Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 142 Police Dog Knows the Way

The next day, in the afternoon, in the mountains and forests far away from the city.

Lin Xinyi was holding a forensic investigation box in one hand and a big dog in the other.

Mao Lilan was holding a site survey box in one hand and holding a Conan in the other.

The two of them were walking side by side among the leafy trees. They didn't look like casual tourists coming for a party in the mountains. Instead, they looked like a professional team coming to investigate and perform an autopsy.

They said nothing, looked serious, and just walked silently in the forest.

Finally, Conan couldn't help but break the silence:

"Sister Xiaolan, are we lost?"

"Well" Mao Lilan, who had been responsible for looking at the map and guiding the way, smiled awkwardly: "No, it can't be right? The villa should be nearby here."

"Really? But we have been wandering in this forest for almost an hour."

Looking at the seemingly endless green forest in front of him, Conan sighed helplessly.

"Ahem, I'll call and ask Yuanzi."

"Conan, help me carry the box."

With that said, Mao Lilan let go of Conan's hand and stuffed the scene survey box into Conan's arms.

The survey box was so light to her that she couldn't feel its weight at all, but in the hands of Conan, who had small arms and legs, it was as heavy as a stone.

He staggered suddenly and managed to regain his balance.

"Really why would you bring something like this to a party?"

Conan held the survey box in his hand hard, and while Mao Lilan was making a phone call, he quietly approached Lin Xinyi:

"Hey, Lin, are you hiding something from me?"

"Why bring a survey box and Caesar with you when you're just attending a party?"

As he said that, he couldn't help but glance at the big black-backed dog that was sitting obediently next to Lin Xinyi, whirring and sticking out its pink tongue:

Conan knew that this dog was the ace police dog of the forensics department and a well-established national civil servant.

How could Lin Xinyi, who was so good, use a male dog for personal use and take Caesar on a trip?

So, in Conan's view

He must have grasped some important and unknown clues to "travel" with them here so fully armed.

"I told you I don't have any clues."

"Bring the dog and equipment here, I'm just worried that someone else will be killed by you."

Lin Xinyi had no choice but to explain to this overly curious detective again.

What he told was the truth, but classmate Conan, who had no self-awareness, always felt that Lin Xinyi was hiding something from him.

Conan, who was full of curiosity, wanted to stick to Lin Xinyi and ask questions.

Mao Lilan on the side was holding a mobile phone and walked over with an embarrassed expression:

"No, the location in the mountains is too remote."

"There is no signal on the mobile phone and the call cannot be made."

"Don't worry, if you look at the map more, you should be able to find the way."

Lin Xinyi's tone was very calm, but he was sighing softly in his heart:

The barren mountains and ridges where there is no mobile phone signal are simply the perfect place to commit a crime.

Coupled with the fact that Conan is the lone star of the sky, people may really die today.

If this is the case, has the murder already occurred? Do you still have a chance to stop it?

Lin Xinyi was silent in thought, and Mao Lilan was also looking at the map carefully.

After Conan observed the surrounding environment out of boredom, he discovered some clues that could help them find their direction:

"Look, there are several fresh footprints on the muddy ground over there——"

"No one usually comes around here. The footprints should be left by people who came to the villa before us."

"Follow these footprints and you'll probably be able to find the mountain villa."

With that said, Conan walked to the front and followed the footprints to lead the way for everyone.

Lin Xinyi, Mao Lilan, and Caesar followed closely.

But not long after the group walked, the dirt road turned into a stone road, and the footprints could no longer be seen with the naked eye.

There are several forks in front of this stone road, and there are no footprints to guide it, making it difficult to choose the direction.

"Let me look at the map." Mao Lilan dazedly picked up the complicated and difficult-to-read map.

"Since Sonoko and the others walked this road before us, they should have left some clues."

Conan carefully observed all the details at the fork in the road, trying to use reasoning to determine the correct direction.

And before he could even begin to reason,

Lin Xinyi gently tugged on the dog leash, causing the big black-backed dog beside him to stand up:

"Let Caesar come."

"Human scent is also left on the footprints."

"If these footprints were really left by people who went to the villa for a party, then Caesar would be able to figure out the way."

"Woof woof woof!"

When he heard Lin Xinyi calling his name, Caesar responded immediately.

It bared its fangs, raised its ears, and swung its tail. Its eyes, which were looking at Hanhan when it was leisurely, suddenly became sharp, and it entered a work-ready state in an instant.

"Miss Maori, just in time, come here to review the relevant knowledge about the source of footprint smell."

"There are several people's footprints here. Which one do you think is better for police dogs to track?"

After leading Caesar to the patch of mud with footprints, Lin Xinyi did not forget to teach the students.

"Which footprint is a better source of smell?"

Seeing Lin Xinyi suddenly arrange "practical training", the studious Mao Lilan also became energetic.

She put down the map and came to Lin Xinyi. She squatted down with Lin Xinyi and lowered her head to study the footprints on the ground.

Although the distance between the two was not close enough for physical contact, it was definitely not far.

Seeing this scene, Conan suddenly lost his reasoning mood.

It's like seeing your own baby cabbage being picked up by other pigs

He suppressed an unattractive little face and squeezed in between Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan.

Conan, who graduated from Hawaii and knows everything, wants to use this method of building a "border wall" to completely separate his childhood sweetheart from his potential love rival.

