
In the villa.

Yukiko quietly opened her door, saw that the door next to her did not move, and walked downstairs little by little on tiptoe.

When I came to the lobby on the first floor.

I was sure that it was far away, and a smile immediately appeared on my face:

“Hehe, you still want to fight me, it’s far away.”

“Miss Yukiko, what’s far worse?”

The sudden voice sounded, but Yukiko was taken aback.

She turned her head to look.

I saw Shirakawa coming out of the kitchen, wearing an apron and holding two bowls of noodles in his hand.

“Miss Yukiko, do you want breakfast?” I’m still going to call you, just right now. ”

“Humph! Eat, why not eat! ”

As soon as Yukiko saw that the escape plan had failed, she directly vented her anger on the food and gulped down the noodles.

Shirakawa Ye didn’t know why, but his eyes still looked at this woman from time to time.

Today this woman is dressed a little strangely.

He could understand the brown hat and sunglasses on his head, but why did he have a thick scarf around his neck.

This is incomprehensible.

“What do you see?”

Yukiko noticed his eyes and immediately glared back, but her cheeks flushed slightly at the thought of what had happened last night.

“Didn’t see anything.”

Shirakawa retracted his gaze.

Then it was quiet, and only the sound of the two eating noodles remained.

Wait for breakfast to end.

Yukiko is going on a date, and Shirakawa can only follow.

Got into the sports car.

Yukiko, who was just about to start, looked at the lightly cloudy Shirakawa leaves in the passenger seat, and thought of a good idea, and her bright red lips rose slightly.


The roar of the engine resounded, and the sports car directly ejected the start.

Shirakawa Ye chuckled in his heart, and the figure of Miwako Sato appeared in his mind, and he immediately fastened his seat belt and hurriedly said:

“Miss Yukiko, we might as well drive slowly, it’s dangerous to drive so fast in the city.”


Yukiko looked at Shirakawa Ye’s nervous look, and her heart was finally free, and the throttle increased again.

“Don’t worry, my driving skills are good. My car is also very good, although it only came out of the garage last month, but it has been perfectly modified by me. ”


Shirakawa Ye almost couldn’t hold back, pursed his mouth tightly, and didn’t speak.

Just silently bless in my heart, hoping that nothing will happen this time, and hoping to live safely until the time to get off the bus.

That’s it.

The whole way was full of Yukiko’s laughter.

When he arrived at his destination and parked the car, Shirakawa Ye’s face turned white, and he endured the feeling of vomiting and silently followed Yukiko.

Yukiko looked back at him from time to time, and her mood was called a beauty, and she jumped up and down when she walked.


When she came to Times Square, she saw the person waiting for her.

A short blonde hair, a pair of glasses, and a black dress on his body, looking very beautiful and imposing, that is, Sharon Wynyard.


Yukiko shouted and ran towards her.

Belmode heard her voice and looked up, but this look made her face change, subconsciously touched the ring hanging around her neck, and her brows couldn’t help but wrinkle.

“Sharon, what’s wrong with you?” As soon as Yukiko came over, she found that her good friend’s expression was wrong.


Belmode looked at Yukiko, and suddenly his eyes lit up: “Yukiko, I’m a little cold, can you bring me a scarf?” ”

“This… All right. ”

Yukiko only hesitated a little and took off the scarf.

Belmode put the scarf around his neck to cover the bright ring, and at the same time noticed that something was wrong in front of Yukiko, one side was big and the other was small, no wonder he went out today with a scarf.

But she didn’t think there was anything, after all, Yukiko was not single, and it was quite normal for this situation to occur.

Covering his flaws, Belmode said:

“Yukiko, who is that gentleman behind you? It came with you, right? ”


Yukiko glanced back at Shirakawaha, who was already close to her, pulled him over, and introduced:

“Sharon, this is Officer Shirakawaha. Officer Shirakawa, this is the big star Sharon Wynyard. It’s really cheap for you, ordinary people can’t know Sharon. ”

“Hello, Miss Sharon.”

Shirakawa Ye looked at the short-haired blonde woman in front of him, his eyes flickering slightly.

You must know that his own girlfriend is also called Sharon.

When he first knew his girlfriend’s name, he still wondered if he had collided with Belmode’s camouflage, and specially checked the Internet.

The end result is just the same name and different appearance.

Moreover, her friend has long blonde hair, and the one in front of her has short hair, and she has touched her girlfriend’s face when she is affectionate, but it is not a mask.

In addition, more than a month ago, I saw the real silver-haired Belmode on the top floor of the Mihua Hotel, and I didn’t doubt my girlfriend even more.

After all, his girlfriend and the other party have the same two faces, and the same name is just a coincidence.

“Hello, Officer Shirakawa.” Belmode was calm and his tone did not fluctuate.

“You guys play, I’ll just follow behind.”

Shirakawa Ha knows.

Sharon Wynyard is Belmode, and Belmode is Sharon Wynyard.

However, the friendship between the other party and Yukiko is also true, so both parties are safe at the moment, and he is not ready to expose it.

Besides, it is not good for yourself to expose it, it is better to just do it, nothing will happen at the moment.

I just don’t know how long they can last like this now.

Shirakawa stepped back.

Yukiko held Belmode’s hand and went shopping with great interest.

On the road.

Belmode asked without a trace, “What is the situation with this Officer Shirakawa?” ”

When Yukiko heard this, she immediately pouted: “It’s not that guy from Yusaku yet, I have to promise someone from the domestic police department to help investigate an organization.” Then I was afraid of retaliation, so I called the police to protect me. ”

“Oh, no wonder there is a policeman next to you.” Belmode’s eyes flickered, and he always felt that the organization he was talking about might be them.

“yes. But this guy also… Never mind. ”

Yukiko thought of last night’s shame, tightened her clothes, and closed her mouth.

Belmode noticed her subconscious action, glanced at her chest, and couldn’t help but look back at Shirakawa Ye, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

If Kiko’s situation was caused by Shirakawa Haba, then the next time we meet, she can’t be so gentle.

Shirakawa Ye only felt cold as he walked, turned his head to look at the surrounding crowd, and found that there was nothing wrong before retracting his gaze.

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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