Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 154 Sitting up in shock while dying of illness

"Miss Akemi!"

Noticing the slight twitching of her eyelids, Lin Xinyi was a little excited: "Can you move?!"

Miyano Akemi said nothing.

However, looking at Lin Xinyi, she blinked hard.

It was obvious that although he was far from free from the effects of the toxin, his body was still unable to move due to muscle paralysis.

But at least Miyano Akemi has escaped from the most dangerous state of suspended animation, and her pupils are bright.

"Very good!"

Seeing that cheering was really useful, Lin Xinyi continued to encourage Miyano Akemi:

"Don't worry, we are out of danger now."

"You have to live well, and I will definitely find a way to rescue Shiho again."

Miyano Akemi blinked again, this time much harder.

"It seems it was successful."

Asai Narumi breathed a sigh of relief with a smile on his face:

"There is indeed no cure for tetrodotoxin, but as long as the patient's life can be maintained, the toxins in the patient's body will slowly be filtered through the kidneys, metabolized into the urine, and eventually excreted from the body."

"And now this Miss Mingmei has passed the most difficult stage."

"Next, we just need to monitor her carefully and wait patiently, and she will recover on her own."

"That's good."

Lin Xinyi finally felt relieved:

"Asai, thanks to your help this time."

"But, what happened today"

While he expressed his gratitude to Asai Narumi from the bottom of his heart, he became a little embarrassed.

At this point, should we tell the whole truth to Asai Narumi?

If you don't explain clearly, how can you explain the ins and outs of today's incident?

Lin Xinyi was in a dilemma, but Asai Narumi was very considerate and spoke first:

"I will never disclose what happened today to anyone."

"Mr. Lin, you don't need to explain to me."

"Although I can also see that today's things are not simple, I believe it."

"What Mr. Lin Xinyi wants to do cannot be a bad thing."

"So, no matter what the secret is behind it, as long as it is your request, I will definitely help to the end."

Asai Narumi responded to Lin Xinyi's dilemma with such a serious face.

Lin Xinyi didn't have any more words to say. He could only reply very solemnly: "Thank you."

As he said this, he thought for a while and then asked a little embarrassedly:

"Asai, I'm afraid I have to ask you for a favor."

"Do you have an empty house that someone can live in? Miss Mingmei needs a place to hide for the time being."

After the person is rescued, he still has to find a way to hide him.

It's definitely not okay to take it home, as it would be too conspicuous.

Moreover, if possible, Lin Xinyi didn't want more people to know about Miyano Akemi's existence.

The more people who know, the more dangerous the two of them are.

Therefore, it is best to let Asai Narumi, who is already informed, help find a secluded place to temporarily settle.

“Is the house empty?”

Asai Narumi thought for a moment and replied:

"You can stay at my foster sister's house."

"She has a villa in Miwa Town, but she married abroad a few years ago and hasn't come back to live in it for a long time."

"So the villa has been vacant, and the key is kept at home for me and my adoptive parents to keep."

"My adoptive parents usually don't go to that empty villa. This vacant villa can be used by Miss Mingmei to hide."

"If that's the case, then I'll trouble you."

Lin Xinyi became more and more grateful, while Asai Chengmi smiled and shook his head:

"My life was saved by you, Mr. Lin Xinyi. This little busyness is nothing."

As he said that, he turned to look at Miyano Akemi:

"I'll drive back to Tokyo first, and I'll leave Miss Akemi under your supervision."

"When Miss Mingmei recovers to the point where she can breathe completely on her own, we can remove the ventilator, transfer her from the ambulance, and hide her in my adoptive sister's home."

"Yes." Lin Xin nodded: "You go ahead and drive, I will monitor you from behind."

Assigned good work, Asai Shimizu did not waste any time.

He quickly sat in the driver's seat in front and started the ambulance smoothly.

Lin Xinyi was sitting beside the mobile hospital bed, carefully monitoring Miyano Akemi's condition.

The ambulance gradually left the deserted coastal road and returned to the bustling brilliance of Tokyo.

Along the way, the various data displayed on the electrocardiograph were slowly improving.

But after a long time, Miyano Akemi's symptoms of muscle paralysis were still reduced to a limited extent.

She still couldn't speak and could only blink.

"How long will it take for her to recover?"

Looking at Miyano Akemi who was still "paralyzed", Lin Xinyi asked with some concern.

Asai Narumi replied while driving: "You can't be in a hurry."

"Tetrodotoxin needs to be slowly excreted by the body's metabolic function."

"There is nothing we can do now, we can only maintain intravenous fluids to speed up the excretion of toxins."

"Um, wait, I seem to have forgotten something."

Asai Narumi suddenly exclaimed.

"Forgot something?" Lin Xinyi was also shocked:

It's no joke if a doctor forgets things during resuscitation.

"I forgot," Asai Narumi said with some embarrassment about what she had missed:

"The muscle and nerve paralysis caused by tetrodotoxin will also affect the bladder muscle layer."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Lin Xinyi frowned and asked tentatively:

"Would you like to perform a catheterization on Miss Mingmei?"

Hearing this, Miyano Akemi blinked sharply next to her.

“Actually, you don’t need to use it.”

