“Toshino Suke!!”

Hidden Mist Genin, standing next to Hoshigaki Kisame, his face changed drastically, showing a look of horror and disbelief. Can not help but shocked.

Tongkusano is a sense ninja among their three people. It can hunt other teams all the time. It also relies on the sense ability of Tongkusano. It stands to reason that Tongkusano should be faced with ambushes and sneak attacks. It is the one with the fastest response.

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Toshinosuke was killed by split second!

I didn’t even have time to use such techniques as Body Substitution Jutsu and Body Flicker Jutsu!


Tongcao Nosuke who was cut into two halfs not at all died immediately, but it was also mouth spurt blood coming out, and the upper body fell there. looked towards Kaede’s direction, with a bit of unbelievable.

Because he is close to the end, and he is talking to Hoshigaki Kisame and the others, he is indeed a little careless. He didn’t have concentrated attention completely and went to the sense when he was killed by Kaede halfway. So that I could not detect it in advance, but this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is…too fast!

Kaede’s movements are too fast, so fast that he has no time to resist!

That kind of speed is simply not like what Genin can have. Even if it is Jonin, I’m afraid it’s only this, and he was attacked by a Jonin sneak attack, and he did not concentrate attention completely. The second beheading is undoubtedly the inevitable result.

“It’s you.”

Hoshigaki Kisame gazed Kaede, not at all, because of his companion being chopped, he showed some anger and lost self-control, as if he was just dead insignificant guy.

He cracked his mouth slightly, revealing shark-like teeth, and said, “It seems that Genin in Konoha is not all garbage.”

“… …”

Kaede glanced at the Tsukusa Nosuke who was cut into two halfs by him, and noticed the small pile of scrolls falling from the other side, and said: “so that’s how it is.”

Collecting so many scrolls, the other side is obviously not participating in this Chunin Exams with the purpose of passing the customs, but purely for hunting and demonstration.

“It is indeed the style of the bloody Mist Ninja village…”

Kaede raised the ninja sword White Fang in his hand and gently wiped a hand on the blade At once, it seemed to be wiping the blade.

But in an instant, he made a pu chi sound and disappeared into smoke.

Hoshigaki Kisame complexion changed, he jumped without hesitation, and moved back to the back. At the same time, he quickly hand-seal with both hands and press down in the sky.

“Water-Style! Water Shockwave!!”


The monstrous current split second gushes, pouring down like a flood.

However, these currents did not immediately impact Kaede, because Kaede’s target was not Hoshigaki Kisame, but another Hidden Mist Genin!

“Water-Style! Spiral water blade!”

The Genin of Hidden Mist also released Ninjutsu almost at the same time Kaede disappeared. He opened his mouth and vomited, and he saw it like The spiral thread is centered on him and thrown out in all directions. Each thread is agglomerated by extremely high-pressure water. When the protruding rock nearby is touched, the split second is cut into two sections.

As soon as he released the next moment of Ninjutsu, Kaede’s silhouette appeared to his right, facing the thread cut by the split second, Kaede did not at all avoid it, but suddenly It showed an almost weird speed, spinning in the sky in the sky, passing through the gap between the spiral water blade.


Hisden Mist’s Genin’s complexion changed drastically, a trace of horror flashed in his eyes, completely didn’t expect Kaede to rush into the spiral water blade attack. Range, and it really passed through the cracks.

Without fast enough speed and sharp enough dynamic vision, this kind of behavior is like dancing on the tip of a knife, and one carelessness will be split in half!

Shit! !

Genin of Hidden Mist took out the kunai and waved up to meet Kaede.

Ding Ding dong dong!!

The ninja sword White Fang in Kaede’s hand swiftly across the void in the sky, instantly as if thrown out seven or eight white silk threads, and then the whole person flashed past and fell behind Hidden Mist Genin.

