki Kisame was about to capture the Sharingan of Uchiha Kuda, a ninja of Konoha Anbu appeared quietly.

Although the exam candidates who participated in the second stage of Chunin Exams have signed the status of life and death, Konoha impossible ignores the taking of Sharingan.


Hoshigaki Kisame saw Anbu ninja appearing, and knew that there should be no chance to take Sharingan away. He wept, and withdrew the hand extended to Uchiha Kuta , Stood up again, and said:

“The hunt is almost over, let’s go.”

The other two Mist Ninja nodded, left with Hoshigaki Kisame.

The Anbu ninja glanced at Uchiha Kuta who fell on the ground, then glanced at in the direction where Hoshigaki Kisame and the others were leaving, his eyes were a bit low.

“Even Genin of Uchiha Clan, who can use Sharingan, was killed. Hidden Mist really sent monster Genin this time. This time Chunin Exams might become laughingstock…”


This is the monitoring room.

Looked at the scene under surveillance, Sarutobi Hiruzen sullen his face. After a few seconds, he turned his head and looked towards the proctor ninja next to him and asked:

“Where is Kaede, has he passed the level? ?”


The invigilator ninja hesitated for a moment. He didn’t seem to know how to say it. After a few seconds, he said: “How to say it, it should be considered a pass Now, he got enough scroll to come outside the tower very early, but he never came in.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen was slightly surprised, looked towards the monitoring screen and said: “Not in?”


Procedure ninja nodded.

Head examiner Shinku Yuhi walked over and looked up at the screen and said: “Maybe I don’t plan to pass the level directly. I want to test the strength of other ninjas. He can come in at any time from his position.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a cry.

This is indeed something that Kaede might do, but the other Genins are wiped out, and the pressure of the third stage is all on him.

As soon as he thought of this, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn’t help but shake one’s head. He had already anticipated that the ninja sent by Hidden Mist and Hidden Cloud this time would be the elite of the elite. Didn’t expect the situation to be worse than expected. Fortunately, he appointed Kaede to participate in this Chunin Exams.

With Kaede’s strength, it entered the third stage and its performance is not too bad.

It’s still passable on the scene.

At this moment, Kaede is sitting on a raised rock wall outside the central watchtower. He is motionless and covered with a layer of Kitsuchi. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t see sitting there. A person.

In the silence, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked in one direction. A trace of rays of light flashed in his eyes, muttering start to talk:

” Finally someone came…”

He has been waiting here for a long time.


Not far from the central observation tower.

Hoshigaki Kisame and the others who killed the last Konoha team are approaching the end of the second stage of Chunin Exams. The three people are marching in a triangular formation, and Hoshigaki Kisame running is at the forefront.

One of the two in the rear was running and said with a smile: “We didn’t expect Fuguki teacher, Uchiha Clan, who made us vigilant, has that ability. It’s too much to overestimate the ninja of Konoha. “

Tong Cao Ye helped grinned, and said: “A total of twelve teams, we killed six teams…Uchiha Clan’s ninja also killed one, and in total, eliminated seven teams… Hidden If Cloud’s ninja also kills a team, there should be only three ninjas left on the third stage. If two teams are killed, the third stage should be our duel with them.”

Such a record should be regarded as Perfection has completed Fuguki’s instructions.

However, when Tong Kusano was satisfied with his self-evaluation, an unfamiliar voice suddenly rang from him.


This voice made Tong Caoye help the heart contract violently, the hair of the split second whole body burst, and the horror instantly filled my mind.

He tried to react, but it was too late.

Shit! !


blood splashed.

As if hitting an invisible sharp thread, Tong Cao Ye helped the whole person be cut into two pieces directly from the waist, and the upper body and the lower body were neatly separated.

There is still a hint of horror and disbelief in his eyes.

sou! sou!!

Hoshigaki Kisame and another Mist Ninja noticed the shock behind them, their faces changed drastically, and stopped simultaneously.

When the two turned their heads to look around, all they could see were the corpse of Tokusuke Nosuke, and a youngster with silver hair and a short blade holding a short blade standing there with a plain face.


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