Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 189 Concubine Miles

At this moment, Haibara Ai was like the heroine of a Japanese drama on TV. With her turbulent emotions, she was running alone on the street against the wind with all her strength.

When she got close to the Royal Cafe, she started to brake, change gears, slow down, and turn off the engine.

When Haibara Ai officially arrived at the entrance of the Royal Cafe and appeared in front of Conan, the irritable girlfriend who rushed to the scene to catch the rape had turned into a tall girl who was aloof, proud of the world, and didn't seem to care much about anything. The flower of the ridge.

"Is it true that Lin Xinyi is here?"

Haihara Ai asked Conan with a calm expression.

There was no trace of anxiety in her tone, as if the Lin Xinyi she spoke of was just a passerby who had nothing to do with her.

Conan did not answer, but looked at his watch in surprise:

"You came here so quickly?"

"." Hui Yuan Ai was silent for a moment and replied: "I didn't run away, I just happened to be nearby."

"That's not right," Conan said naively: "When I called, didn't your sister say you were writing a paper at home?"

Haibara Ai:"."

This great detective is still the same as before, he likes to ask questions that he shouldn't ask.

"Stop talking nonsense." Miss Haiyuan said with a cold face, forcibly changing the topic: "You said that Lin Xinyi is dating that bad woman, is it true?"

"Hey, what do you mean by that 'bad woman'?" Conan's little face turned red and he argued rationally: "Xiaolan is not that kind of frivolous girl. It must be that bastard Lin Xinyi who took advantage of the situation and took advantage of Xiaolan. The orchid belt is broken!”

"Ha." Haiyuan Ai snorted noncommittally:

Her boyfriend was even willing to die for her. How could he have made a mistake if he hadn't been proactively entangled by that kind of evil cat?

After all, the only advantage that woman had over her was that she was at an age where she didn't have to go to jail.

"You think so, so be it."

"If that's any comfort to you."

Hui Yuan Ai looked at classmate Conan quietly, his eyes full of pity.

Conan was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. He was about to explode, but Miss Haihara stopped him with one sentence:

"Now is not the time to argue about this."

"Where is the Lin Xinyi you mentioned?"

"Well" Conan swallowed back his argument.

Then, he carefully retracted under the huge potted green plant at the entrance of the store, perfectly hiding his figure in the greenery:

"Come, hide here, you can see inside the store."

Hui Yuan Ai hesitated for a moment and then hid under the green leaves of another potted plant.

The two primary school students blended into the greenery and quietly peeked into the store through the floor-to-ceiling glass.

Inside the store, Mao Lilan was still sitting alone in an empty booth.

It seems that the person she made an appointment with hasn't arrived yet.

Haihara Ai focused on what Mao Lilan was wearing at the moment:

She was dressed just like the last time she appeared on live television.


Miss Haiyuan commented coldly:

Students should behave like students.

A high school girl dressed so maturely and sexy and ran out to meet a man clearly had bad intentions!

"But..." Haiyuan Ai turned to look at Conan, with a hint of suspicion in his voice: "Where's Lin Xinyi? Didn't you say he was coming to date that woman?"

"Maybe he hasn't arrived yet," Conan gritted his teeth and replied, "Xiaolan said personally that she wanted to go on a date with him. There is nothing wrong with that."

"Yeah" Haiyuan Ai pursed her lips tightly, feeling a little nervous:

Since I haven't met Lin Xinyi yet, I can't completely confirm that my boyfriend has cheated on her.

Therefore, even after hearing Conan accuse Lin Xinyi over and over again, she still held a glimmer of hope in her heart.

Maybe Conan made a mistake

This is what Hui Yuan Ai is thinking in his heart

The door of the coffee shop was pushed open from the outside, and a handsome man in a black suit walked in hastily.

"Lin Xinyi"

"It's him, he's really here!"

Conan's breathing became rapid and his face turned green and black.

Hui Yuan Ai's pupils shrank, and his eyes became cold and hollow, as if his soul had been taken away.

The two of them were hiding under a lush green plant, which was very green.

"It's true. It's true."

The last trace of luck in Detective Conan's heart was also wiped out:

"what do I do?"

He can easily solve the puzzles set by the murderer.

But he can't do this question.

"I have a hundred ways to make that person die silently."

Hui Yuan Ai suddenly said so coldly.

"Me too." Conan agreed subconsciously.

He also wished he could transform from Sherlock Holmes into Moriarty and give that bastard justice.

But Conan suddenly reacted: "Hey, Haibara, who is 'that person' you are talking about?"

"." Hui Yuan Ai didn't answer, but his eyes were frighteningly cold.

Lin Xinyi was completely unaware of this.

