Convincing her

Chapter 7: Being teased

The office building was mostly empty as it was a Sunday this served to remind Lucas of he what he would have probably been doing if he wasn't interrupted by his father. Sighing helplessly he got into the elevator that Dave was holding open for him and went up to the 32nd floor. Upon getting off the elevator he saw his father's secretaries so busy with their work they didn't notice him arrive.

His father's personal assistant was waiting for him to arrive and proceeded to lead the way to his father's office. Upon walking into his father's office he saw his father that looked so much like him he was sure that thirty years from now he would probably look exactly like him.

He was going through some files on his desk while wearing his spectacles, his salt and pepper hair neatly combed back giving him an elegant feel.

"Good afternoon father" Lucas said interrupting his father as he noticed he was too absorbed in his work it would have taken another thirty minutes for him realise that there was someone in his office.

"En. Sit" Noah said as he took off his glasses and looked at his son.

"I heard it was urgent," Lucas said immediately cutting to the chase.

"Where were you last night?"

"I slept over at a friend's place, why?" Lucas said with a straight face. Noah looked at his son, deciding not to ask him any more questions since he decided to keep it from him.

He knew Lucas never slept over at anyone's house, and when he spent his nights out he would normally tell his mother so she wouldn't worry, something he neglected to do the previous day and he ended up suffering from his wife's nagging.

"Next time, don't forget to let your mother know"

"That was my mistake," Lucas said a bit sheepishly remembering how much of a worrywart his mother was.

"Start coming to the company from Monday, I need you here to start learning the ropes". Noah suddenly changed the subject to a topic that Lucas was dreading, sometimes he wishes he was childish enough to whine about this to his father.

"I'm not yet done with my exams"

"Regardless, I expect you here next week, I know you'll be done by then," Noah said pausing a bit when he noticed a mark on his son's neck. "I'm even giving you a week to prepare, tie up loose ends in this week, I'll expect you in my office"

Feeling defeated Lucas just nodded.

"Why didn't you just tell me this over the phone?" Lucas asked slightly annoyed.

"You wouldn't pick up my call, I'm assuming you were busy?" Noah said with a knowing smile while obviously looking at Lucas' neck. Lucas felt even more annoyed with his father's teasing.

"I'll see you tonight"

"Oh, so you won't be sleeping over-"

"Dad, stop" Lucas warned before leaving the office with his father's laugh following him out. Sighing he loosened his tie and walked out of the building heading straight for the car.

"To the gym" he ordered feeling frustrated and embarrassed at the same time. Dave silently drove off, deciding not to provoke Lucas.


After Lucas left, Jen walked back to her room and looked at it from the door. It was a bit messy, sighing because she knew she had to clean up she picked up the various articles of clothes that were strewn all over the floor and put them in her laundry basket.

After removing her bedsheets and replacing them she separated her clothes and put them in the washing machine before she too went to take a shower.

While in the shower she didn't want to think much over Luke's identity but she couldn't help herself. When she thought of the moment she met him at the university he looked uncaring and at the party, he was very amiable, after the party he was wild and untamed but she couldn't help but feel that he had restrained himself a lot last night and today.

Then when they were having breakfast and watching TV he wasn't as talkative as he was the previous night but a bit reserved like he was holding back. Then his personality when he was on the phone screamed dominance and confidence that she was aroused the moment she walked in on him on the phone.

She realised she did not know anything about him, and she was certain he knew nothing about her cause she was being unnaturally quiet.

This whole experience was new to her cause this was the second guy she had been within her life. The first one was well, a long story that she was not comfortable thinking about. Sighing again she finished up her shower and wore a t-shirt before carrying her laptop to her living room to work on her assignments.

Turning on a random show on her TV she started seriously studying with the background noise as the house got too quiet when she was alone. Her hands furiously typed out a draft of the essay she was planning to write before she heard her phone ring.

Stretching herself, she picked it up while massaging her neck.

"Hello?" she said as she picked it up and putting it on speaker.

"Jen? It's Leanna, how are you?" Leanna asked curiously.

"I'm okay, just doing some school work," Jen said absent mindlessly her gaze fixed on the TV.

"I got the impression you'd be busy today," Leanna said with a teasing tone making Jen slightly embarrassed her cheeks turning a cute shade of pink.

"Don't tease me," Jen said trying to sound serious.

"Alright princess, I was just checking cause we wanted to come to pick up the car, we didn't want to intrude or anything," Leanna said unable to help herself from teasing Jen again.

"You can come, he is gone, no worries," Jen said not bothering with reprimanding Leanna again. After chatting for a short while she hung up and went to the kitchen to make some food.

30 minutes afterwards she heard a knock on her door but she was too lazy to get up so she just yelled "ITS OPEN" before she heard the doorknob turn and the two girls walk in.

"Hi guys," Jen said with a smile as she watched the girls get themselves a place to sit,

"Hi, so how are you?" Leanna asked her voice slightly teasing as she looked at all the evidence that Lucas left of last night's activities. She could just imagine how colourful the previous night was by just looking at her neck and her thighs that were exposed because she just wore a t-shirt.

"I'm good, did you all get home safe last night? I was totally reckless, did anything exciting happen at the party?"

"Well, besides you and Lucas it couldn't get more eventful than that" Nancy said.

"What do you mean? You guys know him right?" Jen asked her curiosity piqued.

"Who doesn't? No one expected him to show up, and since not many people have seen you around they thought you were his date last night" Nancy replied

"With the way the night ended, she might as well have been," Leanna said making Nancy giggle.

"Did we draw that much attention?" Jen asked puzzled cause she didn't notice last night.

"Yes, you two did. People had already started speculating that he was in the closet from how annoyed he'd get when girls approached him. Seeing him have a full-on make-out session with you at the party surprised everyone" Nancy said.

"And on top of everything, how you dragged him to his car, everyone pretty much knew what was going to happen afterwards" Leanna added to what Nancy said,

Sighing Jen put down her plate and leaned heavily on her sofa. She thought she was going to cry at any moment. She really didn't want the attention this event will bring her all the drama, she was too old for this. The two girls watched Jen as she massaged her temples and couldn't help but feel slightly sorry for her.

"Do you think people will recognize me?" Jen asked trying to grab on to whatever hope that may be left.

"Yes, Lucas is from money, and they have lots of it, and he himself started earning the moment he turned 18 so he is pretty much the richest guy on campus seeing as he is being prepared to take over their big as hell corporation. I'm not sure about how everything is between you two so I can't give any advice" Leanna said honestly.

"Ooh," was all Jen could muster. At this point, she really wasn't sure about what to do with this new information she just acquired.

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