Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 203 Fireworks Display

I don't know how many times I have been protected by Lin Xinyi with my life.

Hui Yuan Ai had never had friends or lovers before. He had always been so withdrawn and aloof, appearing aloof but lonely.

But Lin Xinyi was like performing a cardiac anatomy, peeling off her shell of indifference layer by layer, revealing her true heart hidden inside.

"Lin" Miss Huiyuan's voice was trembling.

"That." Lin Xinyi tried to gently push the pendant on his leg away.

This time he failed because his little girlfriend was too clingy, like sweet and lingering maltose.

"Xiao Ai, don't get too excited."

"Actually, I had tampered with his gun a long time ago. I was just waiting for him to pull the trigger and blow himself up."

Lin Xinyi told the truth with some helplessness:

"Otherwise, why would I come to confront the murderer alone?"

"Um" Haiyuan Ai froze.

She let go of her hand, took a step back, raised her head and looked at Lin Xinyi, her expression looking a little embarrassed:

"Has his gun been tampered with?"

"Then, why are you so nervous and standing in front of me?"

"Uh, me." Lin Xinyi was also a little embarrassed: "When I saw that bastard pointing the gun at you, I blocked it as soon as my brain got hot."

Although he knew that the gun could not hurt Xiao Ai 100%, Lin Xinyi still stood in front of the gun.

I didn't think anything at all, it was just an instinctive reaction.

"It's just that, subconsciously, I don't want you to get hurt."

Lin Xinyi's old face looked a little embarrassed as he spoke his innermost thoughts which he rarely revealed openly.

"You" Hui Yuan Ai was silent for a while.

The excitement subsided, her expression gradually returned to calm, and the coldness of the past appeared on her delicate face.

But looking at her boyfriend's shy and evasive eyes, her coldness turned into the spring snow in the sun, which looked warm and white.

The two looked at each other quietly, and fireworks bloomed outside the window.

At this time, a burst of rapid footsteps interrupted the delicate silence, causing the atmosphere to return to the tense murder scene.

Here came the family of Kogoro Mori and his old classmates.

The volume and duration of Nakamichi Kazushi's screams were not low, and they obviously attracted the attention of other people in the hotel.

They came after hearing the news, and as soon as they arrived at the door, they saw the house in a mess.

Especially Mouri Kogoro saw that his old classmate Kazushi Nakamichi was beaten like a dead dog, with his palms lying on the ground with bloody flesh, and embedded in the wall.

His expression suddenly changed: "What on earth happened?"

"You should ask Mr. Zhongdao about this." Lin Xinyi replied calmly.

"Nakamichi." Mouri Kogoro stepped forward with concern on his face, as if he wanted to help Nakamichi Kazushi who was seriously injured: "Who beat you like this?"

Zhongdao Hezhi was silent and did not dare to speak.

But it was Horikoshi Yumi, who told everyone what had just happened.

All the old classmates looked shocked when they heard this, and looked at Nakamichi Kazushi with eyes full of disbelief:

"Zhongdao, did you really commit murder?"

"I" Nakamichi Kazushi's face changed for a while, but he finally said viciously: "That's right. I want to kill her!"

"She is a demon who ruined my life!"

He sadly told people about his experiences over the years, accusing Yumi Horikoshi of her evil deeds that delayed his wonderful youth.

Mouri Kogoro looked gloomy when he heard this, and his expression gradually became serious.

He didn't speak either, but after a period of silence, he extended his hand to Nakamichi Kazushi who was lying on the ground.

Facing Kogoro's extended hand, Nakamichi Kazushi thought that his old friend was coming to help him.

So, he put his arm on Kogoro Mori's arm, stood up staggeringly, and said with reluctance:

" can understand me, right?"

"I was basically forced to this point by that woman!"

The words just fell

Mouri Kogoro's grip on his arm suddenly tightened:

"I don't care what your reasons are."

"When you do something like murder, you are already a despicable coward!!"

I saw his whole body tightening and suddenly exerting force, and he used a standard over-the-shoulder throwing posture to lift Nakamichi Kazushi who was seriously injured from the ground, and then slammed him on the tatami on the other side.

"Ah!!!" screamed again.

Nakamichi Kazushi hit the ground hard, and finally passed out from the pain.

"justifiable defense!"

"This is self-defense!"

Lin Xinyi stood up again like a reflex.

"Well" as an old expert in self-defense, Miss Mao Lilan looked a little embarrassed:

Based on what her father just did, it seems that it can hardly be called "defense."

Even if her mother were to defend her, she would probably lose the case, right?

"It's okay. Even if he is the defendant, I will give him a good beating."

Completely different from the usual lazy and greasy middle-aged uncle, Mouri Kogoro's eyes were full of perseverance at this moment.

Looking at Lin Xinyi, who had successfully prevented the murder, his eyes no longer contained the disgust and vigilance that came from nowhere, but were filled with gratitude:


Nakamichi Kazushi was temporarily controlled by Kogoro and others.

Although he suffered serious injuries, as a big man who practiced judo all year round, his body was very strong and there was no need to worry about his life.

The police and emergency telephones had been called, but because there was a festival nearby and there was too much traffic, police cars and ambulances couldn't come in for a while.

