Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 219 Scumbag Lin Xinyi

Outside the church as the wedding venue.

Mao Lilan arrived at the scene belatedly with Conan.

And her best friend Suzuki Sonoko, who had made an appointment with her to attend the wedding, had been waiting for her for a while.

"Really, you are late every time."

Suzuki Sonoko looked at her watch and complained helplessly.

"Sorry, have you been waiting for a long time?"

Mao Lilan smiled sheepishly.

Miss Suzuki wanted to complain about her best friend, but her attention was attracted by the Conan kid next to Mao Lilan.

Conan sticks to Xiaolan like a shadow every day, and there is nothing strange about seeing him.

What's really strange is his face

"Eh? Why is this kid's face swollen?"

Suzuki Sonoko looked curiously at Conan, whose head was even larger than usual.

She also curiously poked Conan's "fat face". Conan immediately felt like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, screaming in pain.

"Why is your face so swollen like this?"

Although she usually didn't deal well with this kid, Miss Suzuki still touched Conan's head distressedly:

"What kind of crazy guy is this? He beat a primary school student like this?"

"Uh" Mao Lilan's expression was a little embarrassed.

In fact, she hit this person.

After she went home with Conan yesterday, the atmosphere between the two had been very delicate.

Until that charming air gradually disappears in the trivial daily life.

She found that Conan was not obedient at all, did not do his assigned housework according to her instructions, and did not use the electric water heater to boil the bath water in advance.

There was not enough hot water at night, so all three of them had to take a shower. Kogoro Mouri rudely asked his daughter to take a bath with the little oil bottle as before.

At this moment, Mao Lilan finally got out of the sweet whirlpool caused by the confession.

Although Conan was really just lazy and did not do housework, Miss Maori always felt that this little pervert did this on purpose, trying to pretend to be young and slutty like before.

Thinking of such an embarrassing and outrageous thing, she couldn't hold it back, and Conan

"I dropped it, I dropped it."

Conan covered his pig-headed fat face that had not gone away overnight, and said with no tears:

"No one hit me, absolutely not."

"It's so pitiful that he fell so hard."

Suzuki Sonoko sighed with regret.

She cared about Conan for a moment, then raised her head again and tentatively asked her best friend Xiaolan:

"Why, isn't that Kudo guy coming with you?"

"Even if you are busy investigating the case, you should still come back to attend Mr. Matsumoto's wedding, right?"

Sayuri Matsumoto had a very good relationship with the three of them back then, like parents and friends.

So Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but wonder why Kudo Shinichi was absent from such an important wedding.

And what she didn't expect was...

As soon as he heard Kudo Shinichi's name, Mao Lilan stopped him in a panic as if he heard some terrifying monster:

"No, Sonoko. Don't ever mention that guy."

"Uh?" Suzuki Sonoko was slightly startled: "Why?"

"Well" Mao Lilan looked embarrassed, and after holding back for a while, he replied hesitantly: "Anyway, I don't want to mention him."

Of course she didn't want to mention Kudo Shinichi.

Because she knew that a big bad guy would be present at today's wedding.

This big bad guy probably didn't come here to investigate Kudo Shinichi. She might not care about this guy at all.

Therefore, according to the plan formulated by Mao Lilan, Conan, and Lin Xinyi yesterday, their best way to deal with it is to try not to let Belmode hear the name "Kudo Shinichi".

Otherwise, if you accidentally attract her attention, you will be in big trouble.

After all, the organization may not know that Kudo Shinichi is not dead, but it is already known to everyone in Teidan High School.

Because this guy always used his voice changer to call Mao Lilan to ask questions, and Mao Lilan unsuspectingly revealed this matter in school.

It's impossible to shut up so many mouths.

So, it’s a good thing no one is investigating.

As long as Belmode notices Kudo Shinichi and investigates, he will find that the rat that should have been drugged to death is still alive and well.

For the safety of Shinichi and everyone, Mao Lilan could only try his best to avoid mentioning Kudo Shinichi when Belmode appeared.

