Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 201 I bet there are no bullets in your gun

Lin Xinyi carefully covered his little girlfriend with a quilt, and told her to have a good rest here and not run around, and left the room without looking back.

He quietly returned to the outside of the box and carefully peeked inside.

At this time, Nakamichi Kazushi was still busy drinking and chatting with Kogoro and other old classmates, and it seemed that it would not end in a short time.

So, Lin Xinyi took the time to return to the guest room area on the second floor.

Relying on his agility, he climbed directly out from the eaves of the exterior wall of the Japanese-style hotel, and quietly climbed into Nakamichi Kazushi's room through an unclosed window.

In the room, the large travel bag that Kazushi Nakamichi had put away in a hurry was placed on the table without any warning.

Lin Xinyi put on the gloves he carried with him, opened his travel bag, and searched it carefully.

As a result, it didn't take long.

"Caesar sure smelled right."

"This time, it can be regarded as snatching another life from the hands of death."

Holding the pistol that he took out from his travel bag, Lin Xinyi sighed sadly:

With this pistol, it can basically be confirmed that Nakamichi Kazushi is the murderer who wants to kill.

Although he is a criminal police officer, he can legally own a gun.

But Japan is not one of those countries that may be involved in a real-person CS at any time. Even the police will not carry guns with them when they are idle.

What's more, this pistol is not the two standard police revolvers of the Japanese police, the New South M60 or the Smith Wilson M37, but an automatic pistol that was obviously obtained privately by Kazushi Nakamichi.

This guy obviously had bad intentions when he brought a private gun to a class reunion with his ex-girlfriend.

"The murderer was identified and the murder weapon was found."

"Next, let's wait for that guy to reveal his true colors."

Lin Xinyi did not make any announcement about this, nor did he intend to use this gun to confront Zhongdao Hezhi and provide him with psychological counseling in advance.

Because he didn't believe he had the ability to awaken the murderer's conscience.

Likewise, he didn't believe how much conscience could bind a guy who was determined to kill someone.

Lin Xinyi was a little worried that if he stopped the murder in advance, the murderer would not be punished.

Then after he leaves, if the murderer becomes murderous again, won't the victim still be unlucky?

Therefore, instead of relying on psychological counseling to stop the murderer, Lin Xinyi prefers to charge him with "attempted murder" and spend two years in jail to sober up.

But, maybe.

You can also give him a chance to see if he deserves forgiveness?

Lin Xinyi couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

So, he picked up the pistol that Kazushi Nakamichi had hidden and quietly moved his hands and feet.

The time gradually came to six o'clock in the afternoon.

After Kogoro and his old classmates finished playing table tennis in the activity room, they went back to their rooms to take a shower and change into clean clothes before going to the festival site near the hotel to enjoy the fireworks show.

But Nakamichi Kazushi stayed alone in this activity room.

He avoided everyone, quietly went back to his room to pick up the pistol hidden in his bag, and invited Yumi Horikoshi, who had gone back to the room alone after lunch, to the activity room.

While the two were playing table tennis, they discussed private matters that they did not want their classmates to know:

"Yumi, you brought all those photos and films, right?!"

Nakamichi Kazushi said through gritted teeth.

He and Yumi Horikoshi started dating when they were in college and have been dating for 18 years.

During these 18 years, he longed to start a family and proposed to her countless times, but the eccentric Ms. Horikoshi never agreed without any reason.

Until half a year ago, the 37-year-old Kazushi Nakamichi knew that he no longer had the youth to spend any more time with this woman.

So he took the initiative to break up and met another woman through a blind date, with whom he would soon get married.

But just when he was about to realize his dream of getting married and having children, Yumi Horikoshi, who had broken up with him, appeared again.

She began to write letters and make harassing phone calls to his fiancée, and even threatened to send intimate photos of the two of them in the past. The harassment made Zhongdao and Zhijia restless, and the marriage that he had been waiting for almost came to nothing.

"I've had enough, Yumi!"

"I have brought all the money you asked for, and I will hand over the money and deliver the goods. Please don't bother me again in the future!"

"Ha" Yumi Horikoshi's tone was a bit teasing: "In order to get rid of the relationship with me, how can you be so happy to get money?"

"Asshole!" Nakamichi Kazushi scolded fiercely: "It's obviously you who has refused to marry me!"

"Now that you've come back to make trouble out of nowhere, do you have to ruin my life?"

"." Horikoshi Yumi was silent for a while.

She held the table tennis racket, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said with a cold expression:

"I know, I won't harass you again."

"But if you want to take away the film and photos, you have to hand over the money first!"

"Oh, I knew it would be like this." Kazushi Nakamichi said with a gloomy face: "You are indeed so calculating, and you have no sincerity at all."

"Let me tell you. In fact, I have sneaked into your room and took the photos and film out of the bag!"

"What?!" Horikoshi Yumi's expression changed.

She immediately lost her mood to chat with Kazushi Nakamichi in the activity room, put down her table tennis racket, turned around and ran out in a hurry.

"Yumi. You forced me to do this."

