Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 200 Miss Haiyuan wants to take a lunch break

Nakamichi Kazushi chatted with Mao Lilan for a while, then went to the room he reserved and put his travel bag properly.

Then, he followed Mao Lilan, Lin Xinyi and others to the box.

In the box, Mouri Kogoro and several other university classmates were already present.

They were talking and laughing while drinking, and when they saw Nakamichi Kazushi and others coming in from the door, they all looked at them.

A few old classmates exchanged pleasantries.

Mao Lilan quietly walked to her father and said in a complaining tone:

"Dad, didn't I ask you to take good care of Caesar?"

"Why were you so focused on drinking alone that you didn't even pay attention to tying it up?"

"Huh? Did Caesar just run out?"

Mouri Kogoro scratched his head in confusion, as if he only noticed Caesar now.

He didn't dwell on his little mistake for too long. He just looked at his daughter with a little wet hair in confusion:

"Speaking of which, Xiaolan, what did you just do?"

"Why did it take you so long to come here?"

"We went to soak in the open-air hot spring." Mao Lilan replied casually.

"Oh, soak in an open-air hot spring, wait for an open-air hot spring?!"

Mouri Kogoro was still sipping a sip of wine. Hearing these words, he almost choked with pulmonary edema:

"Open-air hot spring, isn't that a mixed bath for men and women?!"

"You, you went to take a shower with this guy named Lin?"

He glared at Lin Xinyi fiercely, his eyes filled with the hostility of a vegetable farmer looking at a pig.

Mouri Kogoro knew very well how necessary it was for a father to protect his underage daughter:

Back then, his father-in-law didn't care much about protecting his daughter. As a result, his father-in-law's precious daughter became pregnant at the age of 19 and gave birth to Xiaolan at the age of 20.

"Mr. Mori, don't get excited."

"We went to the hot springs wearing swimsuits. It was just like swimming in a pool. There is nothing abnormal."

"Everyone is covered with clothes, so they can't see anything."

Lin Xinyi explained to himself calmly.

As he spoke, he specifically turned his head to look at Mao Lilan, hoping that she would help him say a few words: "Right, Miss Mao Li?"

"Yes, Mr. Lin is right."

"I didn't see anything, not really."

Mao Lilan lowered his head silently, hiding his slightly feverish face.

The face of Conan's kid next to him turned even greener.

Miss Haiyuan wanted to severely criticize Mao Lilan's evil behavior of peeping in secret, but when she thought of her even more shameless behavior, she hesitated and was speechless.

Just like that, in an awkward silence.

Mouri Kogoro looked back and forth between Lin Xinyi and his daughter with suspicious eyes. Seeing that Lin Xinyi's expression was always extremely normal, he withdrew his gaze without hesitating to speak.

He did not pursue the matter of his daughter going to the hot spring with a young man, but returned his attention to the topic of the class reunion.

The few people present today are all long-time friends of Kogoro Mouri who he met in the university judo club.

Seeing Lin Xinyi, an outsider who joined their class reunion, they couldn't help but be curious:

"This young man is Xiaolan's boyfriend?"

"No, no, no." Mao Lilan hurriedly denied: "This is my friend and my teacher, Mr. Lin Xinyi from the Metropolitan Police Department."

"He happened to want to come here for vacation recently, so he came with me."

"Oh, I see."

"However, the name Lin Xinyi seems familiar."

Not only was it familiar, but Lin Xinyi's instantly recognizable handsome face looked like he had seen it before somewhere.

Among these people, Zhongdao Hezhi reacted the fastest:

"Lin Xinyi, is that Manager Lin from the Metropolitan Police Department?"

The bald man's expression suddenly became a little subtle when he looked at Lin Xinyi.

His profession is actually also a police officer, working as a criminal police officer in Chiba Prefecture.

The name Lin Xinyi is now well known in the police system across the country.

After all, this guy was a specially hired management officer by the Metropolitan Police Department.

A 24-year-old management officer is enough to make those police officers who have to work hard to get old feel envious and jealous, and they will remember this name deeply in their hearts.

"It turns out that you are the young manager who worked hard to restore the dignity of the Japanese police, the Metropolitan Police Department's Kirin!"

Nakamichi Kazushi sighed and sighed, and also mentioned a title that Lin Xinyi had never heard of before.

At the same time, there was an imperceptible vigilance in his eyes:

"I heard that after you took office, there have been no unsolved unsolved cases in Tokyo!"

"Oh, what Qilin'er?"

"That's all propaganda by the media."

Lin Xinyi was a little embarrassed to refuse this honorary title, and said extremely humbly:

"I was just lucky enough to solve a few cases, and those leaders used them as typical propaganda."

"We still don't know the level of the Metropolitan Police Department. How could I go there alone and improve the security in Tokyo?"

"It's all propaganda and public relations tactics."

He tried his best to belittle his ability, saying that the Metropolitan Police Department was deliberately creating a myth through media propaganda in order to save face.

After hearing this explanation, Zhongdao Hezhi couldn't help but believe it:

Indeed, Lin Xinyi looked so young and just a "layman" who had just transferred to criminal investigation work. How could he be so amazing as the newspapers boasted.

Not to mention the professional level of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, which has always been a bit unflattering to their colleagues, the local prefectural police.

This disgrace and humiliation of "Japanese police savior" was created by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, but in the end, all police officers in Japan were required to take the blame.

But in fact, compared with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, which is embarrassed in newspapers every day, the local police department has many talented people and has handled many beautiful cases.

Therefore, it is difficult for Nakamichi Kazushi to believe that the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, which was originally ridiculed by the entire Japanese people, could suddenly turn around.

In addition, these days, TV, radio, and newspapers have reported endless reports on Lin Xinyi.

