After leaving Orochimaru, Kaede left the camp alone and went to the frontline battlefield of Land-of-Wind.

But this time he didn’t rush to the battlefield of Land-of-Wind at all speed, instead he was training and advancing all the way, not paying much attention to the speed of arrival.

With four times the speed, he can save several days of training.

In the three days before staying in the camp, he has been training. The purpose of training is to adapt to the transition from short blade to long sword, to adapt to the characteristics of Tianbu Liujian, and to change the White Light Chakra Sabre For his own Hatake Kenjutsu.

The difference between short blade and katana is, after all, only the difference in size, not a change in weapon form, and the key point of this difference in size is the point of force.

The power point of short blade and katana is different.

While holding a short blade to swing the katana, the force is very awkward, and the slash that is slammed is not strong enough, so certain adjustments are required.

Somewhere in the woods.

“It seems that there is not a big difference, but there is still a big difference, but making improvements is not as difficult as imagined…”

Kaede is holding the Kusana sword and is going The easiest way to swing a sword.

In the three days of training in the camp, he completed the improvement of White Light Chakra Sabre by about 80%. The more difficult the improvement became, it took him two days to improve to about 90% after leaving the camp. about.

The rest is actually a matter of pure proficiency. You need to use the most basic sword swing to achieve a more suitable sword chopping and push the proficiency little by little to the top.

This kind of mechanized exercise is the easiest for Kaede.

Because of the existence of Time Acceleration, in the state of quadruple speed, he can train at four times the speed of normal people, which is equivalent to average person training for eight days in two days.

I used to train White Light Chakra Sabre, from zero basics to a level of proficiency, using about a million swings and doing it for almost a month.

At that time, he was only able to achieve 1.5 times Time Acceleration, and both his physical fitness and Chakra were very weak, only Genin’s level, but now he is completely different.

Millions of swings.

Training at quadruple speed may be completed in less than a week.

And this number is only a rough number. Kaede only calculated roughly based on the average number of swings per minute, so it shouldn’t take that long, and he’s already done it when he was in the camp. Part of the training was done.

“Three thousand two hundred and 81, three thousand two hundred and 82…”

“Seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-six, seven thousand and seven hundred and 77…”

“Twenty thousand…Hey, how many are there, forget it…”

Kaede quickly gave up counting.

He only knows that his constant contact in this woods is the most basic slash. After three full days, he ate two deer and three sheep, and finally reached the goal Any jerky feeling can produce a slashing effect equivalent to White Light Chakra Sabre.


In the state of quadruple speed, Kaede suddenly waved to the distance.

A white glow flashed on the sword edge, and the trees more than a dozen meters away sneered. They were cut off from the center and spread to the seven or eight trees behind, crash-bang. Come down.

“The formidable power is at least 20% higher than when using White Fang.”

“If this formidable power meets the previous Pakura again, there should be a chance to cut her head-on The Scorch-Style defense does not require a war of attrition, nor does it need to rely on time backward…”

Kaede is lightly exhaled.

Looking at his own training results, he showed a hint of satisfaction.

The fifth gate of Eight-Inner Gates cannot be opened in a short time. It is also a good thing to be able to promote strength in other aspects, after all, it is his attack formidable power that improves.

For him who is fast enough in terms of speed and has time to go back, without considering the defensive power and avoidance rate issues, attacking formidable power is the most important attribute.

“It’s time to set off.”

Kaede put away the grass naruto sword and looked in the direction of Land-of-Wind, his body quickly turned into an afterimage, passing through the forest , Running towards the frontline camp of Land-of-Wind.


Land of Fire.

Somewhere in the jungle.

Two batches of ninjas met here and got caught up in battle. One of them was the ninja of Konoha and the other was the ninja of Hidden Sand Village.


Shinku Yuhi’s complexion is somewhat depressed.

I just came to explore this area. Didn’t expect encountered Sand Ninja who was lurking here. There was no danger here, but he was entangled by a Jonin of the enemy.

On the other side are Genin from three classes he led, including Kurenai Yuhi, and a Special-Jonin who followed him to explore, facing another Jonin in Hidden Sand Village.

Although it is four-to-one, the Special-Jonin on Konoha is a scout-type ninja, not at all fighting strength, and Kurenai Yuhi and the others are still Genin. Barely close to Chunin Level, so they still fall into the losing end when they join forces, only barely able to support.

“Some trouble…”

Shinku Yuhi frowns head.

Now he has two choices. One is to continue fighting. If he solves the opposite Jonin first, he can immediately support Kurenai Yuhi, but it is difficult to ensure that he will win first or Kurenai Yuhi. I can’t hold it there first.

Another option is to use a range of Genjutsu to temporarily contain two Jonins from Hidden Sand Village, allowing Kurenai Yuhi and the others to retreat safely.

“Let’s retreat.”

Shinku Yuhi finally made a judgment.

On the one hand, Kurenai Yuhi is his daughter. The safety of his daughter will affect his performance. It is very dangerous to continue fighting. On the other hand, this mission was originally a reconnaissance rather than a battle. It’s too early for Kurenai Yuhi and the others, and too dangerous.

sou! sou!!

After Shinku Yuhi parried an opponent attack, he jumped and fell in the direction of Kurenai Yuhi and the others, and said solemnly: “Kurenai, Akagi…retreat.”


Hearing Shinku Yuhi’s words, Kurenai Yuhi and the others immediately began to retreat, while Shinku Yuhi hand-seal in place, using the range of Genjutsu, influencing the two Hidden Sand Jonin .

At this moment, Kurenai Yuhi is also an excellent Genin, but facing a Jonin, even if there is a companion, he feels huge pressure. Even the clothes on his right shoulder are scratched, and a line appears. Bloodstains, if they were not rescued by their companions in time, they might hurt more deeply.

“It’s the same Jonin as father…”

She took a deep breath, her back was soaked in cold sweat, and her spirit was when she faced that Jonin before Almost all are in a stretched taut state.

The companion is almost the same as her, and the strongest one also has a lot of sweat on his forehead, which is obviously extremely nervous.


Kaede was thought of in her heart.

Although they are all students of the same period, if Kaede is here, it shouldn’t be a difficult situation like them?

Almost at the moment when there was a slight fluctuation in her thoughts and a brief moment of distraction, an urgent voice came from behind her, that was Shinku Yuhi’s voice.


The voice awakened her instantly.

Kurenai Yuhi was startled, and felt a coolness coming from the right side. Looking out of the corner of her eye, she saw a silhouette who bullied her next to her sometime, and the kunai in her hand was facing her Fiercely’s stabbing came, and it was one of the two Hidden Sand Jonin!


Kurenai Yuhi only felt cold in her heart. She couldn’t avoid it at this distance. The split second’s loss just now was a fatal mistake!

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