Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 188 Chain of Suspicion

Conan's mood was extremely complicated.

He also didn't want to believe that Xiaolan would fall in love with someone else.

But the ironclad fact is already in front of us.

Xiaolan herself admitted that she was going to date "Brother Shinichi"!

It seems that Ms. Suzuki’s previous analysis is correct.

Xiaolan did have a secret love affair with Lin Xinyi, but she was too embarrassed to disclose it in front of her friends because of her face.

And she probably thought she was just a child, so she carelessly told the truth.

As for Lin Xinyi, although Lin Xinyi has a girlfriend himself.

But his girlfriend is a primary school student!

Speaking of himself and others, Conan doesn't think that the little Haiyuan classmate can compare with the youthful and beautiful Mao Lilan in terms of female charm.

If Lin Xinyi felt that his elementary school girlfriend was getting older and was hopeless, and he and Xiaolan had been in love for a long time, and he couldn't hold it back, it would not be impossible for him to actually cheat on her.

After all, Xiaolan, who had a deep relationship with him, had already moved on, and Lin Xinyi was even more unreliable.

"Asshole Lin Xinyi!"

Conan's face was green and shriveled, like an underripe eggplant:

"It's a shame I still consider you a friend!"

"It's so shameless to poach me while others are in danger!"

What made him most angry about this incident was that Lin Xinyi knew that he was Kudo Shinichi, and he also knew that he was staying with Xiaolan.

But even so, he still so shamelessly attacked his friend's childhood sweetheart.

How is this behavior different from that of Cao Cao? !

"No. I have to follow up and take a look!"

Conan was indignant, but he still held on to his last glimmer of hope.

He wanted to see with his own eyes whether Xiaolan and Lin Xinyi were really together.

So, Conan quickly changed his clothes, put on his shoes, used the stealth and tracking skills necessary for detectives, and followed Xiaolan secretly.

He did not reveal his presence.

Because he was worried that if he appeared openly, Lin Xinyi would not dare to show up.

In this way, the angry Conan transformed into a Ninja Turtle and quietly followed his sister Xiaolan to a coffee shop called "Royal Cafe".

Conan hid his small body behind the potted green plants decorated at the entrance of the store.

The green branches and leaves perfectly shielded his figure, allowing him to blend perfectly into the greenery.

Xiaolan walked into the coffee shop and found a deserted place to sit down.

She also took out her mobile phone and checked the time, obviously waiting for someone to come over for an appointment.

"It seems that Lin Xinyi hasn't come yet."

"Damn it. This bastard made Xiaolan wait for the date!"

When his girlfriend was abducted by someone else, Conan felt distressed.

At this time, he even completely forgot how he had left Xiaolan behind.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

After everyone came here, Conan remembered a very important question:

Even if I catch the two of them in action, what can I do?

Of course you choose to forgive her?

Or is he like Menelaus in Greek mythology, trying to get his "Helen" back at all costs?

Conan is a little entangled, and his emotional intelligence is completely insufficient to handle such a complicated situation.


"Since Lin Xinyi is also in love with someone else, then"

In the midst of entanglement and pain, Conan suddenly thought that in this complicated relationship, there seemed to be someone who shared the same problem as him.

"Haihara-san, she may be able to help!"

Thinking of this, he immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Haiyuan Ai's number.

In the Asai family's villa.

Haihara Ai was sitting on a specially raised chair, tapping the keyboard that was a little too big for her with her small fingers, and writing a paper on the computer seriously.

Although this paper is not a difficult problem for her, a talented scientific girl who can even overcome the conservation of mass energy, this is a paper written for her boyfriend after all, and she must be 100% serious.

While writing the paper, Haihara Ai's smart brain was still thinking in multiple threads at the same time, thinking about how to prepare lesson plans for Lin Xinyi to learn these theoretical knowledge.

Experiments must also be designed so that Lin Xinyi can learn how to verify the technical theories in the paper through practice and supplement the paper with real and reliable experimental results as a basis.

After all, Lin Xin's head was not covered by some all-powerful scholar.

Only by thoroughly understanding the technical points can he successfully complete academic fraud.

Therefore, Haihara Ai is now seriously preparing to teach her boyfriend biology in the past few days.

Although "study biology", for this special couple, it is actually synonymous with dating.

But Haiyuan Ai knows

Lin Xinyi, a clumsy guy, would definitely turn the date into a biology class in order to have a common topic with her.

This was how we agreed to go on a date last time, and the two of us spent a whole day studying biology in the laboratory.

At the end of the study, even the good opportunity to "be in high spirits" was missed.

"Ahem." Unknowingly, the story of Morgan's Drosophila came to mind again. The CPU in Little Miss Haiyuan's brain was suddenly overloaded, and the task process tree was forced to close.

