Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 148 Gin’s invitation

Everything is settled.

Ryoichi Takahashi pleads guilty and accepts punishment for his attempted murder.

As for Chikako Ikeda, a small writer who became famous through plagiarism, she was attacked by the Sueki family for dimensionality reduction, and she will definitely pay a heavy price for her infringement.

The mystery of the bandage monster has just begun, and it ended quietly.

The party at the mountain villa also ended in a heavy atmosphere.

However, everyone who attended the party could not leave for a while.

Because in order to prepare for the murder plan, Takahashi Ryoichi had secretly cut off the suspension bridge connecting the two sides of the cliff before committing the crime, blocking the way from the villa to the outside world.

Lin Xinyi and others had no choice but to spend the night in this villa.

When the rescuers arrived at the scene and repaired the broken suspension bridge, they left the barren mountains and returned to the modern world.

Then, the physical evidence and traces extracted by Takahashi Ryoichi were handed over to the local police station.

After handing over the work, we returned to downtown Tokyo. It was already the afternoon of the next day.

It was getting late, and there was no important work, so Lin Xinyi simply didn't go to work at the Metropolitan Police Department, but went home to rest.

When I got home, I lay down on the sofa and turned on the TV as usual.

What's being shown on TV is:

"The Mitsubishi Bank was robbed at gunpoint this morning. The gangster drove away with one billion yen and disappeared without a trace?"

Seeing this news, Lin Xinyi frowned slightly:

In a modern metropolis with ample security and strict traffic management, gangsters can break into banks in the city center with guns, steal the money, and drive away smoothly.

The security level in Tokyo in this world is worse than he imagined.

He was already surprised that the dealer dared to draw a gun on the street, but he didn't expect that these criminals would become even more arrogant.

Lin Xinyi sighed in his heart, but he didn't pay much attention to this case.

Because it’s useless for him to pay attention——

In such a simple and crude grab-and-run robbery, the role of forensic medicine and trace examination is quite limited.

All they can do is find the traces left by the gangsters from the scene, but how to find the traces of these masked gangsters in the huge crowd is the real headache for the police.

In this kind of case, the most effective thing is not the person, but the surveillance camera.

The Metropolitan Police also knows which cases Lin Xinyi is better at.

Therefore, they usually only require Lin Xinyi to participate in murder cases, and murder cases that have a greater social impact.

Otherwise, there are so many cases every day in Tokyo, and he can't handle them all by himself.

"As long as no one dies"

Anyway, this kind of robbery without death was out of his control, so Lin Xinyi didn't care so much.

He briefly read the news and then changed the channel to watch "Ultraman Tega" which was currently on the air.

At this time, the phone suddenly rang.

Lin Xinyi picked up his cell phone and looked at it. The caller was actually the gin boss who had not contacted him for some days:

"Brother, what's the matter?"

He tried his best to keep a calm tone, but he felt a little nervous:

Speaking of which, Gin should have known by now that he broke into the laboratory and met with Miyano the day before yesterday.

Could it be that he called to ask for help?

Lin Xinyi felt uneasy, but Ginjiu's words were very calm:

"Where are you now?"

"at home."

"have time?"


Both of their voices were so concise and calm, so cold that they seemed to freeze the air.

It has the style of a mysterious organization and the style of a cold-blooded killer.

There was silence.

Then, Gin finally couldn't help but asked:

"Lin, do you still like to watch children's programs?"

Lin Xinyi: ""

He silently picked up the remote control and turned down the sound of Ultraman and the monsters fighting passionately on the TV.

"Brother, if anything happens, just tell me."

Lin Xinyi forcibly picked up the persona of the ruthless agent and changed the topic.

"Yeah" Ginjiu was not interested in pursuing Lin Xinyi's private quirks.

Anyway, in the organization, Shirley likes bags, Vodka likes to chase stars, and Cohen likes to ride the Ferris wheel.

Lin Xinyi likes watching Ultraman fight monsters, and there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

"Let's meet now. It just so happens that I'm near your home."

"I will park the car in an alley near your house, and you try to avoid crowded places and come here——"

"You are a 'policeman' now. When you meet me, don't let anyone see you."

Gin instructed.

"Yeah." Lin Xin nodded, unable to help but feel suspicious:

Since Ginjiu valued him as an undercover agent so much, he had to be careful even when approaching his house or meeting him.

So what can't be discussed on the phone and must be discussed in person?

I can't figure out how little he knows about this man.

Speaking of which, he had only met Gin once at the roller coaster before, and there had been no communication during the meeting.

This is the first time for a face-to-face meeting like today.

"After all, I'm not the real Lin Xinyi. Will he find out the flaw?"

"Am I in danger?"

All of this is unknown, and Lin Xinyi is inevitably a little uneasy.

He thought for a moment, then took the time to prepare a self-defense weapon.

First, hide the pufferfish poison needles of different doses prepared in advance in your sleeves.

Then he took out an APTX4869 capsule that he carried with him, poured out the powder inside the capsule, and dissolved it into the venom of a certain poisonous needle.

