Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 149 Gin’s Test


What Lin Xinyi was most worried about finally happened.

From the moment he knew that he was now working in a criminal organization, he was afraid that the organization would order him to do something illegal and criminal.

Being an undercover agent is barely acceptable, but killing people?

This has touched his bottom line.

He couldn't take the life of an innocent person to save himself.

According to Lin Xinyi's thinking, if he receives such an order, he will flee directly from the organization regardless of whether he is fully prepared or not.

But now

Gin is by his side and vodka is in front of him, how can he escape?

Especially the man Gin seemed to have expected his resistance.

At the same time as he said that order, Gin had quietly reached his hand to his waist and placed his hand very close to the gun.

"Lin, you are a smart man."

"Now that things have happened, I think you should know who I want you to kill."

Gin's tone was calm and his eyes were cold.

He still acted the same as usual, but Lin Xinyi could already hear the faint threat in that voice.

"I advise you not to do anything stupid, Lin."

"In that case, Belmode will be sad and I will feel pity."

Gin held the gun unabashedly, making Lin Xinyi dare not act rashly.

In addition, the Porsche 356A was traveling at high speed on the elevated highway, so he had no chance to resist or escape.

"I see."

Lin Xinyi thought nervously in his heart, and finally chose to give in for the time being.

"Very good." Gin smiled coldly.

The vigilant gaze was still locked on Lin Xinyi, and did not move away even a moment.

In this way, in this invisible confrontation, the car gradually drove out of Tokyo.

After a long time, even long after driving out of Tokyo, Vodka finally drove off the highway in a small town where it was difficult to see high-rise buildings.

"Your status doesn't allow you to do dirty work."

"It took a lot of effort from me to find a good, low-key and hidden place for you."

"Don't worry, it's safe to kill people in a place like this."

Gin's words are always so chilling.

And just like what he said, the car kept moving forward along a coastal road. The further it drove, the sparser the surrounding buildings and the sparser the population.

Finally, on a coastal cliff, the car stopped.

No other cars passed by on this lonely stretch of road.

On one side of the road is a mountain, on the other side is a cliff, and below the cliff is the sea.

On top of the cliff, another car was already parked there.

There was a young woman standing next to the car. Lin Xinyi knew that woman:

"Miyano Akemi?"

Miyano Akemi, Miyano Shiho's sister, is also the person she cares about the most.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xin immediately understood Gin Jiu's vicious intentions:

This guy wanted to kill Shiho's sister.

In this way, no matter how much Shiho loves him, he will only hate him in the end.

It was impossible for Shiho to like his sister's murderer, and if Miyano Akemi was killed, it would be impossible for the two of them.

“It’s so vicious”

Lin Xinyi finally realized the terror of this man.

He clenched his fists subconsciously, and the air quietly became tense.

At this time, Miyano Akemi, who was standing here waiting, also noticed Lin Xinyi, who came here with Gin and Vodka:

"Lin Xinyi"

Miyano Akemi suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart:

"Gin, when we meet, why did you bring him here?"

"Hahaha." Gin did not answer, but Vodka laughed jokingly:

"Stupid woman, haven't you noticed it yet?"

"To bring Lin Xinyi here, of course I want your sister's boyfriend to personally send you on your way!"

"You" Miyano Akemi bit her lip tightly, her face extremely pale: "What did you say?"

"I still have the one billion yen in my hand. If you don't release me and my sister as agreed, you won't be able to get that money!"

"Oh, we will naturally find the money slowly."

"Idiot, do you really think that the organization will let you and your sister go for a mere billion yen?"

Vodka mocked mercilessly:

"That's just the organization's use of your waste, and you actually believe it."

"Let me tell you Miyano Akemi, the organization has wanted to get rid of you for a long time!"

Hearing this, Miyano Akemi fell into despair.

She had a premonition that she would die, but she still had a small fantasy.

But now, this illusion has been completely shattered.

In desperation, Miyano Akemi took out the pistol she had prepared in advance from her handbag, trying to fight to the death with gin and vodka.

But at this moment, Gin took out his gun and fired a bullet quickly.

This bullet knocked away the firearm that Miyano Akemi was still holding, but it did not hurt Miyano Akemi herself at all.

"I am not the one who wants to kill you today, so don't rush to seek death."

Gin lowered his gun and said coldly.

However, Miyano Akemi was suppressed by Ginjiu Nobute's shot, and her whole body fell into a daze.

"What a fast shot."

Lin Xin was shocked when he saw it:

Gin's shooting speed is incredibly fast and his marksmanship is incredibly accurate.

If the Ai dealer he met last time was half as fast as Gin, he might not have time to attack with the poisonous needle first.

What if he was going to fall out now? With his limited skills and subpar marksmanship, how could he become an enemy of Gin?

Lin Xinyi felt very uneasy.

But at this moment, Gin Jiu turned around and handed his gun to Lin Xinyi's hand:

"Take it, Lin."

"You fire this shot."

"I" Lin Xinyi took the gun from Gin in a daze.

Then, he subconsciously clenched the handle of the gun and cast his eyes on Gin unconsciously:

This man actually gave him the weapon in his hand?

Without a gun, Gin's threat level is greatly reduced.

