Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 137 Biology with Miyano Shiho

Lin Xinyi didn't pay too much attention to the deadline given by Ginjiu because he couldn't tell the date at all.

But Miyano Shiho kept this deadline deeply in his mind.

Because she knew that that was not only the deadline for Lin Xinyi to resign and leave, but also the deadline for her and Lin Xinyi to part ways forever.

After all, Ginjiu hated Lin Xinyi's association with her.

He issued such an order not only to ask Lin Xinyi to get rid of his connection with the laboratory in a low-key manner and to work as an undercover agent for the police wholeheartedly, but also to use this method to physically cut off the connection between Lin Xinyi and Miyano Shiho.

Like a parent who discovers his or her child has fallen in love at school

Ginjiu directly asked Lin Xinyi to "transfer" to achieve the purpose of forcibly breaking up the couple.

Miyano Shiho knew all about these things.

Therefore, she already knew in her heart:

She and Lin Xinyi were like mice in the control group and the experimental group, they could never be together.

And if an experiment is destined to fail, there is no need to do it at all.

Therefore, even though Lin Xinyi continued to express his goodwill and confession to her these days, even though she was slightly touched in her heart, Miyano Shiho never let go -

Lin Xinyi was ignorant, she had to understand.

After the last month passed and the deadline came, Miyano Shiho chose to let it go.

She regarded Lin Xinyi as a lost beautiful memory and buried it in her heart forever.

But at this moment

Lin Xinyi appeared in front of her with a calm expression as usual, as if nothing was wrong.

"I didn't expect you to not even listen to Gin's orders."

Miyano Shiho gently put down the sandwich in her hand, wiped her lips elegantly with a tissue, and then tried hard to put on her usual cold expression and looked at Lin Xinyi with a deep look.

"You used to be like a machine that only obeyed orders."

"I have never seen what you would do for anything."

"It's so crazy."

She said what seemed to be mocking words, but there was a hint of warmth in her tone that was difficult to conceal.

"I" Lin Xinyi has a complicated expression:

He was deceived by that wonderful timeline.

In the future, if you encounter something like this that requires you to remember the date, you still have to ask the people around you to find out.

Also, that bastard Yamada, you should be firmer and speak clearly when you stop someone!

How can you let me offend you just because I am the eldest brother?

Alas, I just disobeyed an order once, there shouldn't be any consequences, right?

Lin Xinyi was in a state of confusion, and the trace of worry could not even be hidden on his face.

"Sure enough, he must be uneasy too."

"But he still came here just to see me. What an idiot."

The corners of Miyano Shiho's mouth raised slightly, and his blue pupils shone brightly.

It's like a cold cat who is carefully cared for by the shit-sweeper. He is in a happy mood but doesn't want to show it too much.

"Miyano, actually I'm here to see you today."

"I know." Miss Miyano didn't even realize she was laughing.

"Are you free today?"

"I'm free." Miss Miyano was already planning to skip work after dinner.

Lin Xinyi dared to come to her at the risk of being punished by Gin, so why didn't she dare to miss a day's work for this?

"Okay, listen to me"

"Yeah, you tell me." Miss Miyano was a little worried.

She knew that Lin Xinyi was about to confess again.

And her pounding heart was telling her that at this moment, facing Lin Xinyi's irrational and crazy behavior, her sanity would probably go offline.

Maybe she would really be tempted to agree.

Miyano Shiho was thinking nervously, uneasily and expectantly, and then Lin Xinyi said seriously after sorting out his thoughts:

"Miyano, I want you to be mine."

"What do you think is yours?" Miss Miyano pursed her lips nervously.

"Teacher." Lin Xinyi replied.

Miyano Shiho: "???"

But Lin Xinyi didn't notice her suddenly cold face at all, and just said to himself:

"There was a recent case where an old bloodstain that had been there for 12 years needed to be examined."

"The identification technology at Kesouyan is backward, and there is no way to extract valid DNA samples from old paper objects."

"I don't know much about DNA extraction and testing techniques, but you are a genius biologist."

"I hope you can be my teacher and help me study-"

"How to improve the existing DNA extraction methods to extract DNA from old blood stains?"

Miyano Shiho: ""

The atmosphere has been heated up

Is now the time to talk about scientific research?

Speaking of which, it was the same last time.

Last time, he accompanied her back to the company under the pretext of eating, making the atmosphere so warm and touching.

At that time, I thought he was going to take the opportunity to say something, but unexpectedly

The guy actually pulled her and asked her about the toxicology and mechanism of tetrodotoxin.

Why is your emotional intelligence lower than mine, Lin Xinyi.

Miyano Shiho has been out of tune with his peers since he was a child because of his high IQ. He has always had his own way of doing things and doesn't care about the world.

But now she finally knows how tiring it is to deal with a person who doesn't understand the world.

"Miyano, Miyano?"

Lin Xinyi thought Miyano Shiho was in a daze.

But Miyano Shiho sighed helplessly:

How could someone risk disobeying Gin's orders just to ask her a scientific question?

