Green Tai Police Hospital.

The hospital in the middle of the night can be said to be very quiet, even a little eerie.

In addition, in places like hospitals, people often die, which is a little more weird.

Fifth floor.

VIP ward.

At this time, the door was slowly opening, and a head quietly poked in, and when he saw the quiet concubine Hideri on the hospital bed, and Miwako Sato, who was sleeping on the side of the hospital bed, there was a relieved expression on his face.

Shirakawa put the things in his hand outside the door, which was the key to coaxing Miwako Sato, and then on tiptoe, without making a sound, he entered the ward and carefully closed the door.

Coming to the bed, looking at Miwako Sato, who was sleeping on her stomach, I thought he still took off his coat and prepared to cover her.

But the next second.


A cold hand grabbed his wrist deadly.

Shirakawa was startled, and saw that Miwako Sato, who was still sleeping on her stomach, had opened her eyes and slowly turned her head to look at him.

She first glanced at the watch on her wrist, then expressionlessly let go of his hand and slowly stood up.

“Wait, I can explain.”

Shirakawa hurriedly put on his coat, at this moment he wanted to run, but he knew that running was useless, and the consequences could only be worse.

“That… I came home with a little surprise. Really, I’m not lying. ”

Miwako Sato unfastened a button under her collar, kicked the heels off her feet again, raised her hands, and approached Shirakawa like an emotionless robot.

“Miwako, wait, you listen to me…”

The words are not finished.

Miwako Sato reached out sharply and grabbed Shirakawaha’s sleeve.

Shirakawa Ye secretly said badly, and hurriedly retreated, not giving her a chance to approach.

He knew that Miwako Sato was very good at judo, and if he grabbed his arm, an over-the-shoulder fall would be the lightest end.

It’s a pity that Miwako Sato is experienced, and she doesn’t give him a chance to escape at all, and her body quickly lowers and crashes into his arms.

No way.

Shirakawa Ye couldn’t care so much, his body pressed down, hugged her waist, and whispered:

“Miwako, I know it’s wrong, don’t be angry first, okay?”

“Think beautifully!”

Miwako Sato finally spoke, but her tone was indeed a little gnashed.

She held one of Shirakawa’s trouser legs, wanted to lift it, but found that it was too heavy to lift, but her tone was still stiff


“It’s obviously your business, but you made me wait here for so long. Now come back and explain it and want to fool the past, do you think I’m a bully? ”

“No, you listen to me first.”

“Nope! Let me loosen it, let me drop you, or I won’t have a choice.” ”


Shirakawa Ye hugged this petite body and felt her real strength.

There is no good way for a while, and in the end it can only play a rogue trick.


His feet were in the air, and he suddenly wrapped around Miwako Sato’s legs.

In an instant, Shirakawa Ye lost his center of gravity and smashed back heavily on the ground, while taking Miwako Sato into his arms.

Now, it can finally be explained, and the two people are also face to face.

“Can it be quiet?”

Shirakawa looked at Miwako Sato in her arms.

Miwako Sato’s cheeks were crimson at this time, and she didn’t know if it was angry or what, and her heart was beating fast, but it did calm down.

She hid her head in Shirakawaha’s arms and said in an angry tone

“You’d better explain it to me, or you’ll wait for me.”

“I’m not thinking about the big night, you’re having a hard time here, and you certainly haven’t had dinner yet.” So on my way back, I was going to buy ingredients and bring you cooking. However, after visiting many supermarkets, they did not open, and finally delayed a lot of time before arriving late. ”


Miwako Sato raised her head again, looked at him suspiciously, and then frowned


“What about the food you brought?”

“I put it outside, and I knew that you wouldn’t listen to me well when I came in, so I put it outside.” Otherwise, you let go first, and I’ll take it in.” ”

“Okay, I can barely trust you once.”

After Miwako Sato finished speaking, she hurriedly got up from his arms and put on the shoes that she threw out by the way.

A large stone fell in Shirakawa’s heart, got up and went to the door, and took the large bento box that had been prepared long ago.

“Look, I’m not lying.”


Miwako Sato snatched the bento box from his hand and went to the table in the room and sat down.

When you open it, it is very rich and beautifully placed.

Originally, I was not very hungry, but now when I saw it, I was immediately hungry, and I didn’t pay attention to Shirakawaba, so I ate it by myself, and my mood was much better.


Shirakawa let out a long breath, and this level was barely passed.

This is the way he thought of before he came, and he bought a luxurious bento in the supermarket.

Although the loophole is quite large, as long as you can coax Miwako Sato, it will be no problem.

In saying that, the real situation cannot be said, otherwise maybe Miwako Sato will be even more angry.

After all, let the family wait here, but after I went back, I had a tryst with my girlfriend for a few hours, which is not as good as the current excuse, at least not so heartbreaking.

This way.

Miwako Sato spoke:

“Ye, you’re not going back tonight, are you?”

“Yes, after all, I hit the person, let’s wait here for this barrister to wake up.”

“You’re miserable. By the way, give me your house key. ”


Shirakawa Ye now has any request for her, so he agrees to any request and decisively gives her the key.

“I’m leaving.”

Miwako Sato didn’t stay here much either, picked up the keys and bento box and left.


Come to the hospital parking lot.

Getting into the car, Miwako Sato looked at the bento box placed in the passenger seat and gritted her teeth:

“Big stupid, even the label of the expiration date is there, don’t pay attention to it.”

It is estimated that Shirakawa himself did not expect that one of his negligence had already been discovered by Miwako Sato at the very beginning.

However, Miwako Sato did not debunk him, but just pretended not to know.

She understood that there must be a reason why the other party came so late, and there was a certain reason for not explaining it to her.

Anyway, it’s almost the same as venting just now, so there’s no need to be too calculating.

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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