Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 138 It’s endless fun to study biology

Miss Miyano was instinctively depressed.

Like a cat being ignored by a game-obsessed man, it lay there quietly with its little hands in its hands, and there was a hint of resentment in its always cold eyes.

But Lin Xinyi still sat in front of her and concentrated on thinking. While thinking, he didn't forget to stuff food into his mouth.

A mouth that only cares about eating but not speaking.

It was as if he came specifically to eat today, not to see her.

But how is this possible?

How could anyone risk disobeying Gin's orders just to come and ask a question and have a meal?

It's obvious that this guy has been rejected too much and has turned back into the coward he was before who didn't dare to express his feelings.

Even when he comes back to be with her, he has to find an excuse and carefully test her feelings.

So stupid

"No wonder after all these years, it's only now that people have some feelings for him."

"This kind of emotional intelligence is completely hopeless, right?"

Miyano Shiho, who had basically zero social experience, suddenly discovered that he could still establish a sense of emotional superiority in front of others.

"If I didn't say yes to him, he would probably be single for the rest of his life."

It was as if Shizuka had met Nobita, and Miss Miyano already felt a little pity for Lin Shinichi in her heart.

And she really thought so

Lin Xinyi wiped out his breakfast in a hurry, then suddenly raised his head:

"Miyano, the laboratory should have the corresponding DNA identification equipment, right?"

"If possible, I would like to test the improved extraction method you mentioned in the laboratory."

"This way, if any problems arise, I can always ask you, the expert."

"Oh?" Miyano Shiho raised the corner of his mouth slightly:

Sure enough, the drunkard's intention was not wine.

"I knew it, after all."

"You came here today because you actually wanted me to 'do experiments' with you, right?"

Miyano Shiho picked up the sandwich and took a bite, the smile on his lips became a little playful.

"Uh?" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled:

He knew how to perform DNA extraction by himself and did not need Miyano Shiho to accompany him throughout the process.

And he just came to ask her for technical improvement ideas today, but he didn't expect to let this talented girl end up in person.

After all, asking Miyano Shiho to accompany him to do such a simple experiment is like a college graduate not doing it himself, but asking his instructor to help him complete the design.

This is obviously an excessive request.

"That, you misunderstood"

Lin Xinyi was about to explain his intentions clearly.

But Miyano Shiho finished the sandwich in his hand briskly, wiped his lips gently, and stood up neatly:

"No problem, I can accompany you."

"Huh?" Lin Xinyi was a little surprised: "Wouldn't it delay your work?"

"I don't have much work to do today."

Miss Miyano opened her eyes and told lies, her plain expression was convincing:

"And, DNA extraction"

"When you do this simple experiment occasionally, just think of it as a way to reminisce about your childhood."

As he spoke, Miyano Shiho habitually put his hands in his pockets and stood in front of the table in an airy manner, looking at Lin Xinyi who still didn't react:

"What are you still doing?"

"If you don't want me to help, I'll go back and rest."

"I think, I think!" Lin Xinyi followed immediately.

Although it was a bit unexpected, the full-level master agreed to take it personally. Of course, you can't miss such a good thing.

In this way, Miyano Shiho led the way, and Lin Xinyi followed step by step.

The two left the canteen area that Lin Xinyi was most familiar with, walked around in this tightly secured building, and came to the experimental area where Miyano Shiho usually worked.

The busy people here are all researchers wearing white coats. They are generally quite old. Many of them are extremely smart and have lost all their hair early.

Miyano Shiho's young and beautiful face appeared here, which seemed a bit inconsistent.

But relying on her own wisdom and strength, this talented girl was able to use this extremely young face to win the dignity of being a chief researcher in front of a group of uncle-level subordinates:

"As long as today's work goes as planned, I won't participate."

"Also, help me prepare a PCR laboratory. I have a test to do."

Miyano Shiho ordered his subordinates to do things in an orderly manner, and he had a leadership temperament in his movements.

Although those researchers kept a distance from this cold genius girl in life, they were still very cooperative in their work.

They quickly helped organize an empty laboratory.

When Miyano Shiho took Lin Shinichi in, a researcher finally couldn't help but asked:

"Director Miyano, what tests are you going to do?"

Seeing that the extremely intelligent Miyano Shiho suddenly came to do a "secret experiment" with Lin Xinyi, the researchers were very curious about the content of the experiment.

Miyano Shiho maintained an indifferent attitude and did not answer.

But Lin Xinyi answered honestly:

"I asked Miyano to help with the research, using the improved Chelex-100 method to extract DNA samples from 12-year-old blood stains."

"Extract DNA from old blood stains?"

"There is no need for Director Miyano to do this simple test himself."

The researchers looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

They unconsciously said words that would embarrass the leader, and Director Miyano was very unhappy now.

"Also, if you are extracting old blood stains"

"Although the Chelex-100 method is easy to operate, it still has some flaws."

Completely unaware of the increasingly cold face of their leader, a group of scientific researchers began to discuss science one by one:

"After all, Chelex-100 is not effective at removing impurities and degraded DNA fragments."