She stopped typing on the keyboard and was about to drink some water to moisten her throat before starting to work again.

And this time.

Haibara Ai's sister, Miyano Akemi, suddenly walked in with her mobile phone:

"Xiao Ai, your classmate called you."

"Classmate?" Hui Yuan Ai was slightly startled:

Among her elementary school classmates whom she had known for two days, who would call her if they had nothing to do?

"It's Detective Kudo." Miyano Akemi handed over the phone: "I said I have something very important to see you."

"Oh, it's him."

Haiyuan Ai put the phone to her ear and asked expressionlessly:

"Kudo, what's the matter?"

"Yes! Something big has happened!" Conan's anxious voice reached Haiyuan Ai's ears: "Lin Xinyi and Xiaolan are preparing to secretly date!"

Haibara Ai:"."

The air around her suddenly dropped several degrees, and her eyes were frighteningly cold.

"Are you kidding me?" Haiyuan Ai asked coldly.

"I'm not kidding you, Xiaolan told me this herself."

"I have followed Xiaolan to the date, and Lin Xinyi hasn't come yet."

"Haiyuan, do you want to come here and take a look?"

Conan's voice was very helpless, and his tone was filled with the sadness of being a helpless sufferer.

Hearing the great detective's pitiful voice, Haihara Ai couldn't help but believe it.

"That woman...really did such a shameless thing?"

Little Miss Haiyuan couldn't help but think of Mao Lilan's mature and charming dress full of feminine charm on live TV.

In contrast, she is just an underdeveloped child now.

Although she believes in her boyfriend's love for her, people sometimes cannot resist their physical instincts.

Elementary school students or beautiful girls, normal people know how to choose.

The eight-year agreement is still far away, but Mao Lilan is ready.

"Why don't you call and ask?"

The more Hui Yuan Ai thought about it, the less confident he became.

She instinctively wanted to make a call and ask Lin Xinyi to find out the situation, but then she quickly reacted:

What's the use of asking?

If he really did something that betrayed him, would he just admit it with just a phone call?


Haiyuan Ai thought for a while and asked with an indifferent expression:

"Tell me, where is that place?"

"The Royal Cafe is the one not too far from Dr. Agasa's house. You should have seen it on your way home from school."

"Okay. I understand. The Royal Cafe is near Dr. Agasa's house, right?"

Haiyuan Ai repeated the address.

Then, without thinking, she jumped down from the chair and ran out the door in a hurry.

"Xiao Ai, are you going out?"

Miyano Akemi asked curiously.

"Well, there is something very important."

Hui Yuan Ai said these words and left without looking back.

Not long after Haiyuan Ai left, Lin Xinyi came back.

Yes, he skipped work early again in a somewhat irresponsible way.

There was no way. After having a child, he finally understood the mentality of those fishermen in the forensics class in a partial sense:

Because there are very important people at home, people can't help but want to come back early.

Therefore, when Lin Xin saw that there were no cases today, he skipped work and went home early to prepare a surprise for Xiao Ai.

However, when he hurried back, his little girlfriend was missing.

"Xiao Ai isn't here?"

Lin Xinyi looked at Miyano Akemi with some surprise:

"If she's not at home, where else can she go?"

"Uh, it's that Kudo-san."

Miyano Akemi recalled the situation just now and answered clearly:

"Xiao Ai was writing the paper in the room."

"But that Kudo classmate suddenly called her and asked her out."

"Besides, he said there was something 'very important'!"

After hearing this, Lin Xinyi was silent for a while:

Why are you hanging out with Conan, that little god of death again?

Isn't this going to cause another murder?

Wait, something seems wrong.

"This boy Conan actually asked my girlfriend out to play again?"

"I told him to stay away from Xiao Ai, but his memory didn't improve at all?!"

Lin Xinyi roared in his heart.

He controlled not to show anything strange, and then asked Miyano Akemi:

"Miss Mingmei, do you know where they went to play?"


Miyano Akemi thought carefully and replied:

"It seems to be that one, the Royal Cafe near Dr. Agasa's house, right?"

"When I went to the supermarket to buy things, I seemed to have passed by there before."

Lin Xinyi: "."

Cafe? Is this a place for primary school students to play?

It doesn't sound like an activity of the Junior Detective Team. Could it be that Conan called Xiao Wailing out by himself?

Then what on earth did he want to do when he asked Xiao Wail to go to the coffee shop?

And, what is it, a "very important thing"?

How could that little devil have anything so important that he needs to talk to his girlfriend in private?

The more Lin Xinyi thought about it, the more something was wrong:

"No. I have to follow you and have a look!"

He immediately asked Miyano Akemi for the exact location of the cafe, turned around and left with an ugly expression.

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