Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 204 The Famous Detective of the West

After returning from Tochigi Prefecture, Lin Xinyi's life briefly returned to peace.

There were no major cases that required his involvement, so he fished in the large office assigned to him by the Metropolitan Police Department during the day, and went to Xiao Ai to learn biological knowledge at night.

One afternoon two days later, the Metropolitan Police Department.

Lin Xinyi is preparing to continue to display the Heisei spirit. As long as there is no work, he will leave early and go home to stay at home.

But at this time, he had just opened the office door and bumped into a young man who was about to knock on the door and come in.

"Who are you?"

Lin Xinyi took a moment to look at the young man blocking the door of his office:

Unlike the uniformed police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department and the police officers in formal attire, the boy in front of him was wearing casual sportswear, a trendy peaked cap on his head, and a large travel bag on his back.

One look at this appearance, and you can tell that he is probably not a staff member of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Although this kid's skin is so dark that he looks like he has been exposed to too much sun, his face still looks young and handsome. It can be seen that he is not old and has the temperament of a student.

"What do you want from me?"

Looking at the unknown dark-skinned young man in front of him, Lin Xinyi was a little curious.

"I am Hattori Heiji."

The young man slowly took off his hat, a confident smile appeared on his lips.

Although his tone sounded a little strange, it did not hinder the fighting spirit in his voice at all:

"I'm a high school detective from Osaka."

"You may have heard my name in the newspapers, 'Kansai's Hattori'."

"Never heard of it." Lin Xinyi shook his head.

Hattori Heiji:"."

"Ahem, it doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it."

The dark boy quickly overcame his embarrassment and said to Lin Xinyi with bright eyes:

"Anyway, I'm a detective."

"I heard that Mr. Lin, you are called the 'Ender of the Detective Era' by the media."

"The reason why I came here this time is as a detective, to consult with you, the detective's 'nemesis'."

Hattori Heiji opened his mouth and said another middle school title that Lin Shinichi had never heard of before.

"Not interested." Lin Xin's mouth twitched slightly when he heard it, and then he shook his head.

This time, he simply ignored Hattori Heiji, closed the office door behind him, and walked to the elevator bypassing the black-skinned boy.

After all, duel with the detective?

Don't be kidding, he doesn't want to treat murder as a game.

When someone dies, you still place a bet in front of someone else's body. This is disrespectful to life.

"Oh wait!"

Hattori Heiji nimbly stepped forward and blocked Lin Xinyi's way again:

"Mr. Lin, I am serious."

"Please let me accompany you next time you go out to the police. I want to compete with you!"

Lin Xinyi said nothing.

But looking at the dark-skinned detective in front of him who was clinging to him, his brows were already furrowed:

"Do you think that investigating crimes is a child's game?"

"That was not what I meant."

Hattori Heiji shook his head in denial, but his expression showed no sincerity:

"I'm here for the honor of being a detective."

"Those media are advocating that the new ideas you bring can end the era of detectives. I want to see if this is true."

Lin Xinyi remained silent, but already had a headache:

It seems that the gin boss has overbought his hot search.

The media praised him so much, but in the end he got into trouble.

This so-called "showdown" must not be ignored, otherwise, there may be some random people coming to make trouble in the future.

So, looking at the enthusiastic eyes of Mr. Hattori Heiji

Lin Xin thought for a moment and ignored him. Instead, he shouted at the top of his lungs in the Metropolitan Police Building:

"Security, where's the security?"

"Where is the security!"

Hattori Heiji's expression was a bit astonished.

But at this time, many uniformed police officers had already followed the sound and surrounded them:

"Manager Lin, what's the matter?"

Lin Xinyi pointed at Hattori Heiji with a straight face and said seriously:

"Why are you still asking me? See for yourselves."

"How did this suspicious guy end up in our forensics class?"

After all, this is also the headquarters of the Tokyo Police.

Not to mention, the Metropolitan Police Department building is right at the Sakurada Gate, and the Imperial Palace is across the river.

A detective who appears out of nowhere can enter the Metropolitan Police Department if he wants. Can the old man Mikado live in peace on the other side of the river?

Therefore, Lin Xinyi felt helpless when he saw that the black-skinned boy in front of him, who claimed to be still in high school, could stand in front of his office without any hindrance:

"Is this the level of security in the Metropolitan Police Building?"

"Outsiders can come and leave whenever they want. Are there public toilets?!"

"Hug, sorry."

All the police officers were ashamed at being told that, and their eyes on Hattori Heiji suddenly became a little unfriendly.

Heiji's face darkened as he hurriedly explained:

"Hey, hey. I'm not a 'suspicious guy'."