This is too much to wait for

Miyano Shiho, who was about to complain about Lin Shinichi in his heart, suddenly realized this man's naivety:

"It turns out that he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to ask for help in researching DNA extraction technology and came here to see me."

"Afterwards, if Gin is held accountable, he will have a high-sounding excuse."

"But this is really stupid."

"Gin will not believe that he is here simply for exchange and work."

"Has your IQ dropped because you want to fall in love?"

Miyano Shiho complained mercilessly about Lin Xinyi's retarded behavior in his heart.

But at the same time, she couldn't help but think of the last time she was in the Japanese food store, her performance was like a brainless star-chasing girl.

Well, half a dozen.

While Miyano Shiho was thinking wildly, he diverted some of his attention and casually mentioned Lin Xinyi's words:

"Is DNA extracted from 12-year-old bloodstains on paper objects?"

"I haven't studied DNA extraction from blood stains, but I can give it a try."

DNA extraction technology must be used by forensic scientists, and even more so by scholars engaged in biomedicine and genetic engineering.

Therefore, Miyano Shiho really knows better than Lin Shinichi.

She asked the key question as soon as she opened her mouth:

"Lin, what kind of DNA extraction method does Kesouyan generally use?"

"Salting out method." Lin Xinyi replied.

"The salting out method is indeed prone to failure."

"If the blood has been left for a long time, the red and white blood cells will definitely be lysed to a certain extent. The fragments formed contain a large amount of fat, protein and other biological macromolecule impurities, and are distributed in uneven lumps."

"If the traditional salting out method is used and the protein precipitation solution is added, the DNA cannot be completely dissociated from the protein and precipitated together with the protein, which will cause some loss."


Lin Xin nodded and added:

"So I later went to Kesouyan and asked them to use the Chelex-100 method for DNA extraction."

Chelex chelates polyvalent metal ions such as magnesium ions. Just like a magnet attracts iron, magnesium ions are attracted and connected. When magnesium ions are removed from the reaction system, the nuclease that degrades DNA will be inactivated, thus protecting the DNA molecules.

"This method has a high DNA recovery rate and is more suitable for extracting DNA from trace amounts of test materials."

"I thought it would be better to use this method to extract old bloodstains, but it failed."

"This method also failed?"

Miyano Shiho thought for a while and asked:

"How many STR loci were detected in the results?"

According to DNA identification standards, it is considered successful only if all gender loci and 15 STR loci are detected on the autosomal chromosomes, a total of 16 positions.

"The Chelex-100 method is much better than the salting-out method, and 7 loci were successfully detected."

"But it's not enough for DNA testing."

Lin Xinyi replied helplessly:

"Other appraisers have nothing to do, and I am the same. I just know how to operate it, but I don't know how to improve it."

"So, I can only come to ask you for advice."

"Miyano, what can you do?"

"It's very simple." Miyano Shiho's calm tone contained a sense of relief.

In fact, this knowledge is only the foundation of the foundation for a genius scientist like her, but being able to show it in front of Lin Xinyi can make her feel a rare pleasure.

Maybe it was because he helped Lin Xinyi.

Perhaps it was because she could use her professional knowledge to save people instead of killing people.

Miyano Shiho is very relaxed now, as if he has walked out of an invisible cage unknowingly:

"Seven STR types have been detected, which shows that the Chelex-100 method can indeed successfully extract DNA fragments from old blood stains, but the effect is not ideal enough."

"In this case, there is no need to use more advanced extraction methods. Slightly improving the Chelex-100 method may solve the problem."

As he spoke, Miyano Shiho pursed his lips slightly and thought deeply.

Although she has never studied DNA extraction from old blood stains before, her mind is extremely flexible and her knowledge is rich enough. She can quickly come up with improved methods by drawing on analogies:

"Old bloodstains are closely bound to the carrier, and the organic components in the bloodstains are naturally not easy to dissolve."

"So, if you use the conventional Chelex-100 method, the effect of extracting DNA will definitely be greatly reduced."

"We can try to soak the test materials in ammonia first to dissolve the nuclear material in the blood stains."

"Then increase the concentration of Chelex-100 appropriately to enhance its chelating power for metal ions and improve the extraction efficiency of DNA from old blood stains."

"If we improve it like this, we might be able to get better DNA identification results."

Miyano Shiho methodically gave an improved extraction method for old blood stains.

“I figured out a solution so quickly.”

"You are so awesome, Miyano."

Lin Xinyi said to Miyano Shiho with great gratitude:

"Thank you, you helped me a lot!"

"It's just a little effort."

Miyano Shiho was not at all proud of the rudimentary knowledge he used.

For a scientist like her who can overcome even the conservation of mass energy, just improving a DNA extraction method is probably as difficult as kindergarten level.

Lin Xinyi spent so much effort just to ask this kind of question.


“Why did we start discussing science without realizing it?”

Miyano Shiho finally reacted.

Looking at the man in front of her who was thinking intently, her expression became a little subtle:

This guy

Are you really here to study biology with me? !

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