With these gadgets that could stun and kill even "Superman", Lin Xinyi opened the bedside table again and took out the Beretta 92F hidden inside.

Although his marksmanship was not good, he had practiced shooting with a gun when he joined the police force, so at least he knew how to use it.

After preparing all this, Lin Xinyi dared to meet Gin.

Gin was very concerned about the concealment of his undercover agent, so the meeting place he arranged was remote enough.

He went downstairs and walked a long way, and then walked around in the nearby residential area before finally finding the dark and deserted alley.

In the dark alley, there was a dark Porsche 356A parked.

A man dressed in black was sitting in the back seat of the dark car. Looking around, it seemed that there was only a bright cigarette butt floating there.

"Get in the car, Lin."

Gin flicked the cigarette out of his hand and said coldly.

"Yeah." Lin Xinyi responded indifferently and got into the car.

The first hurdle passed luckily.

Seeing Lin Xinyi's paralyzed expression that made him appear in the news camera, Ginjiu didn't see anything wrong with his temperament.

"Vodka, drive."

Gin gave the order, Vodka immediately started the ignition and drove out of the alley.

The car quickly drove onto the wide road, and not long after, it drove directly onto the elevated road.

Where is this taking me? Why haven't you talked about it yet?

Lin Xinyi felt more and more uncomfortable, so he took the initiative to break the silence and asked tentatively:

"Brother, do you have any mission?"

"Hmph!" Before Gin could answer, Vodka, who was driving, sneered.

Lin Xinyi frowned when he heard this, but Ginjiu said.

"Lin, you have done very well recently."

"The organization has approved your promotion."

"From now on, you are a core member of the organization."

Lin Xinyi: ""

Putting so much effort into praising him to his face?

Didn't I mention it on the phone before that such a core member who doesn't even get a salary is good at being a core member?

Lin Xinyi was disdainful, but his face remained expressionless.

"It's not bad to be flattered or humiliated."

Gin is very satisfied with this younger brother who has always had a temperament similar to his own:

"So, Lin, have you thought about your code name?"

"Code name?" Lin Xinyi was slightly startled:

He really hadn't thought about what code name he would take.

The core members of the organization all use wine as their names.

But I don’t drink much, so I can’t even name a few wines.

What's it called?

He began to use his extremely limited knowledge of wine to expand his imagination:

snowflake? Well, beer probably won't do.

Moutai? Well, this name is quite domineering!

Moutai has a market value of 2 trillion, equivalent to two Toyotas and three Boeings.

Compared to the "winery" where he now works, I don't know who is richer.

Lin Xinyi was thinking wildly in his mind, but Ginjiu saw his silence and said:

"It seems that the woman is right, you really don't know much about wine."

"In that case, you don't have to think about it in a hurry."

"Belmod will come over to see you after finishing his business in the United States."

"She said she is very interested and will help you name it herself."

"This" Lin Xinyi felt a little nervous when he heard:

Isn't Belmod the mysterious woman in charge of his salary?

Although he does need money now

But Belmod, the relationship between this woman and ‘Lin Xinyi’ is obviously unusual.

But now he has no understanding of this woman.

Who is Belmod to him?

relative? friend? Or a lover?

It shouldn't be a lover, otherwise, Miyano wouldn't be able to fall in love with him.

Well, unless she doesn't know she has a girlfriend.

Thinking that it is even possible for me to inadvertently complete the "cheating" operation

Moreover, he still jumps between an organizational agent and a genius scientist.

Lin Xinyi got more and more headache:

If this were true, he could not even imagine the way he would die in the future.

And he was nervously speculating in his heart

Gin, who had been praising him since the beginning, suddenly changed his tone to a very stern tone:

"However, I also told Belmode about your recent affairs."

"She's very upset right now because of your relationship with Shirley."

Lin Xinyi: ""

If I fall in love, why would she be unhappy? She can't really be my first wife, right?

And Gin continued:

"Lin, you shouldn't get too close to that woman."

"I called you here today to solve this problem."

Lin Xinyi remained silent:

Why bother calling him here just to talk about this kind of emotional issue?

"Brother, I will keep my distance from Shirley."

"Starting today, I will have no further contact with her."

Like a student with puppy love who was called to the office by his teacher for a lecture, he agreed readily, but had other thoughts in his heart:

Anyway, sooner or later you have to "graduate" and leave, so it doesn't matter if you give in for the time being.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi firmly stated that he would definitely break up with his girlfriend and focus on his studies wholeheartedly.

But Gin is not satisfied yet:

"It's not that simple."

"Even if the contact is severed, as long as your heart is still there, you are a threat to the organization."

It is easy to break up a couple, but if the relationship is still there, it will rekindle.

No matter how hard the school catches early love, the success rate of breaking up the couple is not as high as long-distance relationships after graduation.

Therefore, Gin not only wants to break up the couple on a physical level, but also plans to destroy the relationship between Lin Shinichi and Miyano Shiho on a psychological level:

"Lin Xinyi."

"I want you to kill someone."

The second update is not in good condition, it may be very late.

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