But the "border wall" hasn't been built for long

"Conan, don't stop me from talking to your brother Shinichi."

Mao Lilan carried Conan out with a gentle lift.

"Sister Xiaolan" Conan still wants to act cute and cheat to stay.

But Mao Lilan was like Kudo Shinichi when he encountered a case, staring intently at the footprints on the ground and paying no attention to him at all.

Conan felt helpless for a while.

There is no way, Xiaolan, who was originally gentle and virtuous, has turned into a "reasoning maniac" who is obsessed with solving crimes.

Conan had no choice but to try to stand on the other side of Lin Xinyi, thinking of dragging his love rival further away.

But unfortunately, the position on the other side of Lin Xinyi was occupied by a large dog that weighed twice as much as Conan.

"Woof woof!"

Caesar bared his teeth in displeasure at the kid who was squeezing over, indicating that the position was already occupied by a dog.

Disgusted by others, Conan finally gave up his struggle completely.

And in his depressed and resentful eyes

Mao Lilan stared closely at the footprints on the ground and began to analyze them methodically:

"I remember Mr. Lin, you taught me that the smell in the center of the footprints mainly comes from the sweat secreted from the soles of the feet."

"Part of the odor molecules diffuses outward through the upper and upper of the shoe, while the other part slowly penetrates deep into the sole and slowly penetrates the sole to reach the ground."

"So, depending on the material of the sole, the time it takes for the odor molecules to reach the ground will be different."

As a serious academic, she recalled the knowledge taught by Lin Xinyi verbatim.

Then, under Lin Xinyi's encouraging and appreciative gaze, Mao Lilan continued to analyze:

"In these shoe prints"

"There are two sets of shoe prints that show more and more obvious signs of knocking, digging, picking, and twisting. The forefoot is moved forward under heavy pressure, and the pressure point and arch of the foot are not clearly reflected - they should be leather-soled shoes."

"The other groups of shoes have relatively complex prints, complete footprints, and clear reflections of gait characteristics. They should all be rubber-soled sports shoes with better toughness and elasticity."

"Leather-soled shoes have better odor penetration than rubber-soled shoes, so if you want to choose a highly identifiable sniffer source for police dogs, you should choose from the shoe prints of those two pairs of leather-soled shoes."

"Among the shoe prints of these two sets of leather-soled shoes, one pair is smaller in size, has a narrow toe tip, a deep pressure surface on the forefoot, and obvious load-bearing. The distance between the pressure surfaces on the back sole and forefoot is far away. It may be a high-rise women's model. Get some sneakers."

"The uppers of these shoes are too high and the soles are too thick, which is not conducive to odor penetration."

“So, exclude the shoe prints from this set of women’s leather-soled shoes.”

Pointing to one of the many shoe prints, Mao Lilan confidently gave a conclusion:

"It's best to choose the shoe print of this men's leather-soled shoe and use it as a source of smell for Caesar!"

"Exactly right."

Lin Xinyi nodded with satisfaction and gave this student full marks in his heart.

Being able to apply the knowledge in the book into practice shows that Mao Lilan not only memorized the knowledge in class, but also spent a lot of time after class to carefully observe and study the actual forms of various types of footprints.

"Miss Maori, your abilities have improved very quickly."

"If the guys in the forensics class could have your level and attitude, I wouldn't be so tired."

Lin Xinyi sighed from the bottom of his heart.

"No, it's all thanks to your teaching, Mr. Lin Xinyi."

Mao Lilan responded sheepishly with a modest smile.

Teachers and students exchanged friendly feelings and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

Conan was the only one who was not happy.

After so many days, Lin Xinyi has long been accustomed to this jealous little face.

He ignored Conan's resentful look and guided Mao Lilan to take out a clean steel shovel from the survey box and collect the soil on the surface of the footprints that was most combined with odor molecules.

Collect the surface soil that is the source of the smell, then take it to an open area with less odor interference, and let Caesar smell and identify it.

"Woof woof woof!"

Caesar sniffed the dirt of the footprints, lowered his head and sniffed the surrounding ground a few times, and quickly confirmed the direction.

"Okay, follow Caesar!"

The group set off again, with Mao Lilan following Caesar closely.

But Conan quietly grabbed Lin Xinyi's arm and said somewhat depressedly:

"Lin, how many times have I told you?"

"Keep your distance, keep your distance from Xiaolan!"

"Hey, I was just teaching normally."

"What's going on in your big head?"

"She studied forensic medicine with me, why do you always think about clinical aspects?"

Lin Xinyi had no worries and answered frankly.

"Also, if you are so worried about being poached, why don't you just reveal your identity to your childhood sweetheart?"

"You are so brave when you rush out to solve a case"

"How come I know to keep it secret when I'm in front of Miss Mori?"

"I" Conan was speechless for a moment.

"That's enough Conan."

Lin Xinyi was too lazy to talk to this jealous little person:

"You can rest assured now."

"To tell you the truth -"

"I already have a girlfriend, I just got her."

There is a little bit of pride behind the words.

A single guy who has a girlfriend is like a nouveau riche who won the lottery and always wants to show off.

And his words soon caused a moment of silence.

In silence, Conan's little face was filled with shock:

"You're the only one who 'chases' girls??"

Lin Xinyi: ""

Bastard, how can you despise me?

The second update will be later

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