"Yuanzi, let's just talk about our affairs."

"That guy has disappeared for so long, why mention him?"

Mao Lilan said vaguely.

When Miss Suzuki heard such unclear words, her expression suddenly became a little complicated:

"Really? I don't even want to hear the name."

"Xiaolan, you and him have finally come to this point."

"It seems that my reasoning is correct. That guy Kudo has lost everything!"

Mao Lilan tilted his head and slowly typed a question mark: "Huh?"

The Conan kid on the side curled up helplessly when he heard this:

He had almost forgotten that the famous detective Sonoko was still thinking about the fact that he was cheated on by Lin Xinyi!

Idiot Sonoko, you didn’t expect that.

I have secretly become a regular employee! !

Conan wanted to show off his major achievements.

But at this time, Suzuki Sonoko was already looking back on the past with great emotion:

"That guy Kudo is a good guy."

"But he is just too stupid. He thinks about solving the case every day. Even Xiaolan, you can just throw it aside at will."

"Even if I create opportunities for you again and again, that fool never knows how to seize them."

"Alas" Miss Suzuki sighed deeply:

Over the years, as a best friend and best friend, she has done enough for Kudo and Xiaolan.

If the New Zealand Party is a party, she, Suzuki Sonoko, must be the party leader.

She helps bring these two friends together almost every day, and she doesn't shy away from calling Kudo Xiaolan's "future husband" in front of others——

This is to subtly create an atmosphere where the two of them are already a couple, so that the two of them can come together unconsciously.

As a free wingman, Miss Suzuki really tried her best.

But Kudo Shinichi, this idiot, hasn’t confessed his love for so many years, and won’t even eat the food that’s brought to his lips!

"I think about reasoning every day."

"It's fine now. I lost both reasoning and love."

While denouncing this low-EQ reasoning maniac, Suzuki Sonoko's voice was full of sympathy:

"This guy Kudo Shinichi is too miserable."

Conan: "."

Mao Lilan: "???"

She was confused, but Conan quietly tugged at the corner of her clothes, holding back his red and swollen cheeks, and said a few words softly.


"Yuanzi. Do you think I and Mr. Lin?"

Mao Lilan's face turned red and her eyes were a little panicked.

At this time, she finally understood the resentful glances her best friend was sending her from time to time these days.

"No, Yuanzi, you are mistaken." Mao Lilan explained hurriedly: "Mr. Lin and I are just friends."

"You don't have to be so panicked, Xiaolan."

Suzuki Sonoko didn't listen much to Mao Lilan's explanation, but waved her hand generously:

"I know you are thin-skinned and have always been embarrassed to tell me."

"But don't you think about the relationship between the two of us? We have known each other for so many years, and nothing can hinder our friendship."

"Even if you get together with the man I'm chasing before you do it, I won't have any problem with it."

Mao Lilan: "."

If it weren't for the sincerity of Ms. Suzuki's tone and eyes when she spoke, just that sentence would have felt a bit like a curse.

But Miss Suzuki was really relieved:

"After all, whenever we appear together in these years, those handsome guys will take their first look at you, not me."

"I've long been used to this."

It's strange to say. Although Suzuki Sonoko is not bad in appearance, as long as she goes out with Mao Lilan, she will be faded into the background without realizing it.

Men will always only talk to Mao Lilan, but treat Miss Yuanzi as nothing.

Therefore, Suzuki Sonoko has really adapted to the fact that the handsome guy she likes is attracted by her best friend.

"So, Xiaolan, you can actually tell me openly."

Suzuki Sonoko solemnly held Mao Lilan's hand:

"No matter what happens, we will always be friends."

"Yuanzi." Mao Lilan was very moved, but still refused to take the blame for cheating: "I really didn't."

"Then why don't you want to hear Kudo's name?"

"Then who is that girlfriend that Mr. Lin just made recently?"

Suzuki Sonoko issued a soul question.

As for these questions, Mao Lilan really has no way to answer them.

It would be too dangerous if the careless Yuanzi knew the truth.

"Anyway, I have my reasons."

