Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 143 Cherish life and stay away from ambiguity

Following Caesar, Lin Xinyi and others finally found the right path.

They went around and around the rugged mountain road until they finally reached a suspension bridge on the edge of a cliff.

Across the suspension bridge, among the dense mountain forests, stood the mountain villa they were looking for.

"Which rich person would have so much free time to build a villa in a place like this?"

"Once the suspension bridge is broken and there is no cell phone signal, it is difficult to contact the outside world."

Looking at the narrow suspension bridge, Lin Xinyi felt increasingly uncomfortable.

He suppressed his inner uneasiness, carefully held Caesar steady, and followed him up the suspension bridge and across the cliff.

Go to the door of the villa and ring the doorbell.

The person who opened the door was Suzuki Sonoko:

"Xiaolan, you are finally here."

"I thought you were lost in the mountains!"

The first thing Suzuki Sonoko noticed was her best friend Xiaolan.

After Xiaolan returned a somewhat embarrassed smile, Miss Suzuki looked straight at Lin Xinyi like a cat that smelled dried fish:

"Lin Xinyi~"

Suzuki Sonoko never hides her love and enthusiasm.

She put her hands together on her chest and looked at Lin Xinyi's handsome face with longing:

Lin Xinyi has been busy training and solving crimes these days, and Suzuki Sonoko can't find any reason to approach him.

And now Lin Xinyi came to the party.

This means that she can spend a whole day and night in a very romantic relationship with her idol in this natural beauty far away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

She has a lot of time to show her own advantages and let Lin Xinyi understand the charm of her Miss Suzuki.

Then hahahaha

The Suzuki Consortium is probably going to have the most powerful son-in-law who is capable of both medicine and martial arts.

As he thought about it, Suzuki Sonoko's smile gradually moved closer to Mouri Kogoro.

And after this beautiful thought

She finally prepared the complex emotions of enthusiasm, expectation, but also apprehension and shyness:

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

Although it was just four simple words, Miss Suzuki used her frank and straightforward eyes to convey the feeling of a brave confession.

"Long time no see, Miss Suzuki."

Lin Xinyi nodded politely in response, and added by the way:

"I have a girlfriend now."

"Huh?" Suzuki Sonoko's face froze: "Lin Xinyi, what did you say?"

"I said I have a girlfriend, real person, alive." Lin Xinyi repeated in a calm tone.

"Yes, really?" Suzuki Sonoko was incoherent.

"Mr. Lin also has a girlfriend?" Mao Lilan was extremely surprised.

"Really? Didn't you just lie to me?" Conan was shocked again.

Lin Xinyi: ""

Is it so unbelievable?

Okay, it seems a bit

Thinking of this girlfriend who seemed to be sent as a charge for phone calls, he felt a little unreal.

Lin Xinyi's mood was complicated, but his tone was firm:

"Yes, I'm not kidding."

"So, Miss Suzuki, there are some things that should be made clear in advance."

"" Suzuki Sonoko was silent.

Just like countless attempts at love before

Her beautiful fantasy was like a fragile bubble, which was ruthlessly burst by reality before it even started to land.

I was obviously single last month

It had only been a few days, but why was the fragrant dried fish she was looking for taken away by other greedy cats?


"Be open-minded and don't be too sad."

"Anyway, this isn't the first time this has happened to you."

Mao Lilan said these words with concern, and stabbed her best friend in the heart.

Suzuki Sonoko; ""

She turned around silently and said with a stiff face:

"The keys are on the coffee table in the living room. You can go find a room on the second floor."

"I'll be alone first."

Miss Suzuki walked away feeling a little lost.

But the party hasn't started yet, and everyone attending the party is still resting in their respective rooms.

There was no one else in the living room of the villa, so it seemed empty.

Lin Xinyi and others had no choice but to get the keys from the coffee table, and then go to the second floor of the villa to find their own rooms.

"Mr. Lin Xinyi, you are too straightforward."

"If you refuse so decisively, Yuanzi will be very sad."

Walking on the stairs, Mao Lilan couldn't bear to remind Lin Xinyi to pay attention to the art of speaking.

"No, if you're still single, it's okay to be ambiguous."

"But now that we have a partner, we can no longer be confused with friends of the opposite sex."

"The attitude must be firm and the words must be spoken as early as possible."

Lin Xinyi didn’t think there was anything wrong with the way he expressed it:

Although he has never been in love before, many of his patients have this experience.