All that's left is to wait.

After Lin Xinyi explained the situation clearly to Kogoro and others and asked them to help deal with the funeral arrangements, he quietly walked to Haibara Ai and said to her:

"Xiao Ai, do you want to see the fireworks display?"

"Now?" Hui Yuan Ai was slightly surprised: "If something like this happened, do you still want to go?"

"Didn't the case never happen?"

Unlike others, Lin Xinyi was in a good mood.

In the eyes of others, it was a tragedy of lovers killing each other in a peaceful life.

But in Lin Xinyi's view, he had snatched a life back from the Book of Life and Death of the Lord of Hell.

"Since no one was killed, don't delay the good mood of this trip."

After successfully preventing the murder, Lin Xinyi finally let go of the stone hanging in his heart.

He was ready to relax completely and enjoy the trip:

"So, Xiao Ai."

"How about we go see the fireworks display together?"

"Anyway, the expenses at today's festival will be reimbursed. It would be a pity not to go,"

Lin Xinyi spoke his true feelings very honestly.

"." Hui Yuan Ai pondered for a moment, then nodded reservedly: "Yes."

Then, she took the initiative to hold Lin Xinyi's hand and left the hot spring hotel with him, which had become a mess.

The two of them just held hands and merged into the flow of people attending the fireworks display.

The fireworks display is really lively.

However, the actual experience of participating in the fireworks festival was different from what Lin Xinyi expected, and it was also different from what was shown in those animation comics.

The experience of fireworks festivals in anime works is mostly like this:

people, beautiful girls in yukata, male protagonists, beautiful girls in yukata, people

But Lin Xinyi’s current experience is this:

Everyone, everyone, everyone, male protagonist, elementary school student in yukata, everyone, everyone, everyone.

"Hey, hey. What's going on with this National Day tourist attraction feeling?"

Lin Xinyi squeezed into the dense crowd. In a daze, he thought he had entered Shinjuku Station, which was so crowded during peak hours that there was no room to queue.

With such a large number of people, no matter how interesting the festival is, it will no longer be interesting.

A festival like this is not as good-looking as Xiao Ai's.

She is now wearing a loose yukata and small wooden clogs. The delicate three-dimensional face of the mixed race and the simple clothes with an ancient style are organically combined, creating a wonderful chemical reaction.

However, Lin Xinyi didn't have any intention to appreciate it. He just wanted to hold Hui Yuan Ai's little hand tightly to prevent her from being dispersed by the crowded crowd.

Unlike him, Miss Haiyuan's mood didn't seem to be affected by the huge crowd at all.

As long as you still hold your boyfriend's hand, even if you are standing in such a turbulent tide, you will feel a wonderful sense of security being well protected.

She just followed Lin Xinyi as she walked around the festival.

I didn't watch much of the festival, I just looked up at my boyfriend.

At this time, Lin Xinyi quietly stopped, as did the tourists.

Because the main part of the fireworks display has begun.

The previous clusters of fireworks seemed to be just a prelude. At this time, countless gorgeous flowers suddenly bloomed in the night.


Hui Yuan Ai looked up at the sky illuminated by fireworks, and then at her boyfriend's profile that was highlighted by the lights.

The subtle atmosphere that had been interrupted before returned unknowingly.

Huihara Ai unknowingly moved closer to Lin Xinyi, as if he wanted to do something.

However, she used to ignore Lin Xinyi, but now Lin Xinyi is beyond her reach.

Looking at Lin Xinyi's height, which even if he jumped up, he couldn't reach it, Haiyuan Ai thought for a while and finally gave up those unrealistic thoughts.

She stood honestly on the ground, snuggling next to her boyfriend.

But at this moment.

However, Haiyuan Ai felt a pair of big hands gently hugging his waist.

Lin Xinyi suddenly squatted down, lifted Hui Yuan Ai off the ground, and lifted her up steadily.

"Hey, hey?!"

Haiyuan Ai, whose feet were off the ground, was a little unable to react.

She didn't know what Lin Xinyi was going to do, but looking at the handsome face that was already at the same angle as her own

Haihara Ai's little heart was beating fast:

"Could it be that this guy finally enlightened?!"

"He wants to follow me, but there are so many people around here!"

Her face was feeling slightly hot again.

Never before, Lin Xinyi took the initiative to bring his face so close to hers.

Moreover, the two faces are getting closer and closer.

As he thought about it, Hui Yuarai couldn't help but nervously close his eyes, quietly expecting something in the darkness.


She felt her little body being lifted up suddenly rotated 180 degrees in the air like a top.

I saw Lin Xinyi quietly straightening his shoulders, letting Haiyuan Ai sit firmly on his shoulders in the posture of a lolita sitting on a Berserker:

"There are too many people here."

"You are so short, you will be blocked from seeing the fireworks, right?"

He said with concern.

Haibara Ai:"."

In the silence, clusters of fireworks bloomed in the sky.

Indeed, after sitting on Lin Xinyi's shoulder, the scenery became clearer.

"Forget it. This is not bad."

Huiyuan Ai sighed softly and raised his head to admire the beautiful light.

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