Narumi Asai thought about it and gave an analysis:

"After all, the problem of tetrodotoxin patients is not obstruction of urination, but the loss of nerve control of the bladder muscle layer, resulting in a serious decline in the bladder's urine storage function and the inability to store too much fluid."

"Coupled with a large amount of intravenous fluids, it has a strong diuretic effect."

"So it's like using a small reservoir to hold back flood water, which will overflow very quickly."

Due to his professionalism as a doctor, Asai used a cute girl's face, a calm expression, and a calm tone to give guidance seriously:

"For hygiene reasons, you can insert a catheter into Miss Mingmei."

Miyano Akemi on the hospital bed began to blink wildly.

"Or, just watch carefully from the side and be sure to use a basin to catch it at any time."

On the hospital bed, Miyano Akemi's blinking rate increased instantly.

"I don't recommend this method because the patient cannot move or control the direction, so it can easily leak out."

"When the time comes, I need your help, Mr. Lin, to clean it up."

Miyano Akemi's blinking speed was as fast as a fifth-speed electric fan.

Lin Xin thought about it for a while and finally made a decision:

"Let's insert a urinary catheter."

As he spoke, he recalled the catheterization operations he had learned during his internship in the hospital and found the equipment from the cabinet.

Then, just as Lin Xinyi stood up and approached the hospital bed with a urinary catheter in hand,

Miyano Akemi's condition suddenly improved greatly:

"Ms. Akemi's face turned red."

"Her blood pressure is up!"

Lin Xinyi was overjoyed:

The change in complexion from pale to rosy now means that the congestion function of facial capillaries has returned to normal.

This shows that her heartbeat and blood pressure have recovered well, and her blood supply and oxygen supply have greatly improved.

This rosy complexion is more reassuring than the data on the heart monitor.

"This is really great."

Lamenting the tenacity of Miyano Akemi's life, Lin Xinyi did not stop moving his hands.

Then, just when everything was ready, he really wanted to reach out and touch Miyano Akemi.

The various data displayed on the electrocardiograph next to it were like stocks that had just been sold by Leeks, which suddenly experienced an unexpected surge:


Lin Xinyi was stunned and stunned:

"Her heart rate and blood pressure have soared to normal levels, and her body temperature and respiratory rate have also increased."

"What? So fast?"

"Yeah, wait it's over now"

"What's happened?" Asai asked nervously.

"Her blood pressure has exceeded the standard and she has become hypertensive."

"It's impossible, right? How can a person with pufferfish poisoning have high blood pressure? Isn't it because the instrument is malfunctioning?"

"Yes." Lin Xinyi also couldn't understand.

Although the data on the instrument was somewhat abnormal, Miyano Akemi herself had a rosy complexion and strong breathing, and it seemed that there was nothing to worry about.

Lin Xinyi observed carefully and then prepared to continue the unfinished work just now.

But just then

A medical miracle happened.

Miyano Akemi, who could only communicate through blinking just now, suddenly opened her mouth and spoke clearly and forcefully:

"Wait! Lin Xinyi, no!"

"Are you able to speak?" Lin Xin looked surprised and stopped helping to untie his clothes.

"Yes, yes."

Miyano Akemi breathed a long sigh of relief, and her blood pressure suddenly dropped a lot.

Then, she tried to move her body. Didn't move.

Symptoms of muscle paralysis remain.

Even after a miraculous improvement, Miyano Akemi can only barely speak and cannot control her limbs to move freely.

And as Dr. Asai analyzed before, after a long period of detoxification treatment, the reservoir capacity is now approaching the warning line, and it is very necessary to destock.

But she still couldn't move her body and had to get help from others.


Miyano Akemi hesitated for a while, and then she said hesitantly to Lin Xinyi:

"Lin, can you change with Dr. Asai?"

"Go and drive and let Dr. Asai help me."

"Uh?" Lin Xinyi was slightly stunned, as if he didn't quite understand.

"You" Miyano Akemi gritted her teeth. She even wondered if this brother-in-law was pretending to be stupid on purpose.

"You are a man."

Miyano Akemi blushed and spoke frankly:

"It's better to let a female doctor help with this kind of thing."

"Oh, you're talking about this!"

Lin Xinyi finally reacted:

Although the doctor himself doesn’t feel it after seeing too much, he can treat patients equally regardless of gender.

But for this kind of privacy-related treatment, the patient is shy and asks a doctor of the same sex to be responsible for the operation, which is emotionally understandable.

If there are conditions, try to meet them.

But the problem now is

"Asai is also a male doctor!"

Miyano Akemi: "???"

In the front driver's seat, there was a hint of shyness on Asai Narumi's pretty face:

"Miss Mingmei, I am really a male doctor."

"If you ask me to do it, it's actually about the same as asking Mr. Lin Xinyi to do it."

Miyano Akemi: ""

At this moment, Lin Xinyi didn't have time to do anything else.

He once again witnessed a medical miracle:

Miyano Akemi's face turned red, her heart rate skyrocketed, and her blood pressure skyrocketed.

A severely paralyzed patient sat up from the hospital bed like a carp:

"I can move without help!"

Cavan, the second is later.

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