"I'm a detective, and I'm here to challenge Manager Lin!"

He didn't talk about detectives, but when he mentioned detectives, the police officers' faces became even worse:

As a member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department who has been suppressed by detectives for a long time and ridiculed by the media, except for those old fritters who are accustomed to taking credit for detectives and like to solve crimes while lying down, any policeman with a slight sense of honor will not like detectives too much.

In particular, he found himself in the forensics class and came to challenge the forest management officer?

Then isn’t this the person who came to the Metropolitan Police Department to compete?

"Sir, please come with us."

"We want to understand your purpose of sneaking into the Metropolitan Police Building."

The police officers surrounded him aggressively.

"Huh? Sneaking in?" Hattori Heiji said very unjustly: "It's as if the security of your Metropolitan Police Department is not there. I walked in openly and openly!"

"." The expressions of the police officers became even more embarrassed:

"You can come if you are asked, why is there so much nonsense!"

They swarmed up in a chaotic manner and directly lifted Hattori Heiji up.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

Hattori Heiji struggled to say something, but he was kept further and further away by the police officers.

"Goodbye, Detective."

"I'm still in a hurry to go home, so you should find someone else to play games!"

Lin Xinyi waved to him, turned around and left.

Hattori Heiji quickly got rid of the police officers.

This is not because he used the wisdom of a famous detective, but because he showed off his awesome father——

His father, Hattori Heizo, is the chief of the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters and a police inspector.

With such a profound background, Hattori Heiji can walk sideways in the police system across the country. No matter where he goes, everyone has to give his father a little favor.

In addition, as a famous detective in Kansai, he is indeed quite a celebrity.

After Hattori Heiji registered his number, someone among the police officers recognized this untouchable official.

These young police officers did not dare to cause trouble for the young master, and they knew that he was not a bad guy, so they let him go.

As soon as Hattori Heiji escaped, he immediately turned back and continued to track Lin Xinyi.

"Damn it. Let him take the elevator and run away!"

"This guy didn't challenge me head-on and still let the police trouble me. Is he belittling my ability as a detective, so he doesn't bother to accept my challenge?"

Hattori Heiji hurried to the elevator, but found that he was already a few steps late. Lin Xinyi had already taken the elevator down.

He calmed down a little, and then carefully observed the elevator operating floor displayed on the elevator door:

"On the first floor, the elevator the guy took stopped on the first floor and started going up."

"And he just said casually that he was rushing home."

"In order to facilitate police dispatch, the limited surface parking lot of the Metropolitan Police Department is reserved for official vehicles, while private vehicles are generally parked in underground garages."

"But Lin Xinyi was going home from get off work, but instead of taking the elevator to the underground garage, he stopped on the first floor."

"this means"

Hattori Heiji gently rubbed his chin and analyzed the direction Lin Shinichi might go:

"Instead of driving to and from get off work, he uses public transportation or walks to commute."

"The Metropolitan Police Department building is located at Sakurada Gate. Nearby is the Imperial Palace where the emperor lives, as well as various government agencies such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the High Court, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism."

"This is where government agencies are concentrated, and it's quite far from the nearest residential area. It's not convenient to commute on foot."

"Then, he can only take bus, taxi, or subway."

Tokyo's rail transportation is extremely developed. Compared with the buses that move slowly on the busy roads in the city center, and the taxis whose billing prices are still in the bubble era, the subway is the most common way for citizens to travel.

Therefore, even though the information was not perfect, among the three commuting modes, Hattori Heiji boldly chose the subway.

"Sakuradamon Station has a lot of passenger traffic, and commuters often spend a lot of time buying tickets and entering the station."

"If I chase him now, I might be able to catch Lin Xinyi!"

"It's just right. I can also take this opportunity to show off my reasoning ability, so as not to be despised by that guy."

"As long as I let him know that my abilities are different from those mediocre people, he will definitely take me seriously."

With this thought in his mind, he hurriedly stepped forward and relied on his strong skills to run directly down the fire escape.

Not long after, Hattori Heiji ran out of the Metropolitan Police Department building and came to the nearby Sakurada Gate Station.

Although he never saw Lin Xinyi's back, he believed that his reasoning would not be wrong.

With this idea in mind, Hattori Heiji relied on his sharp eyes as a famous detective to carefully search among the crowded people at the subway station.

Sure enough, among the crowds of people, he discovered:

Lin Xinyi was standing in front of a ticket vending machine that said "Coin Only". He put his mobile phone to his ear and made a call while frowning and looking through his wallet, as if he was buying a ticket.

"Forest Manager."

A smile appeared on the corner of Hattori Heiji's mouth:

"We meet again!"

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