The silhouette of Hidden Mist Genin stiffened in place. He turned his head a little bit hard, looking towards Kaede behind him, a trace of amazement and disbelief appeared in his eyes, and then his body appeared Countless blood lines, accompanied by blood splatter, fell to one side.

The spiral water blade failed to block Kaede, and Kaede got close. The ending is naturally self-evident. If Uchiha Clan turns on Sharingan and has enough speed, he may be able to fight in close combat. Against Kaede’s White Light Chakra Sabre, but he obviously does not have that ability.

In a flash…Mist Ninja is killed!

“Being so arrogant in other people’s villages is a price to pay. You can’t kill others and they will be killed. This is the philosophy of your Mist Ninja village. I think there is no problem following it.”


Kaede stood on the water, looked towards the last Hoshigaki Kisame, a plain start to talk.

Hoshigaki Kisame is far away, gazed Kaede, his expression is not as calm as before, the corners of his slightly split mouth appear a little stiff, and he slowly said: “It seems that you are the strongest Genin in Konoha. There was a slight problem with the information, but it didn’t affect much…”

As the voice fell, Hoshigaki Kisame suddenly hand-sealed his hands.

“Water-Style! The technique of water mackerel bombs!”

oh la la! !

The split second on the water surface of Kaede underfoot made waves, and several sharks condensed in the water pounced towards Kaede, tearing him to pieces.


Kaede jumped directly from the water and fell in the direction of Hoshigaki Kisame.

Hoshigaki Kisame’s complexion remained unchanged, his right hand lifted and opened towards Kaede, the current surged and turned into a shark, biting towards Kaede’s front.

Kaede holds the ninja sword White Fang in his hand, and stabs the sword into the shark that the water turns into. The whole person turns into an afterimage along the water, and the ninja sword in his hand traverses a spiral trajectory, and the water flows The shark, along with Hoshigaki Kisame at the back, was cut into pieces.

oh la la! !

Hoshigaki Kisame’s body was shattered, but instead of gushing blood at all, it turned into a stream of water, and the split second surged upwards, wrapping Kaede’s whole person in the center.

“…the art of the water prison!”

The silhouette of Hoshigaki Kisame swims out from the bottom of the water, pressing one hand on the surface of the water polo, maintaining the water prison, while looking towards the water prison Kaede said: “Your speed is indeed a bit tricky, but in my water jail, you can’t perform it.”

Kaede was in the water jail without any panic. She looked towards Hoshigaki Kisame calmly, saying: “The technique of the water prison, Mist Ninja’s signature Ninjutsu… But since I knew you had this move, how could you easily get it.”

This sentence made Hoshigaki Kisame complexion changed.

The next moment.

His body was twisted to one side abruptly, but the sword white rays of light still rubbed his body, accompanied by splashes of blood, an arm flew out of the body and fell in In the water.


In the monitoring room in the center of the Death Cavern, Orochimaru looked at the screen. There was a hint of admiration in the eyes. Start to talk commented.

Sarutobi Hiruzen next to him looked this scene and couldn’t help but exclaimed: “I thought he just relied on that speed. Didn’t expect to be able to apply Clone Jutsu and Body Substitution Jutsu to this. Even if you are his age, you can’t do it…”

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen and Orochimaru were amazed by the innate talent and strength that Kaede showed in this short confrontation, and even more Needless to say the other Chunin and Jonin.

Such as Shinku Yuhi and the others, almost all of them are shocked at the moment.

To know the strength of the three people of Hoshigaki Kisame, they have long been judged by the battle observations of this period of time. Both Mist Ninjas have the strength of Elite Chunin, while Hoshigaki Kisame has the strength of Chakra. Outstanding, it can barely be regarded as Special-Jonin.

But such Hidden Mist three people, in front of Kaede, were killed and injured in a flash!

Neither the strength revealed by Kaede nor the judgment and choice of Kaede in the battle are hardly critical. It is not like a nine-year-old Genin at all, but more like an experienced ninja elite!

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