Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 153 The technology of resurrecting the dead

Miyano Akemi is still alive.

Her fake death successfully fooled Gin's eyes.

In the eyes of Gin and the organization, Miyano Akemi's body was also thrown into the sea by Lin Xinyi.

In this way, even if her body is not found later, the organization will only think that Miyano Akemi sank into the vast sea, and there will no longer be any suspicion.

The crisis caused by the organization has been completely resolved by Lin Xinyi.

However, this does not mean that the crisis is over.

Although Miyano Akemi is alive, her vital signs are still very weak.

After giving away the gin and deceiving the organization, she now still has to fight against the tetrodotoxin in her body.

"It's best to send him to the hospital for emergency treatment as soon as possible."

"Although it is possible for her to survive on her own, the probability is too low."

Lin Xinyi felt a little uneasy.

He can now provide artificial respiration to Miyano Akemi to maintain her life and help her solve the most fatal problems of respiratory muscle paralysis and weak respiratory function.

But Shiho had told him before that tetrodotoxin would not only paralyze respiratory muscle nerves and hinder breathing, but also paralyze vasomotor nerves and cause severe hypotension symptoms.

Even if oxygen is supplied through artificial respiration, in a long-term state of severe hypotension, the patient will be in danger of systemic organ failure due to insufficient blood perfusion in various organs.

Therefore, it is really difficult to survive on your own without medical first aid.

"What to do is to gamble on luck and see if she can survive on her own."

"Should we send Miyano Akemi to the hospital and receive professional first aid?"

Lin Xinyi was very confused.

Betting on luck and only doing artificial respiration, the probability of survival is not high.

To be sent to the hospital, the hospital needed to register, and the "dead" Miyano Akemi had to be exposed to others.

If the organization finds out, he, Miyano Akemi, and even Shiho, who is still locked up in the laboratory, will be killed.

"no solution anymore"

Lin Xinyi thought for a moment and finally chose the compromise method that he had thought of for a long time.

"It's better to ask him to help."

Lin Xinyi's circle of friends is not large.

And in this sudden situation, there is only one person who can help him get medicines and equipment as quickly as possible, and who has professional medical knowledge and knows how to carry out rescue operations.

Although Lin Xinyi had known that person for a short time, he at least knew his past and knew that he was a righteous and trustworthy person.

And because Lin Xinyi once rescued him from darkness, he now regards Lin Xinyi as his idol and respected teacher.

If you let him help, you can minimize the risk.

"Dr. Asai."

Thinking of this, Lin Xinyi quickly took out his mobile phone.

He had always wrapped the mobile phone in the plastic evidence bag he carried with him and dived into the water with it.

This is done so that you can call for help in time after landing:

"Hello? Asai, do you know how to rescue patients with puffer fish poisoning?"

As soon as the call was connected, Lin Xinyi asked straight to the point.

"Uh" was asked suddenly, Asai Narumi was a little confused.

But he still subconsciously replied: "I know."

"Puffer fish poisoning is relatively common in Japan. When I was an intern at the hospital, I once participated in the treatment of patients suffering from puffer fish poisoning."

"It would be great."

Lin Xindu breathed a sigh of relief:

He is a forensic doctor and is not very skilled in rescuing people.

Shiho is a biochemist. She has only studied the toxicology and pharmacology of tetrodotoxin and cannot teach Lin Xinyi first aid knowledge about tetrodotoxin.

Fortunately, there is a serious doctor like Asai Narimi here, who is professional and knows how to save people.

"Asai, I want to ask you a favor."

"I remember you told me that your adoptive parents run a private hospital, right?"


Asai Narumi vaguely heard something:

"I am at home now, not far from my private hospital."

"What, Mr. Lin Xinyi, do you need to send patients with pufferfish poisoning for treatment?"


Lin Xinyi's tone was extremely solemn:

"I want to ask you to go to your home hospital alone, get medicine and equipment, and drive an ambulance to save people."

"I have a patient here and it's not convenient to go to the hospital."

"This" After hearing this, Asai Narumi couldn't help but be a little confused.

Before he asked, Lin Xinyi said to him very solemnly:

"This matter is related to an important case."

"If possible, I don't want anyone to know about this except you."

"Dr. Asai."

"Can I trust you?"

Asai Narumi was silent for a while.

He finally realized how extraordinary this matter was, and also realized that Lin Xinyi seemed to be more mysterious than he imagined.

However, thinking of Lin Xinyi, the man who saved his life

Asai Narumi did not hesitate for long before she responded from the bottom of her heart:

"Mr. Lin Xinyi, you can always trust me."

It takes time for Narumi Asai to prepare medicines and equipment, and it takes even more time to drive from downtown Tokyo.

Lin Xinyi could only take care of Miyano Akemi by himself, using continuous artificial respiration to deliver oxygen to her weak breathing.

Although Miyano Akemi's vital signs have not improved significantly, at least they have not deteriorated at all.

She has always been wandering on the edge of life and death, living in an extremely weak way.

I don’t know exactly how long it took.

At this time, Asai Narumi finally drove an ambulance carrying medicine and equipment to the scene.

"Mr. Lin Xinyi!"

While calling Lin Xinyi's name, he stepped out of the car decisively and opened the back door of the ambulance.

"Cough cough cough cough cough"

Lin Xinyi picked up Miyano Akemi, who was still almost dead.

He put Miyano Akemi into the ambulance and let her lie on the mobile hospital bed in the carriage.

"Is this the patient?"

It was important to save people, and Asai Narimi had no time to communicate with Lin Xinyi.