Mao Lilan simply expressed her feelings with sincere eyes:

"But the truth is really different from what you think."

"Do you believe me? Sonoko."

"I" looked at my best friend's extremely sincere eyes, and Miss Suzuki was a little moved.

"I want to believe it."

She sighed lightly and didn't ask any more questions.

In this way, Miss Suzuki ignored the topic and took Mao Lilan and Conan into the wedding venue.

And just when a group of people entered the venue, Mao Lilan thought they had finally been fooled.

Her best friend suddenly whispered in her ear:

"Xiaolan, how is Mr. Lin's figure?"

"Perfect." Mao Lilan replied subconsciously.

Then Xiaolan's face turned red, and Conan's face turned green.

However, Suzuki Sonoko patted Mao Lilan on the shoulder carelessly, laughed and said:

"Haha. I knew you two were having an affair!"

"After you came back from the hot spring trip last time, you blushed every time I mentioned Mr. Lin."

"Tell me honestly, how far have you developed?"

Conan and Mao Lilan suppressed their expressions.

They really couldn't figure out how to explain it to this emotional expert without revealing the truth.

And just when they were confused and helpless.

Lin Xinyi appeared.

Moreover, he appeared on the arm of a beautiful silver-haired beauty, or rather, he appeared on the arm of the silver-haired beauty.

"Miss Mori, Miss Suzuki, hello!"

Lin Xinyi tried his best to appear normal and took the initiative to say hello.

But Miss Suzuki, who was still laughing just now, suddenly changed her expression:

"Who is this lady?"

"I am Lin Xinyi's girlfriend, you can call me Chris."

Belmode smiled and took the initiative to introduce himself.

Her eyes first quickly glanced at Suzuki Sonoko, and then paused on Conan's face.

I saw that face with glasses and a swollen face like a pig's head.

Belmode moved his eyes away with almost no hesitation, and quietly looked deeply at the Maori lady.

Her eyes were extremely soft.

It's like touching a flawless jade with your hands, carefully, for fear of tarnishing the purity of this treasure.

The observant Conan, the intuitive Mao Lilan, and the cautious Lin Xinyi all unconsciously noticed her slightly complicated gaze.

Only Miss Suzuki shouted out in surprise:

"Miss Chris, you, you are Mr. Lin's girlfriend?!"


Belmod quickly looked back at Mao Lilan and played the role of the perfect girlfriend:

"I am Shinichi's senior, and we have been together since we were in college."

"We have been maintaining a difficult foreign relationship for the past two years. It was only recently that I made up my mind to come to Japan to meet him!"

She used her flawless and emotional tone to talk about her carefully crafted character.

But the famous detective Sonoko keenly discovered something was wrong:

It was just fine in college, and I have been maintaining a long-distance relationship.

Then doesn’t Lin Xinyi always have a girlfriend?

Then why did he say that he didn't have a girlfriend when he was at the tram stop at the beginning?

"This this."

Lin Xinyi's perfect idol image in Suzuki Sonoko's heart collapsed instantly.

Almost out of habit, she guessed the answer that was no surprise to her:


Miss Suzuki met again, the kind of scumbag who wanted to be in two different places.

What's even more annoying is that this scumbag is still the same as those bastards before. He ignored Miss Yuanzi who came to his door and focused on her best friend instead.

Thinking of this, Suzuki Sonoko couldn't help but said angrily:

"Mr. Lin, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

"Didn't you say before that you didn't have a girlfriend?!"

She pointed at Belmod and defended her best friend’s hug:

"If this woman is your girlfriend, what about Xiaolan?!"

"Are you deceiving Xiaolan's feelings?"

"Ah?!" Lin Xinyi looked confused.

But Belmod's eyes suddenly became extremely complicated, like a farmer who saw his cabbage being eaten by his own pigs.

She came back to care about the psychological condition of the lovelorn child. Now it seems that the speed at which this child has come out of his psychological shadow seems to be a little too fast.

"Shinichi, can you tell me something?"

"What's happening here?"

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