Shirakawa family.

Belmode looked at Shirakawa, whose head was wrapped in gauze and had blood stains on his body, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Of course, not against Shirakawa Ha, but against the person who made him like this.

She squinted slightly and said lightly:

“Good, very chic shape, gave me a surprise.”


Shirakawa sat down next to her and smiled:

“There was a little accident, the car was driving too fast at night and accidentally crashed into another car. The main thing is to chase the prisoners, otherwise I would not normally drive like this. ”

My girlfriend was a little upset when she saw it, so I still had to explain it clearly.

Otherwise, I really don’t have a chance to coax.

There was a similar situation before, a little unpleasant, Shirakawa Ye really couldn’t even get through the phone, and could only wait for the other party to take the initiative to appear.


Belmore was a little inexplicable, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

What happened tonight was still organized for them, and she already understood what the situation was.

Moreover, this time the meeting between Tequila and Akemi Miyano was completely planned by her, and no one else was notified at all.

But now that the other party has been ambushed by people from the Metropolitan Police Department, there is a big problem here.

It’s obvious.

The dirty little mouse appeared around her, or around them with code names.


Faces appeared in her mind, excluded one by one, and finally fixed on a few faces.


Belmode came back to his senses, because a large warm hand had appeared around his waist, gently hugging her, and words came from his ears.

“Let’s rest.”


Belmode sneered:

“It’s all like this, and I’m still thinking about some messy things, I see that you are still not seriously injured enough.”

“It’s okay.”

Shirakawa Ye saw that he was not affirmed, so he could only hug him like this: “I can rest for a few days, let’s go shopping together in the next two days.” What do you think? ”

“Let’s go take a shower.”

Belmode gave him an answer.

Shirakawa immediately got up, took a change of clothes and went into the bathroom.

Looking at the blood on his clothes in the mirror, he shook his head helplessly, no wonder Sharon didn’t want to make out with himself more, it was strange and uncomfortable to watch.

This time I was not in such a hurry as last time, I washed seriously for a while, and it took more than ten minutes before I came out of the bathroom.

Just came out.

I saw that on the coffee table in front of the sofa, a medical kit had been placed.

“What are you going to do here?”

Shirakawa asked puzzled.

Belmode put on a glove and said lightly:

“Come here, I’ll re-bandage your wound.”

“Ah this, no need. The hospital doctors have done it all, and there is no need to re-bandage it. ”


Belmode didn’t answer him again, and went to his own pocket.

Shirakawa Ye had no choice, sat next to her, and could only compromise.

Watching his girlfriend untie the bandages on his head without hesitation, his thoughts were also quite complicated.

Having a strong girlfriend, in some ways, is really unpleasant.

Belmode had removed all the gauze at this time, looked at the wound on his boyfriend’s forehead, and quickly analyzed in his heart:

“Skin trauma, six centimeters long, judging from the shape of the wound, it should be scratched by glass.”

There is a calculation in my heart.

She took out the medicine bottles in the medical kit without any markings and began to sprinkle medicine on the wound, and the painful Shirakawa leaf pumped the cold air.

Shirakawa Ye looked at these bottles and cans in front of him, and did not dare to say or ask, so he endured it.

When the gauze was rewrapped around his head, just when he thought it was over, another medicine was handed over.

Looking at the medicine in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he asked suspiciously:

“My Sharon, what is this thing again? Can you explain a little bit? Don’t feed me something messy. ”

“If you want to leave a scar on your forehead, you can choose not to eat it.”

Belmode is not so strong this time, and gives room to choose.

Hearing this, Shirakawa Ye looked at the medicine in front of him curiously, and then looked at his girlfriend, is this medicine also available?

Now he is very curious where his girlfriend got this medicine, and it is really more mysterious than him as a traverser.

“I ate it.”

Glancing at his girlfriend again, Shirakawa swallowed the medicine without hesitation.

Belmode finished packing the medical kit.

Take out a cigarette and light it, take a shallow sip, and then slowly say the purpose of today’s coming:

“I’ll tell you, I’m on a business trip recently, I can’t meet for a long time, and the phone can’t get through.”

“This way~”

Shirakawa said, then stood up and walked into the bedroom.

Then there was no movement.

Just when Belmode felt inexplicable, the voice came from inside.

“Sharon, look, is this something you hidden?”

“What am I hiding?”

Belmode raised an eyebrow.

Subconsciously thought about it, she didn’t remember what she hidden.

But soon she reacted, and her always cold face couldn’t help but show a shallow smile, shook her head funny, got up and walked into the bedroom.

At the same time, the door is also gently closed.

Time flickered.

Three hours later.

Belmode, who had changed his clothes, looked at Shirakawa Ye, who was sleeping in a daze on the bed, a tenderness flashed in his eyes, and whispered:

“I’m leaving.”


Shirakawa responded confusedly.

Belmode was just about to leave, but after thinking about it, he returned to the bed, possessed and kissed Shirakawa Ye before turning to leave.

Silence fell into the bedroom.

Ten minutes later.


Shirakawa opened his eyes, sat up sharply from the bed, and quickly began to dress.

“It’s over! It’s over! ”

“Miwako is still in the hospital, I forgot such an important thing, now it’s troublesome.”

“How should I explain it…”

While thinking about excuses, he thought about how to coax Miwako Sato when he got to the hospital, which was too difficult.

It’s been three hours, almost four hours to be precise, and if he hadn’t just slept and suddenly twisted his head and pressed the wound, he really wouldn’t have remembered about it.

Shirakawa can imagine what a furious scene it was to wait to see Miwako Sato.

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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