It is because these people did not handle the situation decisively enough at the beginning that they later got into trouble due to increasingly intense emotional disputes. after that

Why don't you just come to the forensic doctor?

Thanks to his rich work experience, Lin Xinyi already knew the consequences of cheating before he even tried it.

Don't think that only the physically weaker woman is at risk.

A girl is still unambiguous about killing her cheating boyfriend.

Anyone who can leave a whole corpse can be regarded as still having feelings, and the hatchet is just a basic operation.

Some breakups were too broken, and Lin Xinyi had to find a way to put them back together.

With their "personal" experience

Lin Xin understood something early on:

"Refuse to cheat and live a long life."

"Cherish life and stay away from ambiguity."

While showing his firm attitude in words, he took the key and looked for his room on the second floor:

"Wait, there's no room number written on the key!"

"Which room is ours?"

"Yes." Mao Lilan's attention was also drawn to this issue.

"I'll go look for it!"

With that said, she hurriedly walked to the door of a room and tried to turn the handle.

The door was opened without even inserting the key.

"Ah! First, sir, I'm sorry!"

"You go on changing your clothes and I close the door."

Mao Lilan exclaimed, then her cheeks turned red with embarrassment and she closed the door.

Although neither Lin Xinyi nor Conan saw what she saw in the door.

But it was obvious that she had gone to someone else's room by mistake.

"Sister Xiaolan, please knock on the door before going in."

Conan reminded helplessly.

But when he was halfway through his words, Caesar suddenly barked at the door that had just been closed:

"Woof woof woof!"

"Woof woof woof!"

It rushed to the door and barked at the door.

"What's wrong with Caesar? Why is it suddenly so fierce?" Mao Lilan asked with some confusion.

"This" Lin Xin thought for a moment and replied, "It's nothing."

"We just asked Caesar to identify the smell of footprints. It should be in working mode to track criminals."

"That's why it displays this attack posture towards the source of the smell, which is the 'criminal' it recognizes."

"I see"

Mao Lilan understood what Lin Xinyi meant:

"The shoe print we just used as a smell source should be left by the man in this room."

"So, Caesar regards him as a prisoner to be arrested."

"Yeah." Lin Xin nodded.

Then, he squatted down and gently stroked Caesar's dog's head, making it relax:

"It's okay, Caesar, the mission is over."

It was as if Caesar understood human speech.

It honestly put away its fangs, closed its mouth, turned around and squatted next to Lin Xinyi.

"Okay, let's continue looking for a room."

Lin Xinyi held Caesar, who had already settled down, and said to Mao Lilan.

And Mao Lilan also learned the lesson of breaking into the wrong room just now.

She knocked on the door carefully one by one, then took the key and tried to unlock the door, and finally found the empty room belonging to their group.

Suzuki Sonoko arranged a total of two rooms for them.

Mao Lilan and Conan live in the same room.

Lin Xinyi and Caesar live in the same room.

After walking in the mountains for so long in the afternoon, everyone was quite tired, so it was time to go to the room to rest first.

And just when Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan said goodbye for the time being and were about to take Caesar back to their room

He suddenly heard Mao Lilan say to Conan behind him:

"I just walked out on the mountain road. I was sweating, and I was stained with mud. I'm so dirty."

"Conan, you also need to change your clothes."

"No, forget it, it's not party time yet"

"Conan, take out the clean clothes and take a shower together!"

Lin Xinyi: "????"

He suddenly stopped and turned around to look at the great detective who was standing next to his childhood sweetheart.

I saw Conan, as a 17-year-old quasi-adult, face such excessive demands from Mao Lilan

His answer was:

"Okay, okay, sister Xiaolan~"

Not only did he not refuse, but he agreed very quickly.

With that said, Conan completely ignored Lin Xinyi's complicated and unspeakable gaze, with a red face, and followed Mao Lilan into the room.

"This bastard"

At this moment, Lin Xinyi finally wanted to understand

Why is this great detective still unwilling to tell the truth to his sister Xiaolan?

Although the body has become smaller, the mind remains the same.

He, a primary school student, must be so happy that he doesn’t miss Shu!

"Bah, so shameless!!"

Lin Xinyi scolded this well-dressed beast.

Then, I thought that even Conan had a beautiful girlfriend taking a bath with him, and then I looked at this lonely big dog next to me.


Lin Xin began to miss his girlfriend.

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