Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 220 The Tangled Belmode

Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan were both stunned, their faces dull and stiff.

Although they had rehearsed how to get through in front of Belmod, but now that this scumbag cheated on him, they really hadn't thought about it in advance.

"S-It's a mistake."

Lin Xinyi held it in for a long time before he bit the bullet and explained:

"Miss Maori and I are just ordinary friends."

"Right. Miss Mori?"

He said this, and also used his eyes to signal Mao Lilan to quickly enter the role and take over the lines, helping to get the play back on track.

"Well" Mao Lilan, who had poor acting skills, woke up belatedly.

But at this time, Belmode was still looking at her quietly with a meaningful look.

In Mao Lilan's view, it is undoubtedly dangerous and terrifying to be observed like this by an evil female agent from the organization.

So, she moved away her eyes in a panic, and finally said hesitantly:

"Yes, Sonoko, you made a mistake."

"Mr. Lin and I don't have that kind of relationship."

Mao Lilan gradually regained her role as an "ordinary high school girl who has no knowledge of the organization." As the heroine of the scandal, she said softly to Belmode, who is currently considered the "real girlfriend":

"Miss Chris, please don't misunderstand me."

"I, I'm just Mr. Lin's student and assistant."

There was nothing wrong with her explanation, and her tone was consistent with Lin Xinyi.

But in the eyes of Miss Suzuki, who had already preconceived the idea that her best friend was having an affair with Lin Xinyi, Xiaolan's reaction was a bit heartbreaking.

Especially, seeing the evasive look in Mao Lilan's eyes when she and "Miss Chrissy" looked at each other.

The famous detective Sonoko immediately realized that Xiaolan was too gentle and kind-hearted, thin-skinned, and extremely emotional, so she fell into too deep a trap.

That's why after suddenly discovering Lin Xinyi's true identity, she didn't dare to speak out in front of her "real girlfriend" or cry in public.

He was even manipulated by the scumbag to use verbal hints to help him lie, hoping to deal with it on the surface first.

This kind of humiliation and compromise made the straightforward Miss Suzuki lament her misfortune and anger her.

So, just like Lu Tisha who caused a scene in the wild boar forest, Suzuki Sonoko angrily stepped forward to help her good sister who was being bullied but still swallowed her anger:

"Xiaolan, why are you helping count the money after being sold?"

"This bastard told us he was single even though he clearly had a girlfriend, and he did it while working."

Suzuki Sonoko was about to solemnly accuse Lin Xinyi of Ximen's behavior of taking advantage of someone's absence to steal love.

But Mao Lilan suddenly interrupted Yuanzi's words as if she had been electrocuted:

"Don't mention him!!"

Sonoko almost said the name "Kudo Shinichi" in front of Belmode.

Mao Lilan was so frightened that she almost blocked her best friend's mouth.

But when she shouted this with an ugly face, it made Belmod's eyes become more subtle:

"Who is this 'him'?"

Belmode asked a question in a calm tone, and she actually already guessed the answer.

"." Mao Lilan's face was stiff and she didn't know how to answer.

The eldest lady Yuanzi on the side seemed to want to mention her childhood sweetheart again to prove Lin Xinyi's scumbag.

In desperation, Mao Lilan just put on a firm and decisive look, and said bitterly under the depressed and helpless eyes of the Conan child:

"Just a guy worth noting."

"He has nothing to do with me a long time ago, so Yuanzi, please stop talking!"

She tried hard to divert the topic away from Kudo Shinichi.

Therefore, when there was no way to explain the reason, Mao Lilan simply followed the famous detective Sonoko's imagination, saying that he had completely broken with that reasoning maniac with low emotional intelligence.

As soon as these words came out, Suzuki Sonoko was really speechless.

She suddenly became angry at that stupid Detective Kudo.

If that bastard hadn't always left Xiaolan behind for the sake of cases, Xiaolan wouldn't have been taken advantage of by the scumbag. Not only was she deceived emotionally, but she also inexplicably became a mistress who had to swallow her humiliation in front of the real owner.

Just like that, she was sulking in her heart, and she didn't want to fight for Kudo, whose girlfriend was abducted by a scumbag.

And Mao Lilan also tried hard to bring this topic to light, lest Belmod pay attention to the name Kudo Shinichi.

But this time.

Belmode suddenly asked:

"That him refers to Kudo Shinichi, right?"

"I heard Shinichi tell me that Miss Mori seems to have a childhood sweetheart with whom we have a good relationship."

"The great detective seemed to be quite active in the past, but he has disappeared recently."

"Can I ask where he is now?"

"This" everyone tightened their heartstrings, including Suzuki Sonoko.

However, to Suzuki Sonoko's ears, the words "Miss Chrissy" were completely sarcastic, scolding her best friend for hanging out with Lin Xinyi even though she had a boyfriend.

But the reality is more thrilling than the drama between the first wife and the mistress that Yuanzi imagined.

Conan, Mao Lilan, and Lin Xinyi can all hear the dangerous message contained in these sentences:

Kudo Shinichi

Of course Lin Xinyi never mentioned Kudo Shinichi to Belmode.

And just now Mao Lilan also tried hard to stop Sonoko without saying Kudo Shinichi's name.

But Belmod still took the initiative to ask about Kudo Shinichi's current situation.

What does this mean?

It means that she was originally investigating Kudo Shinichi.

The ant that Gin didn't even notice, that he casually crushed to death, was noticed by Belmode from the very beginning.

"Oops." Conan lowered his head nervously.