"And there is no cell lysis solution to lyse cells. Temperature changes and proteinase K are used to cause the nuclear membrane to rupture and release DNA. The content and purity of the obtained DNA are greatly affected."

“This method is still more suitable for samples with light pollution and few impurities.”

"Instead of spending effort to improve the Chelex-100 method, it is better to directly use the most advanced nanomagnetic bead method."

"The magnetic bead method uses cell lysate to cause changes in the cell membrane and nuclear membrane. After obtaining the DNA fragments, the magnetic beads are used as carriers to bind the DNA without adsorbing or binding to impurities."

"Using this method, the success rate of extracting DNA from old bloodstains should be higher."

"Yes, and this is easier."

"I heard that the German company Qiagen has recently launched a commercial magnetic bead DNA extraction kit. If necessary, you can just purchase it overseas."

After a heated discussion, several bald guys quickly came up with a simpler and more convenient way.

But Miyano Shiho's expression became even colder:

What do you all know?

According to what you said, just ask Lin Xinyi to go back and purchase the magnetic bead kit.

Isn’t that just driving people away?

Lin Xinyi inquired about DNA extraction methods, but the drunkard was not interested in drinking, so he asked her in disguise if she would like to go on a date with him.

She didn't mention the more advanced magnetic bead method. She knew the elegant meaning by hearing the sound of the string, which was a disguised expression that she agreed to his invitation.

On the surface it's a test, but actually it's a date.

Both of them had a tacit agreement not to express their feelings directly.

But everything is left unsaid.

She understands, and so does he.

So you guys with low emotional intelligence, stop meddling in your own business!

Suddenly discovering that his emotional intelligence was the highest in the laboratory, Miyano Shiho felt very tired.

There was more air conditioning on her body.

However, because Miyano's face has always been so cold, everyone has become accustomed to it.

Therefore, when she is really unhappy, others will not realize it.

"Director Miyano, there is a more advanced magnetic bead method. This improved test on the Chelex-100 method is of little significance."

"Our research and development progress has been quite fast recently, why don't you do this?"

The researchers discouraged this.

But Miyano Shiho stared at her cold eyes and asked expressionlessly:

"Are you teaching me how to do something?"

Researchers: ""

"You know more about biology than me?"

Miyano Shiho's tone was a little colder.

The researchers looked at each other, and finally, under the leader's gaze that could freeze people to death, they obediently shut their mouths and lined up to leave the laboratory.

Only Miyano Shiho and Lin Shinichi were left in the laboratory, and it suddenly became quiet.

"Lin, we can do the experiment."

Miyano Shiho turned back with a calm expression.

She had just shown her majesty as a leader, and now she looked very heroic.

Lin Xinyi also followed unknowingly, even speaking in a lower voice:

"Miyano, that magnetic bead method"

"The magnetic bead method is not easy to use."

Miyano Shiho opened his eyes and started telling lies again.

And even a dabbler like Lin Xinyi could tell there was something wrong with this nonsense:

Because he knew that in the "future", DNA samples from old blood stains would generally be extracted using more advanced nanomagnetic bead methods.

It turned out that none of the appraisers who came to see Kesouyan knew about the nanomagnetic bead method, and thought that this advanced technology had not been invented yet.

So he settled for the next best thing and thought about how to improve the current DNA extraction method to extract DNA from old bloodstains.

But now looking at what these researchers are saying, there is already a magnetic bead method that can be used in this world.

Why didn't Miyano tell him about this?

Lin Xinyi was confused, and Miyano Shiho also seemed to feel that what he just said was a bit unprofessional: "Due to patent issues, the magnetic bead method is more expensive and difficult to promote."

"Only by first finding ways to improve the most commonly used chelex-100 method can this method of detecting old DNA be promoted to police systems across the country as soon as possible and fill this critical technical gap in a timely manner."

"Promoting the technology earlier can also solve those unsolved cases that cannot be solved due to lack of technology."

"Is not it good?"

"Well, you're right." Lin Xin nodded:

Indeed, he had heard the teacher mention it before when he was in class

The magnetic bead method was promoted relatively late in China because of the lack of independent intellectual property rights, which resulted in the high price of imported magnetic bead method kits.

Later, when China broke through the magnetic bead nucleic acid extraction technology through independent research and development, those foreign manufacturers suddenly "discovered their conscience" and plunged into price cuts.

"I didn't expect you to even consider the cost of promotion."

"As expected of Miyano, he easily thought of things that no one noticed."

Lin Xinyi admired Miyano Shiho's carefulness from the bottom of his heart.

"Yeah." Miyano Shiho accepted Lin Shinichi's compliment naturally.

It's like she's really just considering the cost of promotion.


Miyano Shiho walked to the door and closed it slowly:

"No one will bother us now."

"Are you going to do the experiment first, or talk to me first?"

"It needs to be soaked in ammonia first, right?"

"What concentration should be prepared? I'll prepare it."

Without even looking up, Lin Xin put on a mask, gloves, and goggles and ran to prepare the reagents.

Miyano Shiho: ""

Is studying biology really so interesting?

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