The publicity is a bit outrageous. If you think about it carefully, it really looks like the Metropolitan Police Department bought the hot search behind its back.

"Hahaha, humble, so humble."

"Mr. Lin, you are definitely worthy of being called 'Kirin'er' for being able to turn the Metropolitan Police Department's reputation around to what it is now."

Nakamichi Kazushi was already murmuring in his heart, but on the surface he still maintained his praise of Lin Xinyi.

Lin Xinyi also said a few words of false politeness, and then naturally faded away from the topic and sat aside to listen quietly.

This is Kogoro's class reunion after all.

He deliberately didn't talk much, so his old classmates who hadn't seen him for several years quickly forgot about his celebrity and chatted emotionally about their college past.

Lin Xinyi was listening quietly next to him.

Of course, I mainly listened to stories related to Mr. Kazushi Nakamichi.

In this way, after a long wait, Lin Xinyi finally heard something that concerned him:

"Speaking of which, Nakamichi and Yumi were still dating when they were in college!"

"Hey, you two, let's talk about it. How did it develop later?"

Several old classmates chatted and soon turned their curious eyes on Kazushi Nakamichi, who was the protagonist of the topic.

And the heroine "Yumi" in this topic is also present at this moment:

Her name is Yumi Horikoshi, and she is an aunt whose appearance and temperament can make people shine——

Although her beautiful appearance made her still look like a young girl, Lin Xinyi said that the 37-year-old Ms. Horikoshi must be an aunt.

"He Zhimo and I haha, that's all in the past."

"Actually, the two of us have broken up."

Horikoshi Yumi put on a cheerful smile and said in a tone that seemed to be indifferent:

"Besides, good things for this guy Hezhi are not far away!"

"He met a nice girl half a year ago and will get married within the year."

Upon hearing the good news that Nakamichi Kazushi was about to get married, the reactions of his old classmates were all surprise, joy, and blessing.

But Lin Xinyi's expression changed after hearing this:

Falling in love, breaking up, ex-boyfriend is getting married soon

These few keywords put together are enough to stage a murder drama.

Not long ago, Caesar sniffed something out of Kazushi Nakamichi’s travel bag——

As the ace detective of the forensics class, Caesar is versatile in explosive disposal, seizure, tracking, and riot prevention. He can smell the smell of various prohibited items such as guns, explosives, and drugs.

It won't just go and bite other people's bags.

If there is such an unusual reaction, it means that there is probably something unusual hidden in that bag.

"Looks like I need to try to investigate."

Lin Xinyi thought so, then he stood up and said to everyone:

"Well, I won't stay here any longer and will go back to my room to take a lunch break."

As he said that, he looked specifically at Hui Yuan Ai beside him:

Xiao Ai didn't know any of these people, and she had no interest in getting to know these strangers.

She had been sitting quietly next to him before, like a player whose network connection was interrupted, sitting alone in a daze.

Seeing his little girlfriend looking so bored and thinking that she didn't sleep well last night, Lin Xinyi tried to say to her:

"Xiao Ai, do you want to go back to the room with me for a lunch break?"

"Huh?" Haiyuan Ai was like a frightened little rabbit, sensitively pricking up his ears:

"Lunch break, together, with you?"

She didn't know what she was thinking of, but Miss Haiyuan, who had kept a cold face just now, suddenly lowered her head and played with her fingers in embarrassment.

After being silent for a while, she answered in a vague voice:


In this way, Hui Yuan Ai naturally took Lin Xinyi's big hand and followed him out of the box step by step.

However, during this whole process, she did not dare to look up at her boyfriend.

Has this day finally arrived?

Sleeping with my boyfriend.

Huihara Ai's palms were sweating slightly, and her heart was beating fast.

If it was before, she might not be so excited.

But after learning anatomy knowledge in detail from Lin Xinyi in the hot spring, Haibara Ai discovered that she seemed to have awakened some strange hobby.

"Ahem. No, don't think too much about it."

Hui Yuan Ai shook his head to get rid of his distracting thoughts:

"Just sleeping in the same room doesn't mean they'll sleep on the same bed."

"Lin is not that kind of person."

She knew very well that Lin Xinyi had always been somewhat resistant to having too close physical contact with her.

This made her very helpless.

But now, she felt even more disappointed.

So, with this complex mood of helplessness, disappointment, shame, but excitement and expectation, Hui Yuan Ai followed Lin Xinyi to their hotel room.

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Xinyi spread out a blanket for sleeping on the tatami without any fuss.

Then Haiyuan Ai immediately saw a scene that she didn't dare to see, but wanted to see:

"One, he only laid out one blanket!"

"Is he really planning to sleep with me?!"

A beautiful pink color appeared on Miss Haiyuan's delicate face:

What to do. What should I do?

Should she sleep holding Lin Xinyi in her arms, let Lin Xinyi hold her in her arms, or sleep on his plump biceps?

Ahem, that's not right.

Restraint, have to restrain yourself!

Although Lin Xinyi is indeed very comfortable to touch, but...

If I really do this, wouldn't I become the same lecherous brat as Edogawa Conan?

Miyano Shiho, you are not that superficial woman!

Hui Yuan Ai was having a fierce psychological struggle in her heart, and finally...

She slid into the quilt like a loach, and specially opened a corner of the quilt, leaving half of the space for Lin Xinyi:

"Well...I slept."

Hiding half of her red face under the quilt, Xiao Ai said hesitantly.


As he spoke, Lin Xinyi carefully helped Xiao Ai cover the quilt that she had lifted off a corner, and said with concern:

"I still have some things to investigate."

"You have a good rest here and remember to cover yourself with the quilt."

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