Convincing her

Chapter 8: Brain-dead

After her conversation with the girls, Jen realised she had no business worrying about what happened between her and Lucas. They were both adults who were drunk and had a one night stand, in this case, one night and a day stand. Regardless, they only gave each other their names and no promises were made and therefore there were no commitments whatsoever.

She continued with her schoolwork while taking breaks to watch some TV before getting ready for the night. As she lay on her bed she looked at her phone only to see a message from her younger brother and her mother. She replied to her brother's text and only sighed after reading her mother's text deciding that she will call her at a later date.

As she kept fiddling with her phone she realised she was expecting Lucas to call her, upset, she turned off her phone and threw herself on the bed to sleep.

The following day Jen was getting ready for her morning class before she heard her phone ring. Picking it up she put between her shoulder and ear as she was packing the things she needed for the class in her bag.

"Hello?" she said as she continued to busy herself.

"Hey beautiful, how are you?" Lucas' deep voice was heard from the other end. She paused for a bit before she resumed packing her things.

"I'm okay, you?"

"I'm alright, do you have classes today?"

"Yes actually, I'm about to head out right now," Jen said as she zipped up her bag and threw it on her shoulder.

"Great, I'm outside, let's head there together" he replied, making Jen pause before she continued finishing up on her preparations.

"Alright, I'll be out in a minute," Jen said before hanging up, she hurriedly looked for her keys and left the house locking the door behind her. Turning around the first thing she noticed was Lucas. He was leaning on his low-key car, which she recognized as an Audi, wearing a pair of jeans and a black shirt with the sleeves folded all the way up to his elbows and a pair of ray-bans.

He hadn't noticed her yet as he was on a call his eyebrows were tensed up showing that he was not enjoying the conversation with whoever was on the other end of the call.

As Jen walked towards him he suddenly turned around, startling her making her almost fall over. Jen scowled at him making him smile and as he proceeded to end the call without warning.

"Are you okay? You didn't look like you were having fun with whoever you are talking to" Jen started probing.

"It was nothing, you look beautiful," he said suddenly almost making Jen scoff at him with how he suddenly changed the topic.

"Thanks" Jen replied as she entered the car and watched him close her door and leisurely walk to the driver's side.

He got into the car and gave her another once over, seeing her long legs stretched out in front of her from white summer dress and her long hair that fell over her shoulders down her back he almost couldn't restrain himself from putting it behind her ear.

"I was serious when I said you look beautiful today" he repeated himself, sounding much more sincere than before.

His serious tone of voice made her feel shy causing her to blush, seeing this made him chuckle before finally driving off to the university.

"What are you studying?" Lucas asked suddenly

"International Business, you?" Jen replied


"Really? Interesting, you're not in my classes so you must be on your second year? maybe final?"

"Final year, I was actually supposed to be done last semester, but I had a lot going on during that time and I couldn't clear up my schedule" Lucas explained

"I see," Jen said while wondering how busy you have to be push assessments aside

"Yeah, so I'm doing the final assessments and exams this week, so you probably won't be seeing me around campus from next week"

"Oh" was all Jen managed to say before Lucas parked his car at the university parking lot. He turned to look at her before he smiled, she was stunned with how handsome he looked when he smiled.

"I'm glad I met you before I left, I'll be getting busy from next week, and I probably won't have a lot of free time."

His words baffled Jen, she was wondering 'why he was explaining himself, and it wasn't like they were dating right? They just had great chemistry in the sheets, are all these explanations necessary?' she decided to keep quiet because she was not sure what exactly he was expecting from her.

She did not have the luxury of imagining that things can proceed further than they already have. In fact, her best-case scenario is if their relationship was just physical. Her thoughts were interrupted when she saw Lucas open her car door.

She hurriedly unfastened her seat belt and stepped out of his car. Luke closed the car door and pressed her against the car, his clean scent wafted into her nostrils and she could almost feel her IQ plummet at that moment.

She gazed up at Luke and saw her face reflected from his ray-bans before he removed them exposing his hazel eyes. He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"What time are you going to leave campus?" he asked suddenly.

"Probably around 4 pm" Jen answered without thinking.

"I'll come to pick you up then, wait for me," he said right next to her ear his voice sounding even deeper than it normally sounded. This caused Jen to just nod as she was too distracted to talk. Luke chuckled before he left a kiss on her forehead, then walked back to the driver's seat as he put his shades back on.

The sound of the car door closing finally startled her from her stupor she stepped away from the car and saw the window roll down before Lucas told her he'll call her and then sped off. When she looked around she finally realised how much attention his stunt had drawn.

She silently cursed Lucas in her mind as she made her way towards the building where she had her lecture. She kept hearing words like "That was the girl that was making out with Lucas at the party" and some people even brazenly pointed their fingers at her. She felt so embarrassed she could die.

The fact that she was tall also made it very easy for people to spot her. Fighting the urge to cover her face with her hair, she quickly walked towards the lecture hall, she had never been so thankful for having long legs like she was at that moment.

Taking one of the seats in the middle of the lecture hall she recalled how Luke behaved when he dropped her off. A sudden rush of embarrassment rushed through her before she became mad at herself. She couldn't figure out how she suddenly became brain dead when Lucas closed the distance between them.

Feeling frustrated with herself she angrily opened her books deciding that she might as well distract herself with studying before the lecturer came in.

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