New York.

Rainy night.

In the villa.

At this time, it is bright.


“It’s really excessive, how can you hit someone?”


“Bastard Yusaku! It’s all because of him that I will be beaten, woohoo…”

On the sofa in the hall, Yukiko was wearing suspender pajamas, bare feet, hugging her knees, burying her head and curling there, and the sobbing never stopped.

“It’s coming!”

Shirakawa ran out of the kitchen and placed the freshly boiled eggs on the table in front of the sofa.

Looking at the woman who was still sobbing there, he whispered helplessly:

“Miss Yukiko, you better apply it first, otherwise it may not get better for a few days.”

“Whew… Whew…”

Yukiko’s white toes couldn’t move, raised her head slightly, tears in her beautiful eyes, and a look of pity I saw, making people can’t help but want to hug into their arms and comfort.

But now.

One of her eyes became panda eyes, which looked much funnier, pitiful and helpless.

Yukiko sniffled, but finally picked up the egg on the table and put it on her eyes, gently applying it.

At the same time, the other intact eye stared at Shirakawa Leaf, as if he wanted to kill him.


Shirakawa covered his mouth and coughed, hiding his embarrassment.

Looking at the beautiful blue eyes that stared at him without blinking, he really couldn’t stand it and said:

“Miss Yukiko, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to. Whoever told you to do that at that time, a normal person will be the same as me. ”

“How is it possible!”

Yukiko pouted disapprovingly and crossed her slender legs together:

“Such a terrifying atmosphere, that kind of scene at that time, other people have long been so frightened that they can’t move, maybe they can be directly frightened.” But you actually hit someone, you must have done it on purpose, you have already seen through my disguise, that’s why you hit me. Isn’t it? ”

In the end, she felt that was the most likely.

Shirakawa must have done it on purpose.

Retaliation for throwing him in the face, revenge for not arranging a room for him to sleep, so find an opportunity to clean himself up.

As soon as Yukiko thought of this, her anger staggered up, and her ten toes couldn’t help but bend together, looking like she was gritting her teeth.

“Miss Yukiko, it’s really just a misunderstanding.”

Shirakawa patiently explained: “I am a policeman, and I have seen many terrible scenes. So you may have been taken aback at the time, but you can’t even have the ability to resist. ”

He was actually very tired in his heart.

Although when I watched anime before, I knew that this woman was very fun-loving and liked to do things.

But I didn’t expect that I wanted to rectify myself when I came, and I ended up eating my own evil consequences.

If he hadn’t sensed something was wrong at that time, maybe Yukiko’s face would have blossomed, and it would definitely not be as simple as a panda eye.


Yukiko felt that this statement was a bit correct, but did not want to admit it, so she decided to ignore him and turned on the TV in the hall.

Just open it.

It’s a live news story.

I saw a tall bald male policeman and said seriously to the camera:

“I’m Radicius Raywood, Captain of the Police. It was just twelve o’clock at night, in a Manhattan alley, another woman was killed. I would like to appeal to my fellow women not to go out at night to avoid being targeted by road demons and accidents happening again. At present, I have some news about the road demon, please pay attention here. Male, with long silver hair, neon man…”

Shirakawa Ye sighed: “It seems that New York is not safe either.” ”

In fact, seeing this news, some long-ago memories came to mind.

I remember that in the original world, he saw more than 600 episodes of anime, and watched a lot of theatrical versions.

And this case is special, so that he still remembers the general plot.

Mainly, this road demon was later disguised by Belmode, and then let Xiaolan save it, so it was quite impressive, which made him can’t help but muttered in his heart:

[Kudo Yusaku’s thing won’t be to ambush this Belmode, right? ] I remember that this was not done by Shuichi Akai? Or is it something else? It seems that there may be many people in the black-clothed organization in this place. 】

For Shirakawa Haba, Yukiko is noncommittal, it is indeed not very safe here.

After reading the news, she turned off the TV directly, covered her eyes with an egg, got up and went upstairs.

After just two steps, he stopped, turned his head and asked:

“Mr. Officer, your name.”

“Shirakawa Ye, please advise more.”

“Officer Shirakawa, come with me and take you to the room.”

“Thank you.”

Shirakawa got up to follow, feeling that Yukiko was still quite good, at least lost his temper, and finally knew how to receive guests.


Yukiko came to the next door to her room, opened the door and said:

“How about you look at this room? If you don’t like it, you can change it. ”

“Very good.”

Shirakawa nodded, living right next door, he could react quickly if something happened.

Seeing that he was satisfied, Yukiko turned around and walked out, but thought of one more thing and said:

“Officer Shirakawa, I’m going on a date tomorrow, so you don’t have to follow me.”

“Huh? Appointment? ”

Shirakawa’s eyes widened, could it be that Kudo Yusaku was green?

He felt dating might be real, but it wasn’t necessarily green:

“Miss Yukiko, this can’t work, I want to follow you.” But I can promise you that it won’t disturb your date. ”

“This… Okay…”

Yukiko hesitated for a moment but agreed.

She knew that the other party was a policeman, and it was impossible to compromise so easily, but this small concession was still quite good.

Go back to your room.

Turn on the lights.

Sitting in front of the dressing table, looking at the panda eyes on his eye sockets in the mirror, the sense of grievance immediately came up:

“What about this? If she sees it tomorrow, she will definitely laugh at me. ”

Speaking, he also pulled up his pajamas and looked down, and suddenly his face turned red and he gritted his teeth:

“Damn fellow! Such a big slap, it’s swollen…”

Yukiko originally thought it was an accident, but now that she looks at it like this, she feels that she is still naïve, and that guy is not a good person at first glance.

Otherwise, who reacted subconsciously, how could it be like this.

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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