In an underwear store.

Yukiko and Belmode are choosing clothes that suit their hearts.

“Sharon, I’m going to call my son over, don’t you want to see him, let you meet.”

“Yes, but I’ve always been curious about this detective son in your mouth.”

“Then say it. By the way, I watched the news yesterday, the road demon has not been caught, you can not go out at night. ”

“I know.”

Belmode nodded, took a piece of clothing from the hanger, and handed it over:

“I think this suits you perfectly, would you like to try it?”


Yukiko took it in her hand and looked at it, and she also felt that it was in line with her heart:

“Okay, I’ll try.”

With that, he walked towards the fitting room.

Belmode watched her close the door and put down the clothes in her hand, her eyes couldn’t help but flicker.

Waited a while.

It feels like the time is about the same.

She came to the door of the fitting room, and finally slammed the door open and walked in.

“Yay!” Yukiko was startled, almost dropped her sunglasses, and breathed a sigh of relief when she looked back:

“It’s you, Sharon, almost scared me to death, I thought some pervert had broken in.” Is there something going on out there? ”


Belmode shook his head, looked carefully in front of her, and then said pointedly:

“What’s going on with this handprint of yours? It seems to be quite serious. ”


Yukiko’s expression froze, pretending to be shy to hide her embarrassment, hurriedly turned her back, and said in a far-fetched tone:

“How to say this kind of thing, you know it anyway.” Okay, you get out. ”

“Okay, okay.”

Belmore relaxed his breath, slowly closed the door, and at the moment when he was about to close it, he said coldly:

“Is that Officer Shirakawa? And the injury to your eye was also caused by him, right? ”

“Yes…” Yukiko replied subconsciously, only to find out that she had said the wrong thing, and immediately changed her words: “Uh… No, no, don’t get me wrong! I accidentally got it myself. ”


Belmode smiled.

Icy laugh, cold laughter to the bone marrow.

When he turned and walked out of the gate, he saw Shirakawa Ye, who was doing nothing at the door, and strode towards him.

Shirakawa felt someone approaching, looked up, saw Belmode coming in front of him, and asked:

“Miss Sharon, are you all right?”

“Okay, almost ready. Huh…”

Belmore was quiet, looking at his little boyfriend in front of him, and the coldness in his eyes flashed from time to time.

She didn’t expect anything.

She has only been away for a month, and after a month of no contact, the other party is a little floating, and it seems that she was too kind before.

Although I don’t know what the situation is between him and Yukiko, but the evidence has been left, it is definitely not an ordinary situation.

Of course.

Belmode did not admit that he was jealous, and would not admit it at all.

Shirakawa Ye noticed the change in the eyes of the woman in front of him, and although he didn’t know where to provoke the other party, he still became vigilant and said casually:

“That, it seems to be noon, do you want to go to lunch?”

Not waiting for Belmode to answer.

The cell phone on her body rang.

I took out a look at the number, looked at Shirakawa Ye again, walked into the distance, connected the phone, and said in a cold tone:

“Gin wine, I’m in a bad mood right now, it’s better to be an important thing.”

“The fish has been hooked, this time the matter is over, you can leave.”


“Battery Park, by the sea near the Statue of Liberty.”


“In the last two or three days, I hope you prepare early.”


Belmode sneered, hung up the phone, exhaled a long breath deeply, and glanced back at Shirakawa Ye, his eyes were slightly complicated.

She also inquired about what happened a month ago.

Gin wine and a group of them were actually played by their little boyfriend.

Even Gin was injured, which is not a simple matter.

Now that I think about it, I don’t seem to know my little boyfriend as well as I thought.

Belmode walked back again:

“Officer Shirakawa, please talk to Yukiko later, I have left in advance, and I will make an appointment next time.”

After speaking, he took a deep look at Shirakawa Ye, turned away, and disappeared around the corner of the mall.

Shirakawa Ye has been watching this woman’s back disappear, always feeling a familiar smell, and may feel that it is an illusion brought about by knowing her identity in advance.

Just as he was thinking.

Yukiko didn’t know when she came out, and she was still carrying a bag with clothes in her hand:

“Huh, what about Sharon?”

Shirakawa Ye returned to his senses and said, “She said that she left in advance and asked you to make an appointment next time.” ”

“How so?”

Yukiko pouted and stomped her foot.

Originally, I wanted to go shopping with the other party, but now that the other party has left, she is shopping alone, what is the meaning.

Thinking, she glanced at Shirakawa Ye, shook her head suddenly, and snorted at him.

Even if everyone in the world died, she would not let the other party accompany her shopping, who let the other party do such an excessive thing last night.


Yukiko felt out the phone and called her son.

For a long time, the opposite side was connected, and Kudo Shinichi’s misty voice came:

“Mom, what are you doing? I’m here in the middle of the night, what kind of things to say quickly. ”


“Mom, be normal.”

“Okay, Shinichi, are you coming to New York to play?”

“Not coming! Not fun! ”


A black line appeared on Yukiko’s forehead, and then her eyes rolled and she said seductively:

“Shinichi, recently your dad was investigating a super organization. Even the domestic police have called over, are you sure you won’t come? ”

“This one… Come, come tomorrow. ”

“By the way, remember to call Xiaolan too.”

“What do you call Xiaolan for? She shouldn’t come. ”

“You said you could see the Statue of Liberty and the night view of Manhattan, and she would definitely come.”

“Okay, I’ll try.”

“Don’t forget it.”

Yukiko finished with a smile and hung up the phone.

Shirakawa Ye looked at this woman returning to her lively appearance, and said helplessly:

“Miss Yukiko, it’s almost noon, let’s find a restaurant to eat.”

“Okay, I know a restaurant that is very popular on the Internet, and I haven’t had the opportunity to go. Let’s go, count you lucky today, take you to taste. ”

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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