
frontline battlefield.

Since Hidden Sand Village chose a full-scale offensive, almost all ninjas in the entire village were bet on the frontline battlefield, and there were only a few ninjas and juniors left behind in the rear village.

There is a reason to dare to do this. On the one hand, Land-of-Wind is located in a desert environment, natural resources are scarce, and ninjas that do not adapt to the Land-of-Wind terrain will be affected in Land-of-Wind. Great influence.

On the other hand, geographically speaking, only Land-of-Earth Hidden Stone Village can sneak attack on Land-of-Wind interior. However, once Hidden Stone Village expends huge forces to try sneak attack Their interior, for Hidden Stone Village glare like a tiger watching his prey Cloud Ninja Village, will certainly not let go.

The advantages in all aspects enable them to conduct a full-scale attack.

In the camp.

In the most central camp.

“Lord-Kazekage, this is today’s battle damage statistics… 21 people were killed in the battle, 43 people were seriously injured, and 109 people were slightly injured…”

Jonin from Hidden Sand Village took a copy of the information and handed it to Fourth-Kazekage Rasa.

Rasa took the glanced at and put it on the table, said solemnly: “You don’t need to change the combat plan, and continue to act as planned tomorrow.”


The Jonin complied left the camp.

In the camp, not only Fourth-Kazekage Rasa, but also the general staff Ebizo, as well as Elder Chiyo and other Hidden Sand Village high-level members.

“In fact, before the attack on Pakura’s side, it is most appropriate to keep bide one’s time to reduce battle damage, but doing so may arouse suspicion on Konoha’s side…”

Ebizo looked a map on the table slowly started to talk.

Rasa nodded, said: “Yes, so in order to avoid Konoha’s vigilance, even if some casualties are allowed, he must maintain the frontal battlefield combat. When Pakura’s action is successful, it will be completely Reverse the battlefield situation!”

Chiyo took a deep look at Rasa and said, “I hope it will go so smoothly.”

Rasa noticed the strangeness in Chiyo’s eyes, but did not To make any response, he said to Chiyo: “It’s getting late, Chiyo Elder should go back and rest first. You’d better lead the team for another attack tomorrow.”


Chiyo didn’t say much, and walked out of the camp.

Rasa gazed Chiyo’s back, a trace of rays of light flashed in his eyes.

Among all the films of Ninja World Five-Great Ninja Villages in all dynasties, Rasa’s strength is considered the weakest among them. If Third-Kazakage, who is in his prime of life, does not have an accident, it will be difficult for him to take over as Fourth. -Kazekage.

But when he took over hastily, both his direct subordinates and the strength control of the village were far weaker than Third-Kazakage, but he secured the position of Fourth-Kazekage!

What you rely on is means!

Launching an all-out war against Konoha and setting off the Third Shinobi World War is one of his methods!

The so-called revenge for Third-Kazakage, let Konoha give an explanation, basically is nonsense, even plundering Konoha’s natural resources is only a secondary purpose.

His main purpose is to rely on the war to secure Kazekage’s position!

Use this war to weaken the clan and other high levels that are hostile to him, and cultivate the elite subordinates who belong directly to him. This is what he is really doing, so he simply doesn’t care about the so-called casualties. , I don’t even care about the outcome of this war.

Kaede’s evaluation of Fourth-Kazekage Rasa is that the same character as Danzo is even worse than Danzo in the overall situation. After all, Danzo has the goal of unifying Ninja World.

What did Rasa do?

The brainless launch of an all-out war against Konoha will consume a lot of the battle strength of your village, so as to improve your influence and status, and to stabilize Kazekage’s position.

Because of Pakura’s dazzling record in the war, he became a hero and threatened his status. He immediately joined Hidden Mist Village to plot against and killed Pakura.

Next, Chiyo and Ebizo, who are highly respected and able to compete with him in status, kicked out the decision-making level and let them both retire.

After that, he was killed by Orochimaru during Chunin Exams.

It can be said that throughout history, this Kazekage has never done anything that is truly beneficial to Hidden Sand Village. Everything he did was to stabilize his power and status.

Speaking from a certain perspective, Rasa’s methods are indeed powerful. From the hastily taking over Kazekage, it has been developed to stand by one’s word in Hidden Sand Village, but this method of playing power, Kaede despised it.

The reason is simple.

viewing the sky from the bottom of a well!

This World is not the world of power, but the world of strength supreme. In the presence of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, playing with the so-called power is extremely ridiculous.

Chiyo and Ebizo are actually aware of Rasa’s purpose, but there is no way to stop it, because Rasa is dominant and uses open plots. The disappearance of Third-Kazakage was used as a reason for the war against Konoha. It is impossible to refute, and there is a deep hatred between Hidden Sand Village and Konoha, which has already been supported by the entire village.

“Ebizo Elder, you also go to rest.”

Rasa turned his head and looked towards Ebizo, who was sitting there and observing the map.

Ebizo reached out and fumbled twice on the map, raised his head, with a trace of sadness on his face, and said: “I’m afraid I can’t sleep, I don’t know why, I have an unknown premonition.”

“An unknown premonition?”

Rasa is a little strange, shaking one’s head, and said: “It’s Elder, you are so tired, so go to rest early, follow up The layout of battlefield also requires you to command Elder.”


Ebizo sighed, stood up, ready to leave.

At this time, a silhouette rushed into the camp and knelt down on one knee towards Rasa, with an anxious report: “Report to Lord-Kazekage, we have lost contact with the surprise troops!”


The atmosphere of ease in the field suddenly changed.

Ebizo gave a groan in his heart and glanced at Rasa.

Rasa also complexion slightly changed. Although the surprise attack troops are not his direct subordinates, he doesn’t care very much about it, but it is impossible to hear such news suddenly and not respond.

“When did you lose contact?!”

“At noon today.”

The person who contacted ninja urgently reported: “According to the original plan, noon At that time, the surprise attack troops should have contacted us, but there was no news. In the afternoon, the contact troops took the initiative to try to contact us, but there was no response in the evening. The news I just got from Summoned Beast is… the contact ninja there. Dead!”

Ebizo complexion became ugly up.

The unknown premonition came true.

The position of contacting ninja in the surprise force is very important. It is protected in the center of the team. Contacting the ninja to death means that the surprise force has a big problem!


Rasa’s face is also a little gloomy, but most of it is in disguise.

The surprise plan is Ebizo’s decision. If something goes wrong, Ebizo will have to carry more than half of the pot, and his status will be greatly weakened, which is a good thing for him.

“Lord-Kazekage, Elder Lord, what should I do next?”

Contact ninja to ask Rasa and Ebizo anxiously.

Ebizo took a breath and said solemnly: “Don’t mess up, the surprise unit has Pakura, and even if they encounter something, they can deal with it. Their current situation should be scattered and out of touch… Send scouts Troops, go over there to investigate the situation and contact them!”

“Just do it.”

Rasa also nodded, start to talk in a deep voice.

The person contacted ninja complied and quickly left the camp to convey the order.

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