He just walked into the coffee shop minding his own business, and then looked around at everything in the shop:

"Where's the little mourner?"

"Didn't you say that little bastard Conan invited her here?"

Lin Xinyi originally planned to stand outside the store and observe quietly to see why Conan called his girlfriend over.

Of course, he mainly wanted to see if Conan did anything unreasonable and if he paid attention to maintaining social distance.

But he stood outside the store for a while, but he didn't see Xiao Ai or Conan in the store.

There was no other way, so Lin Xin had no choice but to walk into the store and search carefully for the whereabouts of his little girlfriend.

"No. They're not in the store?"

"Is the coffee shop just the place where they agreed to meet, and they went somewhere else after meeting?"

Lin Xinyi thought so in his heart.

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded beside him:

"Huh? Mr. Lin, what a coincidence, you come to this store too?"

Looking around, he saw Mao Lilan sitting on a booth nearby, waving to him excitedly.

"Miss Maori?" Lin Xinyi couldn't help but be curious:

Mao Lilan is also in this store. Could it be that she organized some extracurricular activities for Conan and Xiaoai?

In this case, there is no need to worry.

With this idea in mind, Lin Xinyi walked to Mao Lilan curiously and asked:

"Miss Mori, did you come out with Conan?"

"Conan?" Mao Lilan was stunned for a moment, with a confused expression: "No, he was still playing at home when I came out."

"Ah?" Lin Xinyi was even more confused:

Conan clearly made an appointment with Xiao Ai here, why would he still stay at home?

He couldn't turn a corner, so he asked curiously:

"Since Conan and you are not together, then Miss Mori."

"You came here to drink coffee alone?"

"No." Mao Lilan shook his head.

Facing Lin Xinyi, she did not hide her true intention: "I came to see my mother."

Yes, Mao Lilan came out this time just to see her mother.

Because her mother and father have been separated for many years, the two have deep conflicts on the surface, and they seem to have no contact with each other until they die.

Therefore, even when meeting his biological mother, Mao Lilan had to do it secretly and not let her family know.

Otherwise, her willful father will lose his temper again.

“So that’s how it is”

Lin Xinyi was a little emotional, but at the same time he was a little confused:

Mao Lilan came here to meet her mother, so why did Conan go behind his back and invite Xiao Ai to the same place?

His mind was a little dizzy, but at this moment, another woman's voice sounded next to him:

"This is Lin Xinyi, Manager Lin?"

This voice is a bit unfamiliar, the tone is gentle and pleasant, but it also carries an innate confidence.

Lin Xinyi followed the sound and saw a beautiful lady standing in front of him.

This lady's dress is almost the same as Mao Lilan at the moment, or in other words, Mao Lilan imitated her look:

Wearing a professional skirt, a white shirt and high heels, paired with a simple round bun and elegant gold-rimmed glasses, looks both mature and charming, and also gives people a smart and capable feeling.

Regardless of her appearance, in terms of temperament, this lady is completely an enhanced version of Mao Lilan.

"Who are you."

Lin Xinyi looked at this beautiful lady who suddenly greeted him with some curiosity.

And she extended her hand generously and introduced herself:

"Hello, I am Feili, Xiaolan's mother."

"My daughter has been studying with you these days, please take care of her."

Lin Xinyi and Fei Miles shook hands gently in the store.

Miss Haiyuan, who was hiding under the green plant outside the store, felt cold in her eyes:

"Who is this woman?"

"This" Conan also looked a little confused.

It was strange that the woman who suddenly appeared gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

It was as if I had seen her somewhere before. No, not only, but many times.

"Who is she?"

Conan frowned and recalled carefully.

At the same time, he also carefully observed the interaction between Lin Xinyi, Mao Lilan and Fei Miles in the store.

Although it was difficult to hear the sound through the glass and such a long distance.

But seeing Mao Lilan's warm and affectionate display towards the woman, Conan quickly thought of something:

"It's her! She is Uncle Maori's wife, Feili!"

"No wonder she looks so familiar. I saw her when I was a child!"

When he was in kindergarten and elementary school, Conan often visited Maori's house and naturally met Feili.

But later, Maori Kogoro and his wife separated, Feili moved out, and he never saw this beautiful future mother-in-law again.

"Oh, it turns out to be Mao Lilan's mother."

After figuring out the identity of the visitor, Haiyuan Ai breathed a sigh of relief:

Fortunately, at least it's not another competitor.

Um, wait a minute

"Mao Lilan's mother??"

"Why did Lin Xinyi go with Mao Lilan to meet her mother?!"

Haihara Ai and Conan looked at each other, and their two little faces became extremely pale:

"Is this true?"

"Meet the parents?!"

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