He took the time to check Miyano Akemi's pupils, and his face suddenly became solemn:

"Symptoms of suspended animation, this is already severe poisoning."

"Well, how to save me?"

Lin Xinyi didn't waste any time and asked directly:

"I have no experience in rescuing pufferfish poisoning."

"You will guide, and I will help."

He is the teacher when it comes to autopsies, but when it comes to rescuing people, Asai has to take charge.

Lin Xinyi consciously handed over the leadership to Asai, and Asai Narumi quickly responded:

"For puffer fish poisoning, the unabsorbed toxins in the gastrointestinal tract must be removed as soon as possible, but now, it has been a long time since the poison was released."

"The effect of inducing vomiting is limited now, and it is not available on the gastric lavage machine."

"That being the case"

Asai Narumi frowned and said:

"Give her a cathartic medicine first, so that she can expel the food residue that has entered the intestines!"

Lin Xinyi: ""

The scene of giving Miss Mingmei a cathartic treatment is so beautiful that I can’t even imagine it.

Moreover, although patients with pufferfish poisoning cannot move physically, their consciousness remains awake throughout the process.

He was certain that Miyano Akemi, who was lying on the hospital bed now, must be in a very complicated mood.

"There's no need for a catharsis."

Lin Xinyi explained the situation promptly:

"She was not suffering from oral food poisoning, but subcutaneous injection poisoning."

"Hypodermic injection?"

Asai Narumi was slightly startled, with a slightly subtle expression.

But he didn't have time to ask in detail, so he turned his attention back to first aid:

"I'm going to put her on a ventilator and an EKG machine."

Although there is no gastric lavage machine in the ambulance, there are more critical vehicle-mounted ventilators and electrocardiographs.

While Asai Narumi was busy supplying oxygen to Miyano Akemi's ventilator, she said to Lin Shinichi:

"You give her intravenous fluids."

"Yeah." Lin Xin nodded.

He also had an internship in a hospital in college and knew how to operate it.

The initial steps in treating poisoned patients are similar. Use an indwelling needle to establish intravenous access, use glucose or saline, and provide large amounts of intravenous fluids.

This can be a diuretic and promote the excretion of toxins.

"Then what?"

Lin Xinyi gave Miyano Akemi a hanging bottle for infusion, but he was not sure what to do next.

Asai Narumi carefully intubated Miyano Akemi and said to Lin Shinichi:

"I've put all the medicine in the cabinet next to me. Please help me take out everything I need."

As he spoke, he announced a series of medicine names:

Dexamethasone, a glucocorticoid, can reduce tissue response to toxins.

Scopolamine can antagonize the inhibitory effect of tetrodotoxin on striated muscle.

Strychnine hydrochloride, vitamins B2 and B6, can relieve muscle paralysis.

Naloxone can significantly reduce the inhibition of respiratory and circulatory functions by toxins, increase oxygen partial pressure, and return blood pressure and pulse to normal.

After naming these medicines, Asai Narimi also explained clearly the approximate dosage required for each medicine.

"Ok, I see."

Lin Xinyi followed the instructions, prepared these drugs, and injected them into Miyano Akemi's body one by one.

As these drugs enter the body and take effect, the data displayed on the on-board electrocardiograph on the side gradually show signs of improvement.

Narumi Asai has also helped Miyano Akemi with tracheal intubation, started the A/C mode of the ventilator to assist breathing, and achieved mechanical ventilation.

Seeing the stable and good data on the electrocardiograph, he breathed a long sigh of relief:

"It seems to be stable."

"Next, as long as we carefully monitor the physiological data of this young lady, and use medication to assist depending on the situation, she should be able to slowly recover."

"Really?" Lin Xinyi asked with some concern: "Don't you need to do hemoperfusion?"

"You should have brought the portable hemoperfusion device, right?"

Hemoperfusion can introduce the patient's blood into a perfusion device equipped with a solid adsorbent to remove toxins from the blood through adsorption.

This is a main method used to rescue poisoning by various drugs and poisons.

According to Lin Xinyi's relatively good first aid knowledge, he felt that this trick should also be useful against tetrodotoxin.

"Hemoperfusion is indeed very useful in treating tetrodotoxin and is the mainstay of treatment for tetrodotoxin."

"However, this must be used in the early stage of poisoning for the effect to be obvious."

Asai Narumi said somewhat helplessly:

"This patient was injected with intravenous toxins, and the blood perfusion should not have much effect after so much time has passed."

"But the good news is that her vital signs are now gradually stabilizing."

"She should be able to recover without needing hemoperfusion."

"That's good"

Hearing what Dr. Asai said, Lin Xinyi felt relieved:

"Then now, can we just watch from the side?"

"Well," Asai Narumi thought for a while and said, "Actually, there is still something to do."

Lin Xinyi: "What to do?"

Asai Narumi: "Come on her."

Lin Xinyi: ""

"Haha, I'm not kidding."

"Although it cannot be explained in detail medically, the patient's psychological factors can also play a big role in the treatment process."

"The stronger her will to live is, the more likely she is to make it through."

Asai Narumi smiled slightly and explained:

"And the brains of people poisoned by tetrodotoxin are always awake."

"You cheer her up, she can hear you."

"I understand." Lin Xin nodded.

He brewed his emotions for a while, then gently held Miyano Akemi's hand and said to her:

"Miss Mingmei, wake up quickly"

"Shiho is still waiting for you."

This simple sentence seems to have some magic power.

Hear the name "Shiho"

Miyano Akemi's dilated pupils suddenly trembled slightly.

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