Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 218 Lin Xinyi’s wine name

The configuration of this wedding venue can be described as luxurious.

Although the wedding banquet was actually held in a cathedral, the groom, Mr. Takasugi, almost moved the buffet restaurant of a five-star hotel to the venue.

Next to this "restaurant", there is also a small bar with a full range of wine and considerate service.

Countless fine wines are displayed in the rows of wine cabinets against the wall. These fine wines are placed row after row behind transparent glass, and each bottle of wine is illuminated with soft and gorgeous lights.

Belmode took Lin Xinyi's arm and walked to the bar, looking thoughtfully at the dazzling array of drinks on the wall.

Behind the bar, a waiter in a formal dress came forward with a respectful expression: "Beautiful lady, what can I do for you?"

"Thank you." Belmod gently took off his top hat and showed a touching smile: "However, we need a little private space, is this okay?"

Although these words were actually meant to drive people away, her elegant and gentle tone did not sound offensive at all.

"As you wish." The waiter nodded slightly and left the bar, leaving Belmode and Lin Xinyi alone.

"sit down."

Belmod gently pressed Lin Xinyi's shoulders and asked him to sit down at the bar.

And she herself walked around behind the bar, stood in front of the wall of wine, and played the role of bartender.


Belmod leaned forward on the bar, supported her chin with one hand, and brought her beautiful face close to Lin Xin's eyes.

She looked at Lin Xinyi quietly for a while, then asked with a smile:

"My boy, what would you like to drink?"

Lin Xinyi: "."

Looking at the dazzling array of wines on the wall, he felt as if he was sitting in a final exam room after skipping classes all year and not reviewing yet, and couldn't answer a single word.

What to drink? how could I know

These are wine bottles that are all written in foreign languages, and I don’t recognize any of them!

Lin Xinyi had a headache.

He originally thought that something like a code name should be chosen by the organization or Belmod, who would pick one for him at will.

But I didn't expect that after Belmod came, he would still be chosen.

He couldn't even pronounce or recognize the names of those foreign wines. How should he choose?

Can’t we use domestic wine?

It doesn’t matter if it sounds foreign. Anyway, as long as foreigners see Chinese characters, no matter what is written on them, they will feel superior.

Moreover, the code names are all in English. After translating from Chinese to English and then from English to Chinese, he can sound very cool when he hears them:

For example, snowflakes can be called "snow"

Niulan Mountain can be called "boose mountain"

Sweet potato roasting can be called "sweet potato"

Lin Xinyi was sitting there in silence, thinking wildly.

But Belmode shook his head helplessly:

"You are still the same as before, you know nothing about wine."

"As a mature man, this is not acceptable."

"I really can't choose." Lin Xinyi relieved his burden: "Teacher, you should help me choose."

"Well" Belmode thought for a moment, but did not let Lin Xinyi go just like that.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand." She seemed to be having some fun, and gave a suggestion with a smile: "Just follow your intuition!"

"This seems interesting too——"

"Among so many bottles of wine, which one would you choose first based on your own instinct?"

"I" Lin Xinyi hesitated.

He looked at the dazzling array of wines on the wall and couldn't help but fall into deep thought:

Take your pick. What should you choose?

Lin Xinyi's eyes were wandering on the wine cabinet, and his eyes were almost dazzled by the bottles of foreign wine, and the English words written in artistic fonts with flying colors.

Anyway, I don’t know them all, so just pick one at random.

That's what he was thinking

Suddenly, among this series of confusing English words, Lin Xinyi found the only brand he could recognize.

Not only is it recognisable, but it's also very eye-catching.

The name was stamped heavily on the wine bottle, and the font was so clear that it was not artificial at all:


Lin Xinyi was a little stunned:

That comrade also makes wine?

Is this also a wine name? Can it be used as a code name?

Then this code name is too suitable for an undercover agent.

Lin Xinyi suddenly had a strange feeling:

If he can get the code name "Trump", then sooner or later this organization will be destroyed by him from within.


Belmod couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

She followed Lin Xinyi's gaze and saw the bottle of wine that was placed in the corner of the wine cabinet and seemed to be very unpopular:

"Is this what you're interested in?"

Belmode took out the bottle of "Trump" wine.

After looking at the label of the bottle of wine for a moment, she showed a look of disgust:

"It seems you really don't understand."

"To choose something so tasteless."

Belmode shook his head helplessly, then casually placed the wine bottle on the bar, seemingly not even interested in opening the bottle and trying it:

"This is just a third-rate wine brand created by a New York real estate developer across borders."

"The bottle of Meritage dry red you picked is just an ordinary Bordeaux blend from the American production area in terms of flavor and quality."

"This kind of wine is as unfounded as his flamboyant second-generation rich boss."

"Only red-necked upstarts from the South would drink this wine at banquets."

As she spoke, she slightly recalled:

"Speaking of which, I met that real estate developer man at a cocktail party before."

"This guy has mediocre abilities but is very good at bragging. He doesn't look like a guy who has the ability to cultivate good wine."

"Well" Lin Xinyi was a little shocked:

This teacher Belmode could still chat and laugh with that rich man?

It seems that her apparent identity is not simple. At least, she has already integrated into the circle of the upper class in the United States.

It's a pity that this teacher Bei doesn't know how to recognize people after all.

Now you laugh at people who are vulgar and mediocre, but they don’t know that many years later, even the director of the CIA will be just a dog who rose to power by flattering him.

