at the crucial moment, the body of Jonin who attacked her was frozen in place abruptly, making her dodge the Kunai who stabbed her neck.

That is Genjutsu released by Shinku Yuhi hastily.

But for this Genjutsu, Shinku Yuhi also paid the price. He didn’t have time to guard against the Sand Ninja in the back. Although he barely avoided the vital point, his shoulder was still swiped by his sleeve.

“Hurry up!!”

Shinku Yuhi endured the pain from his shoulder, and started to talk to Kurenai Yuhi and the others clenched the teeth.

Get rid of the life and death crisis, Kurenai Yuhi has recovered, and instantly understood what happened, her face turned pale suddenly because of her split second’s absence, which caused Shinku Yuhi to be injured!


Not exactly like this.

The Jonin of Hidden Sand Village released Iwa Earth Clone at first, and deceived Shinku Yuhi without being affected by Shinku Yuhi’s range Genjutsu. The main body suddenly attacked her, and it happened that she At that moment, there was a brief loss of consciousness.

Otherwise, she would have been injured a little bit and barely avoided the attack on the other side. Now it was Shinku Yuhi who was injured for her, and the situation suddenly became extremely bad.

“Similar eyes, are you father and daughter as expected?”

“Don’t even want to run away for just one of you now.”

Shinku Yuhi’s Hidden Sand Jonin sneered start to talk.

If Shinku Yuhi is not injured, it would be difficult for the two of them to kill the other side. Kurenai Yuhi and the others are just cumbersome. Injury or death will have no effect.

But now Shinku Yuhi is injured, the wound on his right shoulder will definitely affect the speed of the hand seal, and then there is hope to kill this powerful Konoha Jonin!

There is no point in killing a few Genin little demon.

Killing a Konoha’s Jonin can make their action meaningful. Even if they didn’t bring back any information, it was enough credit.


Shinku Yuhi was holding the wound on his right shoulder, gazed the two Sand Ninjas with cold eyes, and continued to shout at Kurenai Yuhi and the others.

Kurenai Yuhi bit her lip when she saw it. Although she was very worried, she knew that staying would only drag Shinku Yuhi, so she immediately continued to flee with her companion.

But Sand Ninja did not intend to let them go.

Although the goal is to kill Shinku Yuhi, these little demons are a burden to stay here. Attacking these little demon obviously allows Shinku Yuhi to show a bigger weak spot.


One of the Jonin rushed to Kurenai Yuhi again.

He has already seen that Kurenai Yuhi and Shinku Yuhi should have a blood relationship, even if they are not father and daughter, they should be close. Attacking Kurenai Yuhi is the most effective tactic!

“When you step on the ninja in battlefield, you must always be mentally prepared for death, little demon!”

Jonin in Hidden Sand started to talk with a vicious voice, he didn’t Letting go of the opportunity to use words to create fear, he knows that these Genin’s psychological qualities will not be so strong, and it is easy to show weak spots.

Sure enough.

In his ferocious voice, Kurenai Yuhi’s eyes flickered, and there was a trace of fear. At this time, she was just Genin who had just reached ten years old after all.

When the nearby companions saw that the situation was not good, they all came to support Kurenai Yuhi immediately. Various kunai shuriken threw at the Hidden Sand Jonin, but the strange thing was that the other side did not avoid it.

pu chi pu chi! !

Kunai and shuriken hit, and Jonin of Hidden Sand solidified in place, turning into a rock and falling apart.

“…Iwa Earth Clone?!”

Kurenai Yuhi saw this scene, her body suddenly stiffened, and she felt a chill surge up, she barely turned her head. I saw that Hidden Sand’s Jonin did not know when he got behind her.

The injured Shinku Yuhi has already seen the situation here, but at this time, because of his injury, he can no longer provide support under the attack of the opposite Jonin.

This moment.

Time seems to be incredibly slow.

Kurenai Yuhi can see the kunai in Hidden Sand Jonin’s hands, and little by little stabs her vest, but she cannot avoid it. This is the spiritual split second in the face of life and death crisis break out.

Although in this instant, consciousness seems to become extremely fast, but the body can’t keep up with the speed of consciousness, and can only look at the kunai little by little approach.

Are you going to die…

Kurenai Yuhi flashed such a thought.


The cries of Shinku Yuhi eye socket cracked opened.

The other people nearby also clenched their teeth and looked at this side, but their expressions were dumbfounded at the next moment, showing a trace of amazement.

Because of a touch of silver rays of light that naked eye can’t see, they came instantly from a distance and passed the battlefield, and the silhouette of Kurenai Yuhi also disappeared silently.


Jonin pupils of Hidden Sand shrank violently.

He turned his head abruptly and saw that on the treetop not far away, a silhouette bathed in silver rays of light was standing there, and the disappeared Kurenai Yuhi was hugged by him. before.

Kurenai Yuhi stayed there in a daze, looking at the silhouette of the silver short hair and fluttering hair close at hand, vaguely recognizing what seemed to be Kaede, and for a while, he couldn’t react.

“Am I dead…”


Kaede smiled softly and said, “But I won’t let you Dead.”

Just passing by, he noticed that there was fighting, so he came over and took a look. Didn’t expect will happen to encounter a crisis in Kurenai Yuhi.

It stands to reason that Kurenai Yuhi should not encounter this kind of death crisis here, because if he is not here, Kurenai Yuhi next moment should become a corpse.

[Due to my existence, has the world line started to change?]

Kaede murmured in his heart, and the silhouette flickered, returning to the ground, Kurenai who was still in a daze Yuhi put it down, then turned to look towards the two Sand Ninjas.

At the moment when Kaede’s eyes were watching, the two Sand Ninjas both got their hairs up and felt a huge crisis, as if the next moment would die here!


One of them made a decision without hesitation.

The speed at which Kaede rescued Kurenai Yuhi was almost unclear to him, and the Chakra fluctuations were really scary, definitely not the ninja they could handle!

“Are you gone.”

Kaede whispered, his left hand sealed, right hand stretched out, lightning rays of light intertwined in his hand, bursting out Chidori’s neigh, and then The whole person rushed forward.

I saw a flash of silver light instantly passing by the battlefield.

The two jonins who were passed by the silver light solidified in place one after another. The left chest and the central heart disappeared, as if they were erased by something.

The eyes of the two of them were shocked and unbelievable. They looked towards Kaede with difficulty, trying hard to see the silhouette bathed in silver light, but before their eyes Still quickly plunged into darkness, his consciousness disappeared.

plop! plop!

With the fall of two corpses.

When Kaede fell not far away, the silver light bathed on her body and the Chidori thunder arc entangled in the right hand gradually dimmed and disappeared, and turned around.

looked at this scene, whether it was Kurenai Yuhi or Inuzuka Tooth and the others, they all fell into silence, a piece of absolute silence, gazed Kaede staring blankly.

Just now…

What is that? !

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