Even the commander, Jonin, was a little unexpected.

“Is it impossible to change the direction at that speed? Too fast is not a good thing, but a weakness…”



Almost at the next moment when his thoughts flashed, mutation suddenly occurred!

I saw it, because the speed was too fast, it was entrapped by the wind blade, and the human-shaped blood trail left in the sky suddenly all flew in the direction of the silver rays of light.

Not a drop of blood fell to the ground!

All the blood flowed out by the wind blade cutting, all flew back to the inside of the silver light, and the silver light did not stay at all, tracing a perfect trajectory, swept towards Among the closest crowd.

Like a touch of silver lightning!

Shit! laugh! laugh!

Instantly passing by, a dozen Sand Ninja stiffened in place, and then their bodies split and exploded, turning into countless blood spilling.


“What’s going on!”

The nearby Sand Ninja was almost in shock, and there was no time to do it in a hurry. What was the reaction? Someone held Kunai and tried to resist Kaede, but he couldn’t even see the track.

Jonin, who is in charge of the command, also changed his face drastically, showing a look of horror. This scene was completely what he didn’t expect. It was cut into such by the wind blade and he could recover!

The other side is not too fast to change direction!


“Fourth team, fifth team! Block his route!”

“Second team support!”

With his face changed drastically, he shouted start to talk and kept commanding. At the same time, he pulled out a katana and looked at the silver rays of light that shuttled through the battlefield, trying to support.

Under his command, some horrified Sand Ninja reluctantly organized, once again released a wide range of Wind-Style Ninjutsu, blocking Kaede’s route.

But Kaede still did not dodge.

I rushed out with the wind blade head-on again, ignoring all the damage, the Kusanaru sword in his hand entangled the thunder arc across the virtual sky, turning more than a dozen Sand Ninjas into corpse.

“Don’t mess!”

“Barrier! Barrier!!!

The team of looked Sand Ninja was completely in chaos, and the commander, Jonin, had a face It’s very ugly and keeps roaring.

Immediately, Sand Ninja tried to use the barrier to block Kaede’s actions.

However, Kaede, who had been in the barrier before, had been prepared for it. , Directly bypassing the scope of the barrier, although the barrier can’t affect him, at most it only traps him for a while, but now he wants to kill, not to be trapped.

sou! sou! !!!

The barrier blockade failed again, and there were more than a dozen ninjas who died under the Kaede Grass Ninja.

This time Sand Ninja is completely chaotic.

Countless Sand Ninjas have expressed horror and fear.

They are all elites of Hidden Sand Village, they are not afraid of fighting, even if they face multiple enemies, they dare to rush and can face Kaede can’t even see it clearly, and he doesn’t know how to die, the fear is still spreading in his heart!

In addition to a spike or a spike!

From Kaede’s front Beginning in the crowd, more than half of the ninja deaths have been caused by now. All the Chunin elites are supported under Kaede’s hands for only half a round!

All silver rays of light flash past, people just It has been torn and cut, and simply doesn’t have any resistance. This kind of battle is totally impossible to fight!


“Can’t restrain him…”

Jonin, who is in charge of the command, looked this scene and couldn’t help but clenched the teeth for a while, looking at Kaede with anger and panic in his eyes, he knew that this action had completely failed.

Continue to fight, it will only increase losses.

“Withdraw! “

This retreat order is extremely difficult for him, because this is the village that has high hopes, and wants a battle to determine the key mission!

It is precisely because of the difficulty under this order, and Kaede’s killing speed is too fast, within a few seconds, nearly ten ninjas died.

“Finally began to escape…”

Kaede gazed received many Sand Ninja eyes narrowed who received the order to retreat.

Because of the frontal breakthrough wind blade net problem before, he has no clothes on him now, and all his clothes are broken. Now, even though he is covered by silver light and his speed, no one should be able to see his state, but he still doesn’t want to let anyone go.

The previous killings are actually nothing. , The next step is to test him. Once Sand Ninja escapes in all directions, even at his speed, it is difficult to destroy it all.


Because of ninja The inertia of thinking.

Sand Ninja, who has fallen into chaos, did not choose the best retreat plan as soon as he came up, but still formed a trend of withdrawing large forces in one direction.

This scene is what Kaede wants to see the most.

He didn’t hesitate to continue rushing into the crowd, the sword was raised and the sword fell. In the process of rushing for nearly ten seconds, more than a dozen Sand Ninja died. Under his Kusanaru sword.

“Withdraw separately! “

“Don’t withdraw in one direction! “

Sand Ninja completely reacted at this time and dispersed in all directions.

By this time, the number of Sand Ninja killed in action had exceeded 80, and the rest was There are less than twenty people, and the sharp drop in the number has greatly reduced the difficulty of Kaede’s pursuit.

Shih! Shih!!

Bathed in silver light, Kaede maintains four times the speed The state of the fourth gate, whether it is Chunin or Jonin, has been unable to support one round in his subordinate.

After beheading more than a dozen ninjas in a circle, the remaining four or five The name Sand Ninja has escaped to several hundred meters, but Kaede still can’t get rid of this distance!

Because the terrain is too open!

Except for the one where Sand Ninja at first shelters from the rain Outside of the rocks, there are almost no other complex topography and landforms nearby. It is a completely open area.

If it is a jungle environment, facing Kaede who is not good at sense, just escape from several hundred meters. There is a chance to get rid of Kaede’s pursuit, but not in the open terrain!

At least you have to escape thousands of meters away before you have the opportunity to use some basic hidden Ninjutsu, so that Kaede’s sight is out of sight Lock again and escape in other directions.

sou! sou! !

Silver’s rays of light shuttle under the rain.

The number of Sand Ninja continues Decrease sharply.

Five people……

Four people……

Three people……


About two kilometers away from the initial fighting position, Kaede caught up with the last place Sand Ninja, and the Kusanaru sword in his hand penetrated his chest mercilessly.

“You… evil spirits ……”

The Kaede in front of Sand Ninja looked with fear in his eyes, and after a trembling voice uttered a word, his consciousness gradually began to dissipate.

Kaede pulled out With the grass naruto sword, looked that his corpse fell in the rain, shake one’s head.

“Evil spirit? “

“No. “

“I’m just a human trying to live to Grand Finale. “

After saying this, Kaede turned his head to the battlefield glanced at the back. Even though it was a kilometer away, he could still barely see that the land had been blood dyed red.

corpses everywhere across the field .

blood flowing into a river .

Like the hell of the sun!

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