Vodka on the side has not taken out his gun yet, and is still standing there sneering, waiting for a good show.

Currently, the only person holding a gun is Lin Xinyi.

That being the case

"Can I take a gamble?"

"Now I shoot directly at Gin, use a slide shovel to avoid Vodka's shot, and give him a bullet with my backhand."

"Perhaps we can defeat these two bastards with one against two!"

Lin Xinyi couldn't help but have a bold idea.

Of course there is an element of gambling in this:

If gin and vodka were as good as Kyogoku's, he would definitely die if he did this.

If both gin and vodka were as good as Maorilan, the outcome would be about 50-50.

If both gin and vodka were only slightly stronger than ordinary people, then he would win for sure.

If you think of the gin boss's low-handed behavior of slapping people behind their backs, maybe he will have a greater chance of winning.

Lin Xinyi thought so in his heart and unconsciously held the gun tighter and tighter.

And Gin didn't seem to worry at all that he would betray him.

The man just looked at him coldly as usual, and urged in a calm tone:

"Hurry up and do it, Lin."

"Kill her and you will gain the greatest trust of the organization."


Lin Xinyi responded softly, his muscles quietly tensing.

He maximized his limited "superpower" and concentrated on stimulating his energy to strengthen his body to its strongest state.

It's like a tight bowstring ready to be released at any time.

But just then

His sharp eyes, which were driven to the extreme, suddenly discovered something from the distant mountains and forests.

Those are two small black spots. No matter how good the eyesight of a normal person is, it is impossible to see clearly.

But Lin Xinyi's eyes, strengthened by supernatural power, could vaguely see:


"He has already arranged two snipers on the mountain next to the road!"

"Gin, he is testing me!"

At this moment, Lin Xinyi saw through this man's intention.

Gin is like a devil playing with people's hearts.

On the one hand, he was forced to kill Miyano Akemi and sever his relationship.

On the other hand, Gin deliberately exposed his flaws in front of him, giving him a chance to betray him and test his loyalty.

"This bastard"

Lin Xinyi finally realized what a terrible villain this gin boss was.

This guy didn't leave him any breathing room at all:

If you rebel, you will be shot dead on the spot with a sniper rifle.

To obey, you must have your hands stained with blood.

"What, you are hesitating?"

Gin was still standing there empty-handed, looking defenseless, urging Lin Xinyi impatiently.

He looks vulnerable and can be knocked down with one shot

But in fact, this is a fatal trap.

Lin Xinyi couldn't think of any other way, so he could only loosen the handle of the gun weakly:

"I can not do it!"

"Brother, do we have to kill Miyano Akemi?"

"Keep her alive and lock her in a laboratory. She won't be able to do anything to betray the organization."

He tried to resolve the crisis with words.

And Ginjiu felt a little relieved to see that although Lin Xinyi did not obey the order, he did not boldly betray him.

His tone was still cold, but there was a little more patience in his words:

"No, Miyano Akemi must die."

"The more you try to protect her, the more it means you are in too deep."

"You have a heavy responsibility now. If you are still thinking about these sisters who want to betray the organization, I can't trust you."

"I" Lin Xinyi's face was full of entanglement.

"I know it's hard."

"But once you pass this level, you will have a brighter future."

"Belmod, and I, both value you very much."

"Whether you choose us, the organization, or Shirley, I hope you can see clearly."

Never before had Gin used such patient words to persuade a subordinate to obey orders.

He indeed cherished Lin Xinyi very much.

But this cherishing also has a bottom line:

"If you make the wrong choice, don't blame me."

"I've given you enough time to think now."

Ginjiu looked at Lin Xinyi, with invisible oppression in his voice:

"Lin, give me your answer!"

Lin Xinyi fell into a long silence.

When Gin gave Vodka a look, Vodka took out his pistol and pointed it at Lin Xinyi's head.

It was clear that he had reached a time when he had to make a choice.

"I see"

An idea flashed in Lin Xinyi's mind.

There was a long sigh on his lips.

With a sigh, he completely let go of the handle and handed the pistol back to Gin.

"What's the meaning?"

Gin's eyes instantly became cold and stern:

"Do you think I am really reluctant to kill you?"

"No" Lin Xinyi shook his head.

"I will kill Miyano Akemi."

"But I don't like using guns now. If you use a gun, it will leave traces."

As he spoke, Lin Xinyi's face gradually turned cold.

"Oh?" There was a trace of curiosity in Gin's eyes.

And under his scrutinizing gaze, Lin Xinyi put his hand into his pocket and took out a capsule.

That capsule gin is very familiar:

It has a red and white opaque shell, and there is a line of small words printed on the plastic shell: "APTX4869."

"You want to use this medicine?" Gin was slightly surprised.


"I asked Miyano for this. Keep it with me for later use."

Lin Xinyi's tone was now as cold as gin.

"Ha ha"

Gin, who had little expression, actually let out a solemn chuckle at this moment:

"Kill my sister with the medicine she gave me"

"Very good, Lin, you are even better than I thought!"

Looking at Lin Xinyi, who is almost exactly like himself,

Just like the front wave meeting the back wave, Ginjiu's eyes were filled with relief.

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