Even if his face is safe enough now, even if he takes off his glasses, he will still be unrecognizable to his own mother.

"Xinyi." Mao Lilan suppressed her nervousness and asked with an ugly face: "Miss Chris, what are you asking him for?"

"Just asking." Belmode narrowed his eyes quietly: "Why, isn't it convenient for me to tell you?"

"It's not just that there's nothing to say."

Mao Lilan knew that she had no way to avoid the issue of Kudo Shinichi.

She had no other choice but to follow the pre-rehearsed plan and answer honestly:

"That guy hasn't come to class recently, and he only called me occasionally."

"He said he was investigating some case out of town, so he didn't have time to go home."

Mao Lilan did not hide the fact that Kudo Shinichi was not dead.

Because everyone in Didan High School knew about this, if she pretended to hide it, it would lead to greater suspicion.

Therefore, according to the countermeasures discussed in advance by Lin Xinyi and Mao Lilan:

Once Belmod really asked about Kudo Shinichi, they honestly answered "Kudo went missing for fun."

But they have no idea what happened to Kudo recently.

In this way, if everything goes well, Belmode will no longer pay attention to Mao Lilan and others who are "unaware" of the truth, but will focus the investigation on Kudo Shinichi, who "has fled to other places".

And this trick seems to be working.

Belmode did not pursue the question any further, but murmured to himself thoughtfully:

"Oh, it turns out he is handling a case out of town."

As she spoke, her eyes flickered and she looked up and down at Mao Lilan.

Mao Lilan's eyes were a little dodgey.

She tried hard to look calm, but under the tension, she still looked a little pale.

"It's troublesome." Lin Xinyi's heart sank:

Mao Lilan's acting skills are limited, and he can't play facial paralysis as easily as he does.

Now, first being disrupted by the "scumbag scandal", and then being scrutinized so directly by Bellmode, she felt nervous and uneasy, and her performance was full of flaws.

Just looking at this panicked look, wouldn't it be obvious at a glance that there's a problem?

"Miss Maori, you have to stand up!"

Lin Xinyi secretly sweated for Mao Lilan.

The atmosphere became more and more solemn in silence, and Mao Lilan became more and more guilty and uneasy.

Belmod's eyes became more and more subtle and unspeakable - as if she had vaguely realized that Mao Lilan had not told the truth just now.

But at this moment.

But Miss Suzuki stepped forward and hugged her best friend who was "too scared to speak by her original wife" in distress:

"Why are you looking at Xiaolan like that?!"

"You asked about Kudo in a weird way. What do you mean? Do you think Xiaolan abandoned her childhood sweetheart and was seducing your boyfriend?"

"Miss Chris, you have to figure it out - Xiaolan is the victim of being deceived!"

"Don't think that because she has a soft temper, you can bully her so unreasonably!"

"Well" Belmod was slightly startled:

She suddenly realized that she might have been overthinking it.

After all, according to Mao Lilan's current character of a weak girl who "suddenly found herself as a mistress"

The nervousness, uneasiness and restraint she showed in front of her "first wife" were all reasonable and deserved.

Mao Lilan was not nervous about lying.

She was just overwhelmed by Lin Xinyi's sudden appearance of a real girlfriend.


"Did my appearance hurt you?"

Belmod's eyes suddenly became much softer, so soft that he even felt a little guilty.

It was as if it was a huge sin to make this angelic girl feel sad.

She actually didn't feel that Lin Xinyi had officially established a relationship with Mao Lilan.

After all, if this were the case, when Lin Xinyi knew that she was coming back yesterday, he would have thought of ways to avoid such a tragic car accident in which two girlfriends collided head-on.

But at the same time, Belmode can also confirm:

Her Angel and Boy should already have a close friendship, and have even entered a vague stage of ambiguity.

Because there is no smoke without fire.

If Mao Lilan really had no feelings for Lin Xinyi, how could Miss Suzuki be so firm in believing that Lin Xinyi had deceived Xiaolan's feelings, and come out so angrily to defend her best friend.

In addition, Mao Lilan himself had just made a decisive statement, saying that he and Kudo Shinichi had completely broken up.

Then the plot will be more complete and rigorous:

It was Kudo Shinichi's long-term disappearance that broke the relationship between Mao Lilan and him.

At the same time, after getting along day and night, Mao Lilan and Lin Xin fell in love for a long time.

She may have secretly made love, or even shown her love, so much so that even her best friend felt that she had been "cheated out of her feelings" by Lin Xinyi.

But at this moment, "Miss Chrissy" suddenly appeared as her real girlfriend, catching Miss Maori off guard as she was about to embrace a new relationship.

"Alas" Belmode sighed helplessly:

She never expected that her Angel would accidentally break up with Cool Guy and get together with her Boy.

Of course, Belmode supports Lin Xinyi in forgetting that damn Shirley and embracing a new relationship.

But Mao Lilan can't

She is an angel and should not be exposed to the slightest bit of darkness.

But if they really fall in love with each other.

If she tried to stop him like this, wouldn't it hurt Angel's heart again?

And she has indirectly forced Lin Xinyi's old love to death. If she drives away Lin Xinyi's new love, what will her Boy think of her in the future?

And what kind of mood will he feel now about Cool Guy, whose whereabouts are still unknown?

"what can we do about it"

Thinking of the complicated relationship between his adopted son, his "godson" and his "goddaughter", Belmod's heart was extremely tangled.

She couldn't even do this question.

The second update will be later

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