"So." Lin Xinyi asked tentatively: "Can I use the code name 'Trump'?"

"You want to call Trump?"

Belmod was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud:

"Haha. It seems I should really teach you some basic wine knowledge, otherwise, you will make such a vulgar joke."

“The organization is code-named by the variety of wine, not the brand of wine.”

"Trump is just the brand name of this bottle of dry red wine. It cannot be used as a code name."

As she spoke, she pointed to the label on the wine bottle and gave Lin Xinyi a popular science guide with great interest:

"If you wanted to use this bottle as a code name, you should use 'meritage'."

“Meritage is a grape variety unique to California’s Napa Valley.”

“Unlike most wine terms from France, this is a word coined from American Heritage, which means ‘American heritage’.”

"What, do you want to use this name as a code name?"

"Uh, forget it." Lin Xinyi shook his head.

He is already the successor and does not want to be the inheritance of another family.

"Okay then." Belmode put the bottle of Trump wine aside casually.

Obviously, she has no interest at all in this bottle of third-rate wine produced by a rich second-generation real estate developer.

After Lin Xinyi failed to choose a random name by himself, Belmod finally gave up the idea of ​​letting him choose a code name:

"You know very little about wine, and you're very unlucky."

"Even the wine I picked randomly has such bad taste."

"In that case, let me give you a name, teacher!"

As Belmod said this, he turned around and looked at the wall of foreign wine.

She seemed to take the matter of naming Lin Xinyi very seriously.

Not only did the scene of selecting wines and naming them happen in a very ceremonial manner, but at this moment, they were also very serious and deep in thought over the bottles of wine.

In the end, while Lin Xinyi waited nonchalantly, Belmode's eyes brightened and he chose a bottle of wine.

She slowly walked forward and took out the bottle of wine.

Under the caress of the soft light, Lin Xinyi could see the clear and shiny green wine in the transparent bottle.

"This is."

Lin Xinyi tried hard to recognize the label on the wine bottle, but found that it was difficult to pronounce it correctly.


Belmode read out the name of the wine in French.

"Chartreuse?" Lin Xinyi mentally converted into the transliteration of his mother tongue.

"Yes." Belmode opened the wine bottle, took another cup, and poured some green transparent wine into it.

The aroma of wine slowly overflowed, followed by a strong herbal flavor.

Lin Xinyi picked it up with interest and took a sip gently.

"How is it?" Belmod asked expectantly.

"." Lin Xinyi was silent for a while and replied honestly: "It doesn't taste good."

Of course it doesn't taste good. The alcohol concentration marked on the bottle is 55%.

For someone like him who doesn't drink at all, this kind of strong drink will immediately make people feel spicy in the throat.

In addition, this Chartreuse contained a strong herbal flavor, which was a bit difficult for a first-timer like him to accept.

"I really don't know how to appreciate it."

Belmod took the cup from Lin Xinyi's hand and drank the rest of the wine in one gulp.

The wine, which was extremely spicy to Lin Xinyi, seemed sweet and exciting in her mouth. After finishing the drink, she slightly pursed her lips, as if she was quietly reminiscing:

"This is a liqueur invented by the monks of the Chartreuse Order in France. It is brewed using 130 kinds of herbs. It is very unique."

While explaining the origin of this wine, Belmode prepared another way for Lin Xinyi to taste Charlet wine:

I saw her take out a piece of sugar cube and put it in the empty cup.

Pour out a little more green Chartreuse and slowly wet the sugar cube.

"It is said that when a traveler was crossing the Alps, he collapsed beside a monastery on the mountain because of exhaustion."

"The monks in the monastery gave him a sugar cube moistened with green chartreuse, which gave him the courage and strength to continue."

"It's an interesting story, isn't it?"

As she spoke, Belmode stretched out her slender green-white fingers, gently pinched the sugar cube soaked in green Chartreuse, and brought it generously to Lin Xinyi's mouth.

It's like a big sister feeding her younger brother sweets.

But Lin Xinyi didn't appreciate it.

He moved his head away with some resistance, then stretched out his hand and took the sugar cube from Belmod's hand.

Put it in your mouth and taste it. The herbal flavored wine and sugar cubes blend together. The taste is indeed unusual.

"Doesn't it taste good?"

Belmod looked at Lin Xinyi who was eating a sugar cube with satisfaction.

Just like the monk who brought wine and sugar to the Tuoli travelers, her eyes were full of love.


As he watched, Belmode suddenly shouted Lin Xinyi's new name.

At this time, this elusive Witch with a Thousand Faces turned to speak slowly in a deep and complex tone:

"Your name also has an interesting allusion."

"In 1605, Franois Hannibal d'Estrées, the artillery marshal of King Henry IV of France, gave a mysterious alchemical formula to the Priory of Chalcedon outside Paris."

"The manuscript was eventually presented to the Abbey of Chartreuse near Grenoble, according to its religious hierarchy."

"Since then, monks have used this manuscript to brew botanical wine."

Belmod paused slightly and sighed in a low voice:

"And that alchemical formula is said to be a recipe for an elixir of life."

"The monks worked for generations to study and improve the alchemical manuscript of immortality."

“In the end, no elixir was developed, but Chartreuse was made.”

She raised the bottle of Chartreuse, also known as the "Wine of Immortality", and looked deeply at the clear green wine:


"Oh, that's really ridiculous."

Chapter 2 later.

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