Looking at the retreating figure of his ex-girlfriend, Kazushi Nakamichi flashed a hint of cruelty in his eyes:

He had no intention of giving money to buy photos from the beginning, but planned to completely get rid of this crazy woman who had delayed him all his life.

Although Lin Xinyi's appearance made him slightly worried, at this moment, anger had completely occupied his mind.

And he also carefully designed a trick before killing, and this trick also gave him enough confidence at this time.

So Nakamichi Kazushi clenched the pistol in his arms and quietly followed Yumi Horikoshi, who was anxious to go back to check her luggage, all the way to her guest room.

Horikoshi Yumi is as familiar as he is, sensitive and irritable, and will forget other things when he gets anxious.

She just rushed into the room to look for her bag, but didn't pay attention to close the door.

Just like that, Nakamichi Kazushi quietly followed the room, took out the pistol in his arms, and pointed the gun at his former lover:

"Yumi, farewell."

"Huh?" Yumi Horikoshi turned around following the sound.

Seeing the muzzle of the gun pointed firmly at her head, her face was filled with shock and fear.

It seemed that in the next moment, she would die in the blooming fire.

But at this moment, a clear and powerful voice suddenly came from behind Nakamichi Kazushi:

"Stop it, Mr. Nakamichi."

"Wha, what?" Nakamichi Kazushi was so frightened that his whole body trembled.

He followed the sound and turned around, only to see Lin Xinyi, whom he had not seen since the afternoon, following him closely, standing in the corridor outside the guest room door!

"I finally waited until you took action."

Lin Xinyi yawned slightly, his expression very indifferent.

After he finished handling the gun, he kept hiding next to Nakamichi Kazushi, waiting for him to take action.

This whole afternoon's waiting made him want to sleep.

Now that the main scene was about to begin, Lin Xinyi showed a calm expression that was somewhat tired, and slowly walked into the guest room under the frightened and fearful eyes of the other party.

"Don't, don't come over!"

Nakamichi Kazushi finally reacted belatedly.

He hurriedly turned the gun and pointed it at Lin Xinyi from a distance: "If you come over here, I'll shoot!"

Lin Xinyi stopped obediently, but when he faced the gun, his expression showed no panic at all.

"Shoot? Mr. Nakajima, if you shoot to kill again now, you will only make your mistake deeper."

"Put down the gun, you still have time to correct your mistake."

"You, you." Nakamichi and Zhongdao were a little incoherent.

Until now, he still couldn't understand that Lin Xinyi had already seen through his murder plan.

The perfect murder in my imagination was revealed before it even started.

And the new life he expected to completely get rid of Yumi Horikoshi was completely shattered at this moment. What greeted him would be cold handcuffs and a dark cell.

"Put the gun down."

"Mr. Nakamichi, please don't make the same mistake again and again."

Lin Xinyi continued to persuade further with his slightly oppressive voice.

But after a period of panic, fear, and despair, Nakamichi gradually became crazy, but then calmed down:

"Haha. You are indeed the so-called Qilin'er."

"I didn't expect that in just such a short exchange, you would discover my plan."

"But Manager Lin!"

He clutched the gun in his hand tightly and looked at Lin Xinyi with a look full of violence:

"You seem to have a strong ability to solve crimes, but you still seem to be too naive."

"You found out that my plan is very powerful, but in the end, you came here to stop me by yourself?"

Nakamichi Kazushi looked at the only two people in the room besides him:

"Idiot. As long as I kill you and Yumi together, won't no one find out that I was the one who killed you?"

"Hezhi. You, do you really want to kill me?"

Yumi Horikoshi, who was already frightened, felt even more desperate at her ex-boyfriend's determination and ruthlessness.

"Shut up!" Kazushi Nakamichi cursed hysterically: "Yumi Horikoshi, you are the one who forced me to do this!"

"I don't want to go to jail. I want to live a new life completely free of you, this madman!"

"Alas" Lin Xinyi shook his head helplessly:

Sure enough, once a person decides to become a devil, it is difficult to regain his conscience as a human being.

Nakamichi Kazushi has completely gone dark and there is no cure.

He originally wanted to give this guy a chance to see if he could repent and kneel in the BGM in time to hold his head and cry.

As a result, as soon as this murderer saw an "opportunity", he really didn't care about the bottom line at all.

"You two, just go to hell!"

Nakamichi Kazushi's eyes were bloodshot and turned red in the madness, looking like an evil ghost Shura:

"As long as we kill everyone in this room, I can go home and get married!"

"Then just shoot."

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, Lin Xinyi showed no trace of fear on his face:

"I bet you 100 yen that there are no bullets in your gun."

"You" Nakamichi Kazushi became angry: "What are you talking about!"

"How could it be possible that I didn't have bullets that I loaded with my own hands in advance?!"

"Then you try shooting?" Lin Xinyi smiled calmly.

"Just try it!"

Nakamichi Kazushi gritted his teeth and shouted angrily:

"Lin Xinyi, go to hell!"

The words just fell

Before the trigger could be pulled, an extremely anxious voice came from outside the door:

"No!" A little girl with brown hair wearing a loose yukata shouted with a frightened look.

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